Modern AU |high school| Poe x Finn

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My team won, but I wasn't feeling it. I froze up on the last play, but Caitlyn Phasma saved the play.

Everyone celebrated around me. Patting my helmet and jumping all around me in our grass stained white and black uniforms. I faked a smile and patted Phasma on the back. She looked at me angrily through the bars of her helmet.

"You almost lost us the game." She growled. My smile dropped.

"I know, I-I'm sorry." I said over my teammates celebration.

"Stay after training tomorrow." She said. I nodded obediently. I pushed my way out of the group, ripping my helmet off. I threw it into my locker. I walked out of the locker room, wiping the sweat off of my brow and picking up my backpack as I went.

I walked down the empty halls of the high school. I know this school well. I go here, I'm a freshman. I'm an A student and rising star on the football team, if I can get my nerves in check.

I turned into an empty bathroom and changed into my clothes, a pair of black jeans and a short sleeved black T-shirt. I shoved my stuff into a bag and walked out of the bathroom

Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulders and put their weight on them. I turned. It was Slip. His long blonde hair fell at his shoulders and his blue eyes twinkled with excitement.

"Hey Finn, we caught the Resistance's best quarter back trying to steal our mascot!" Slip yelled excitedly. I faked a huge smile and followed Slip as he started running down the hall, shoving my bag into my locker as he dragged me down the hall.

We ran to the gym. The gym was empty, but I just followed Slip. He lead me to the ball closet.

A boy was tied to the basketball rack with a jump rope. I didn't even know this school had jump ropes.

He had wavy black hair and deep brown eyes. He was beaten up, blood was dripping down the side of his face. He was wearing a thin tan shirt with a worn tan and orange leather jacket over it and green cargo pants. What a look.

He looked up at me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Poe, Poe Dameron." He said flashing a quick grin at me. I suppressed a smile. He was the quarter back of the Resistance and.... Kinda cute actually.

"Guys you might want to get out of here, Kylo Ren's coming." Our teammate said poking his head into the room.

"You mean Ben." I said unamused.

"Yes, whatever, come on." He said rolling his eyes. I followed him out.

There he was, the quarterback of our team, Ben Solo, or as he wanted us to call him since he transferred from Resistance High, Kylo Ren. He's kind of an idiot. He was wearing his all black uniform, he for some reason kept his helmet on.

He walked past me, I watched him nervously, hoping he wouldn't mention my choke. He looked at me for a quick second then kept walking.

"Come on." Slip said patting my shoulder. I didn't move with him. Instead I walked over to the bleachers and sat down. Slip rolled his eyes and groaned sitting down next to me.

I listened as Ben spoke to Poe, I couldn't hear what they were saying but I defiantly could hear him beating up Poe.

I hated it, it felt wrong. Poe didn't seem like that bad of a guy he seemed... Nice.

Ben walked out angrily.

"It's in his locker, number BB-8." Ben said to his right hand man Hux.

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