Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Jezebel's POV

I awoke to the sound of hushed voices and semi-darkness. My whole body felt stiff and sore, but relatively fine otherwise. I still had my eyes closed and rolled slightly to the left hoping to find Josh lying next to me. I reached out with my hands and hit a wall. My eyes flew open and I froze. I was not in the bed I had been sleeping in with Josh for almost a week. This was a completely foreign bed. Panicked I looked around and started to frantically kick off the sheets trying to get up.

The voices got closer and I half jumped half fell out of the single bed I was in. I almost ended up going head first into Josh. He caught a hold of me carefully holding me steady. I smiled up at him in thanks. I blinked and rubbed my eyes briefly and looked back to say something to him but the smile was instantly wiped of my face. That wasn't Josh, he looked like Josh but it wasn't the guy I loved. It was Kyle.

Immediately memories started flooding back into my mind from the previous day. The hike to the waterfall. Being ambushed by Kyle. Getting away. Being invaded in a way by Charlie. A burst tyre. Wandering off into the woods. Josh finding me. Being bitten and then waking up here. Eyes wide I looked back up at Kyle who was smiling smugly down at me and then looked over his shoulder to see Charlie, Jay and two more werewolves in human form. But no Josh.

I tried to step away from him but his grip on my arms tightened. I was breathing in short sharp breaths and I was starting to feel a little dizzy. I tried to push him away but he only held me closer and tighter. I was growing increasingly frantic and I just wanted him to let go of me, so panicked I used magic to forcefully push him backwards. He stumbled over his own feet and almost fell over. The look on his face changed so quickly from amused to murderous.

Kyle recovered from his near fall and I could tell he was about to come after me. But Charlie stepped forward and laid a hand on Kyle's shoulder. He said something quietly to Kyle that I couldn't hear, but it made Kyle back off. Charlie walked closer to me so we were almost touching. I could help but look at his eyes afraid of what might happen if they started to turn black again.

He circled around me, "So the scared little girl finally grew up and learned to use her magic? You know that's how we managed to find you right? From you using your magic."

I was turning in circles so my eyes were constantly on him. When I didn't answer he laughed.

"So naïve. How did you think we found you?" he paused before going on, "You're magic is powerful. Once a witch has been close enough to another's power, or they've experienced some sort of effect from their power it makes it easier for them to track that witch. Having such powerful magic has drawbacks. One day this week you used magic almost nonstop the whole day."

I felt sick. It was my fault they caught us. I led them right to us. To Josh. To Chris and Daniel. To me.

I froze and felt like I had been punched in the stomach. Chris and Daniel! Where were they? And Josh, where was he?

I gasped, "Where are Chris and Daniel?"

I heard laughter from the front of..........of the.....from where I was standing it looked like a RV. Whatever we were in was moving because I could see the road out the front windshield. I looked past Charlie to see Jay and two of his companions laughing.

"Where are they?" I asked with a sinking feeling in my stomach.

Charlie turned back to me and smiled, "Dead."

Tears flooded my eyes and I shook my head not accepting what they said.

"Josh is down the back though still asleep," I heard Kyle call to me.

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