Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Jezebel's POV

As soon as my hand touched Excalibur I felt a rush of power and confidence in what I knew had to be done. All around me I could see golden light, glowing ever brighter and I embraced it, letting it flow through me. I knew this was gearing up to be a battle of magic and I could feel the weight of it on my shoulders. Everything ridded upon me winning. The prophecy foretold I would choose a side which I had and now I was going to fight for it. If it came down to it I'd fight to the death.

Breathing deeply I gripped the sword tightly and stood with all the confidence I possessed. Standing with my feet slightly apart I let the magic take over. Unlike the times when I woke up with the magic in control I was controlling it. This time I was fully aware of what was happening and of my actions. I had a feeling that the sword and the stone were increasing my power or magnifying because I had never felt so powerful. Not like this.

I felt like the embodiment of magic. My whole body was glowing golden, from head to toe as well as the full sword Excalibur. I stood facing the two people who I knew stood in my way of my destiny, my fate. Neither looked as confident as they had when they first showed up. Charlie who so often looked cocky now looked pale in the moonlight and fear played across his face. Kyle's expression was just as calm as ever but his eyes told a different story. One that replicated Charlie's face.

Before I started to speak the words I knew would change everything, the entire world I felt a pang of regret. I didn't want it to be this way; I didn't want to be the person who did this to Josh and to everyone else. But it had to be done if I intended to save what was on the verge of destruction. The words that flowed out of my mouth I understood but had no idea how I knew what they meant. My ears were hearing Latin but my brain was processing it in English.

"Those with darkness in their heart

Will for now and forever depart

Only one side can win

And it is not the side of sin

Death is the consequence

At once it will be dispensed
With the magic vested in me

I mote it be!"

And with the last line in my sort of incantation type speech thing I held up the sword, strode straight forward and lined up the point with Kyle's heart. I had never in my wildest dreams thought about stabbing someone. I would have thought that for someone with no training or experience in sword skills would have found it hard to hit their intended mark. But it seemed as though Excalibur guided my hands to the point where the blade slid through Kyle's ribs and pierced his heart.

It happened almost immediately, Kyle dropped to the floor dead and bleeding. But the moment the sword met with his heart golden light exploded around us and it seemed to stretch out and continue forever. Once Kyle was free of the sword I started to feel and see the spell I made take effect. I began to see visions of every dark witch; evil vampire and werewolf die the same death I had just dealt to Kyle. I endured every single death and with each one I could feel my power and energy becoming less and less.

I could no longer see anything but the deaths of those still happening. Hundreds and hundreds of dead people were lying on the floor in different countries all over the world. The very first death I saw after Kyle's was Charlie's. It seemed as that he was being stabbed in the chest just how Kyle had been. He clutched his the place just above the heart, doubled over in pain and then fell to the ground dead. Then the vision changed and I was seeing Jay and it happened the exact same way again. Each death following was a repeat of Kyle's.

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