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Jordan's POV
"Mom? How do I look?" I ask my mom. I had just finished getting ready for the night. The supposed 'best night of my life'. I was dressed in a traditional tuxedo with a black tie and a rose in the inside pocket of my jacket that I planned on giving to Demi. "I never thought I'd see you in a tuxedo but I must say it suits you" she says winking at me cueing me to laugh at her lame mom joke. "Hahahaha Mom you're so funny! You should've been a comedian!" I say wiping away my fake tears. "And this is why you're my favorite daughter." She says kissing my cheek. The doorbell rings and I smile. "Well gotta run! That's my date!" I say opening the door to see Demi in a black mesh dress with dangling earrings and a silver bracelet. She was wearing  black heels and carrying a black hand clutch. "Jordan you're drooling." She says chuckling "huh?" I say shaking my head as she laughs again. "You clean up nice Jones although you're ties loose." She says "Seriously! I spent hours on YouTube trying to figure out how to tie this damn thing!" I say untying it. "Here let me help." She says chuckling. She helps tie it and practically chokes me in the process. "There we go! Much better!" Demi says as I chuckle. "Thanks! Well bye mom we've got a boat to catch." I say "Not so fast! The boat can wait! I've got to take pictures." Mom says stopping us. "So close!" I mutter under my breath as Demi chuckles. We posed for the awkward prom pictures that my kids are gonna dig up one day and make fun of me for. "Alright we really gotta go mom." I say as she takes one more picture. "Alright bye! Have fun! Be safe! Love you!" She says "Love you too!" I call back as I climb into the limousine that Demi had rented. "Dude I seriously can't believe you pulled this off!" I say "Only the best for you kid! This is your night! And I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure it's the best!" Demi says I smile. "Oh I almost forgot!" I say reaching into my suit to retrieve the rose. "Here you go!" I say handing it to her. "A rose for me?" She says smelling it. "No for the driver! Of course for you!" I say as she chuckles. The limo stops and I smile "Looks like we're here." Demi says as the driver opens the door. We thank him as we get out of the limo everyone stares at us. Well probably only at Demi. "Damn girl you single?" I hear a fuckboy say. "Not tonight!" Demi says winking at me as I roll my eyes chuckling as she grabs my hand. We step inside the gym waiting for someone to tell us that the bus is here to take us to San Francisco. There we will be on a boat in the bay. Finally the buses arrived and we got on them and a couple hour of a dreamless sleep later we had arrived. "Shit what if the boat sinks!" I say "Like the Titanic?" Demi asks "Yeah I can't swim!" I say "Shit! Well you're screwed!" She says I playfully punch her. "So what you wouldn't be my Jack?" I ask "Well you already have your Rose." She says "Well True but she's not here tonight and she did say that if I got another chance to kiss you and didn't she'd kill me" I say "So your girlfriend basically gave you permission to date me for one night?" She asks as we board the boat. "Hey I mean is she not the best girlfriend ever?" I say as we both laugh. We boarded the boat and I looked around in awe. "Wow!" I say there were lights everywhere and decorations of all sorts. The theme was oddly enough Titanic. So everyone was dressed in elegant gowns or even some people just to be funny came prepared with life vests. I could already see the entire class saying "Look out for the Iceberg!" To the captain. Cause that's the kinda kids we were. Always joking not caring that in just a few short weeks we'd be thrown into the real world. "Well I don't know about you but I feel like getting some food. You coming?" Demi asks "Yea I could eat." I say we head over to the buffet table where I caught up with some people who I had classes with my freshman year. God I hate small talk. We sat down at an empty table to eat and I pulled out my phone to write a few lines for my speech that I'm doing at graduation. As the Valedictorian of my class I had to prepare a speech and it could be about anything of my choice. Of course it had to fit in with Graduating. So I picked a few defining moments in my life that helped shaped me into the person I am. "Demi would you read my speech and tell me if it's good or not?" I ask "Sure kid." She says she takes my phone from me and locks and puts it in her clutch. "Demi! Give it back!" I say almost like a child asking their mother for ice cream. "You can have this back at the end of the night. We came here to have fun did we not?" She asks "Yes but-" I say but she cuts me off "But nothing. Come on let's go dance." She drags me with her to the dance floor. "You know I hate dancing." I say "Babe look around it's a room filled with people who you won't see in maybe 10 years. They won't remember your bad dancing at Prom and bring it up in your reunion and if they do give me a list of names and I'll take care of them for you." She says making me laugh "Now come on kid dance!" I rolled my eyes at her but did as she said and danced. We acted like total goofballs and didn't care if people were staring at us we just continued to dance. "Hey I'm gonna go get some air." I say she nods as I head onto the deck. I sigh and look up at the stars. I spot the Little Dipper and the Big Dipper and then I found the North Star. I think back to the night when Demi and I laid in the park side by side and looked at these same constellations and said "I love you" for the first time. "Hey kid you've been out here a while." Demi says pulling me back into reality. "Yeah I'm just thinking." I say staring at the night sky "What's on your mind Little Dipper?" She asks "Do you remember how before you said 'I love you' to me at the park for the first time how you said I was the first person that you let your walls down around since you got put in jail?" I ask she nodded encouraging me to continue. "Well truth is Demi you're also one of the first people I've let in." I say she looks at me confused. "When my sister left for college I completely shut my parents out. I wouldn't tell them how my first day as a Senior was or how I was practically failing English. Hell before you the most they ever got from me was a "Hey Mom,Dad" on a good day." I explain inhaling the cold air. "Why did you do that Jordan?" Demi asks grabbing my hand and rubbing her thumb over the back of it soothingly. I took a deep breath and look out at the ocean knowing that if I looked at her brown eyes I'd break into a million pieces. "I did that because I was scared. And I don't mean going to your first day of kindergarten not wanting to let go of your mom scared. I mean like being held at gun point scared. Okay maybe not that dramatic but still. I was terrified. I mean I was going into my Senior year of high school alone with absolutely nobody who knew the real me. No one who understood me the way that Lacey did. No one to make me do my homework the way that Mason used to. No one to make me try on dresses and do my makeup and hair for formal the way that Cassie used to. No one to obsess over and friendly flirt with the way Alex and I used to. No one to make laugh till I pissed myself like Nate used to. I had no one." I say I fought the tears and looked back at Demi. I turned so that I was now facing her. "That is until I was assigned to spend everyday with you. Demi you were a mixture of all of them in one. Because of you I didn't miss them as much as I would have. Thanks to you I didn't fail my Senior Year and Thanks to you I got the grades that will hopefully get me into UCLA. If I get accepted it'll be because of you." I say smiling. She shook her head with tears in her eyes. "No Jordan, You did that all on your own. You're the one who took the tests. You're the one who wrote the Essays until 2 o'clock in the Fucking morning probably bull shitting every sentence just to get points and if you do get accepted into UCLA then it'll be because of all of your hard work. I just helped you along the way." She says I looked into her eyes and smiled and she smiled back. "Hey Demi?" I say "Yeah kid?" She says mimicking me. I chuckle as I look at her with a mischievous grin. "You know how you said that if I ever wanted you to kiss me again all I had to do was ask?" I say as she chuckles and rolls her eyes. "Oh Alright!" She says as I mentally high five myself. "Wait before you do I gotta ask my girlfriend to make sure she is a hundred percent okay with this." I say "Well hurry before I change my mind!" Demi says as I laugh.
Jordan💖😍: Hey babe so just making sure you're totally fine with Demi kissing me again right?
Alex😘💕: You're so cute baby! But YASSSSS I SHIP IT!!!! LET MY SHIP SAIL!!!!!
Jordan💖😍:LMAOOOO😂😂😂😂 Okay I love you!!!
Alex😘💕: I love you too!!! Now kiss her before she changes her mind.
I laughed as I showed Demi the texts. She laughs and looks at me with her famous Lovato smirk as I've named it. "So we gonna kiss? Or nahhh?" She asks as I laugh "Alright Lovato but you are making the first move this time." I say as she catches me off guard and pulls me to my feet. "Already way ahead of you." She says smiling soon our faces were inches apart and it felt right that this was how our well second kiss would be. Even though we didn't have feelings for eachother it just felt right. "Are you sure?" She asks almost above a whisper. "Just kiss me Lovato." I say as she snorts softly and connects our lips. It was nothing like the kiss at the park where it was just a small peck but it wasn't like a makeout scene in the movies either. It was soft and slow and she wasn't pushing it either. She was gentle and caring although it may have lasted only a few minutes it felt like a lifetime. When we pulled back I was trying to get my breathing back to normal. "Better than our first kiss right?" She asks as I chuckle and nodded "Definitely!" I say causing us both to laugh.
Jordan💖😍: It happened!!!!!!!!!
Alex😘💕: Pictures or It didn't happen!!!!!
I rolled my eyes "Demi my girlfriend wants proof that we kissed." I say as she laughs. "Well then it's a good thing I brought my lipstick." She says putting more on her lips. She planted kisses all over my face and made sure they left marks. "Okay now let's loosen the tie,pop the collar,unbutton some of these buttons and mess up your hair a little." Demi says as she does the actions while saying them. "Okay now smile!" She says taking millions of pictures on my phone. We had a couple of us smiling,a couple funny faces, a couple of us laughing, and a couple of her kissing my cheek while I act embarrassed and totally caught off guard. Which is the ones I sent to my girlfriend. Oops?

Alex😘💕: Ey Lovato i said you could have ONE kiss!!! When you get back to LA your ass is mine!!! And also Damn Jordan you look hot in a tux! Wish I was there!😫😫😫
We laughed as I let Demi type a text to her and then I sent one to her.

Jordan💖😍: Demi here!! Yeah well you see what happened was that Jorbear here has the biggest crush on me and has since Camp Rock! So Mitchie wins Mother Fucker! As Chad Dylan Cooper would PEACE OUT SUCKERS!!!!
Jordan💖😍: Okay babe excuse Demi that's just her being a dork. Anyway! Wish you were here too babe! Miss you!
"Okay enough of that! Phone." Demi says as I roll my eyes and hand her back my phone. "Okay now let's get back in there and turn the fuck up!" She says as I laugh. And that's just what we did. We danced our asses off and are till we couldn't eat anymore. At one point Demi just got on stage and started performing. I had her clutch so I got the idea to pull my phone out to record a video for Snapchat and just start yelling "YASSS DADDY!!! YASSS!!! SLAAAAYYY!!" To which she responded with glaring at me once she got off stage. After Prom was over we rode back on the bus and I wiped my face clean of the lipstick stains that were on my face thanks to Demi. "Dude you should totally post the picture of me licking your face seductively while you're just there like what the fuck is happening." Demi says "Oh my god yes! Let's watch your fans freak out and start shipping us." I say as she laughs and high fives me. I captioned the picture with. Had a great time with this one at Prom! Although I wish my baby was there😫😫😫. Missed her tonight! Also babe don't kill me for posting this. @Alex_Evans @ddlovato

"And now we wait for the ship names and comments" I say as she chuckles and sure enough Lovatics started shipping us. #Kemi was the hashtag that trended worldwide since they all knew that Demi called me Kid on a daily basis.
@Alex_Evans: Um babe would you like to explain what's happening in this photo?
@JordanTheKid: Ummmm not really but I love you!!! See what you made me do @ddlovato
@ddlovato: Hey not my fault you could've posted another one kid.
@JordanTheKid: Grrrr😡😡😡🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
I hear Demi laugh as we come to a complete stop. We walk out of the bus and I see Demi's car parked in the student parking lot. "Hey what happened to the limo?" I ask getting into the car. "I only paid for him to give us a ride over here not to bring us back." She says starting up the car as I shook my head and laughed. She drove me back home and parked in the driveway. "Thank you Demi you were the best date I could ever have. Besides Alex." I say "No problem kid. It was fun crashing your Prom." She says I laugh and look down then I look back up at her and just stare into her brown eyes and thought One more kiss wouldn't hurt right? I mean how many People get to say I made out with Demi Lovato in her car.
So I smiled and leaned in and kissed her again and she kissed back only this time it was a makeout and can I just say how good of a kisser she is like Damn! She pulled back and smirked. "If only you were single kid." She says as I laughed "Goodnight Demi. Thanks again." I say opening the car door. "Goodnight kid! Love you!" She says "Love you too dork! See you tomorrow!" I say as I wave her off. The lights were off and that meant my mom had the night shift again. So I went upstairs took off the tux and got into some sweats and climbed into bed. I was about ready to fall asleep until I heard my walki talki go off. "I'd like to dedicate this one to my kid. Goodnight Jordan love you" Demi says as she starts singing Catch Me. I smile and fell asleep to her voice. Definitely the best night of my life.

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