Chapter Thirteen: Will and Emma

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Kidnap My Heart

Chapter 13: Will and Emma 


It hadn’t taken me very long to forget the noise I’d heard in the bathroom the day after Emma escaped. I wasn’t sure how, because I was pretty sure I’d heard the Grudge singing me the song of her people. Well, that was only if the song of her people happened to consist of creepy croaking.

I’d been freaked out, obviously, but with so much going through my head at the time, it hadn’t seemed as important in the long run. My focus was on Emma, not on ghosts and shit.

My focus quickly shifted from Emma to ghosts and shit when strange things began to happen. First, I noticed a few things in my room had been rearranged. Nothing huge, I guess, but I had taken notice, after all.

When I casually mentioned this to Eric to gauge his reaction, he said, “If you tell me the house is haunted one more time, I’m going to punch you in the sack.”

I knew I shouldn’t have mentioned it so many times. If I’d just kept my mouth shut until I had solid proof, Eric would have believed me. But no.

With no one to believe or support me, I decided to ignore the facts and wait for Emma to leave more signs of her presence. I knew she was here, or at least close. I just wasn’t sure where, or how, exactly, she’d managed to evade us for three days now. But she was here. That was the one thing I was sure of. I occasionally addressed her out loud while walking around the house, hoping to catch her off guard, but she never responded.

I narrowed my eyes at the ceiling as I walked in the living room. Maybe she was on the roof. “I know you’re here, Emma!”

“Dude.” I snapped my head over when I heard my brother’s voice and realized Eric and Taylor were sitting there watching TV. “Have you lost your mind?”

I huffed quietly. “No. She’s here, Eric. I’m telling you she’s here.”

He rolled his eyes. “Right.”

I was just about to reply when I noticed something sitting on the piano. The piano belonged to our mom, but it hadn’t been used in ages, not since she died nine years ago. Neither Eric nor I was musically talented in any way, but sometimes, we would catch each other sitting on the wooden bench, remembering the days when music used to fill the room. With her gone, silence tended to fill the room. Well, that and our TV, but the bill didn’t always get paid, so that was never a certainty. Anyway, it may not have been used anymore, but that didn’t mean we weren’t aware of it. And I was sure that empty vase hadn’t been sitting there before.

"Did you move that there?"

Eric looked up from the TV. I couldn’t tell what he was watching at first, but when I saw Kim Kardashian’s huge ass, I knew exactly what it was. “Move what?”

Momentarily forgetting my fear, I asked, “Are you watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians?”  

“Don’t even say anything. She wanted to watch it.” He nodded his head towards Sniffles.

My mouth nearly fell open. “Are you forgetting who’s in charge here?”

“It’s not a big deal. She got to handle the TV remote. That’s all.”

I narrowed my eyes. “What’s next? Is she going to sleep in your bed now, too, while you sleep on the floor?”

My brother didn’t say anything, and Taylor averted my gaze, focusing her bright blue eyes on the TV.

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