Study Break

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Jordan's POV
Since it was Senior year and our last days at school were passing by so quickly it also meant we had to start studying for finals soon. I hate finals with a fucking passion. "Alright kid what is one weakness of the Articles of Confederation?" Demi asks as she was sitting on a bean bag in my room while I layed on my bed. "Fuck don't tell me." I say my mom was currently at work which meant that we practically had the house to ourselves. "Oh! The government couldn't demand revenue they could only ask for it." I say sitting up. "Nice kid! You're going to Ace this history final." She says handing me back my cards. "Yea wish I could say the same about my Algebra 2 final." I say this year I literally was only worried about 3 finals. English,Math and History. The rest of my classes were just electives and I wasn't too concerned about them. "When do you take it?" She asks "In about 2 days and I've been staying up til like 2 AM studying." I say "Damn kid. You know what. You deserve a break." She says I roll my eyes. "Demi you know I can't I've got that English essay due next week that I haven't even started on. Not to mention that essay about me having to spend a whole year with "A Criminal". I say putting air quotes around those two words since she is no where near being a criminal. "There's this thing called procrastinating. You should try it sometime." She says I roll my eyes as I grabbed my laptop to start typing the essay. "Please for me?" She says with her puppy eyes. "What do you think about 'The Demi Lovato is a Bad Influence on Students Who are Trying to Study for their Finals'." I say laughing as she playfully punches my arm. "Come on Jordan. I don't care if I have to carry you out of this house kicking and screaming We are going to have a study break." She says "Ha you carry me? I'd like to see you try." I say "Okay you asked." She says picking me up from the bed and throwing me over her shoulder. "Demi put me down!" I say laughing "I thought you were kidding" she sets me in the passenger seat of my car and goes around to the other side. "When it comes to things like this. I never kid." She says as she starts up the car and backs away from my driveway. "Where are we going?" I ask "Where do you think? We are going somewhere to have some fun?" She says "Please don't tell me we are getting another tattoo." I whine "Nah kid. That shit is permanent!" She says "Uh yeah I've kinda noticed. It's been at least a few weeks and this still hasn't come off." I say pointing to the constellation on my arm. She chuckles as she goes down the highway. "You know this means I'm in charge of the music." I say smirking "Fine just don't play anything from Camp Rock." She says "Oh I've got a better idea." I say as the opening notes to Body Say start playing. "Kid. I've told you already about a dozen times. If you want me to kiss you again that badly all you gotta do is ask." She says chuckling as I cringe. "You are never going to let me live that down are you?" I say "Nope. When I dared you I didn't even think you were going to do it." She says "Well A. I never turn down a dare and B. That was probably the only time you'd ever let a minor kiss you so I thought that if I didn't take advantage it'd be a missed opportunity. Anyway this is not the song I wanted to play. My finger just slipped." I say "Mhm sure it did." She says as I roll my eyes as I press on Give Your Heart a Break. "This goes so well with this situation." She says as I laugh. "Don't wanna break your brain so let's go on a study break. A study break. Give your brain a study break a study break." She sings changing the lyrics. "Damn kid I think I'm onto something." I laugh as I roll my eyes "Sure you are Dems." I say as we park at the familiar hiking trail. "Come on. I've got a surprise for you!" She says as I get out of the car. We hiked up to the cliff and that's when I saw that she had set up a little fort with blankets and pillows and Christmas lights around the outside of it and also had a little projector to project a movie onto a screen that she had set up. "Dude this is so dope!" I say as I get inside the fort. "How'd you pull this off?" I ask "Well Officer James and his wife offered to let me stay at their house while the court case is being filed and they helped me set this up for us early this morning. Our tent for the night is right over there and done worry about your mom I've that covered as well." She explains. "You're the best Demi!" I say hugging her. "Now do you regret having a study break?" She says I shake my head. "Nope if anything this is the best study break I've ever had." I say as she smiles. "So you remember the Hunger Games right?" She asks I nod remembering the books I read during my week in jail. "Good cause we are having a hunger games marathon." She says holding up the movies. "Dude this is awesome and Katniss is hot as fuck!" I say as she rolls her eyes at me. "How did I know you were going to say that?" She asks herself. "Because you know me and you know that I think every girl on this planet is hot!" I say as she laughs and puts the movie into the projector. We had snacks and drinks so we were basically set. By the time we were on MockingJay part 1 it was already around 1 AM luckily it was a Friday so I didn't have school until Monday. "Jordan?" Demi asks "hm?" I say from my position on her chest. She chuckles and wraps her arms around me and kisses my head. "Get some sleep babe." She says as she strokes my hair gently and starts humming LionHeart. Soon I was put into a peaceful sleep.

I was in what looked like to be a court room. I looked my left and saw Lacey gripping my hand and Alex on my right also holding my hand. "I'd like to call Jordan Jones to the stand." Hayden,Demi's lawyer says. As I stood and made my way to the stand I placed my hand on the bible as they put me under oath. I sat in the chair as Hayden stood in front of me. I looked over at Demi and she gave me a soft smile. I smiled back but that smile quickly faded as I looked over at the asshole who put her in jail. Wilmer Valderrama. "Jordan. Could you tell the jury what your relationship with Demi has been like these past few months." He asks "Well over these past few months that I've gotten to know Demi. She's more of like a big sister to me." I say "In what way?" He asks "I just feel safe and protected around her. I feel like I could tell her anything and she'd still love and care for me." I say Hayden asks a couple more cases and then it's Wilmer's Lawyer's turn. "Hello Ms.Jones." He says the man looked to be in his late 30s early 40s. He was wearing a suit and it looked like he had poured the whole jar of gel in his hair. "Jordan will do." I say "Jordan. Well it looks like you and Demi are close?" He asks "Yes." I answer honestly "How close exactly?" He asks "I'd say as close as you can get to someone." I say not really sure where he's headed with this. "So close that you'd I don't know maybe kiss her at a park." He says as a picture of Demi and I kissing at the park flashes on the tv screen. "This picture was taken early September. When you were still a minor am I correct?" He asks fucking asshole. "Yes. But it was a dare." I say "A dare or not. What she did was illegal!" He says "Did she ever force into having sex with her." He asks "What?! No! She would never!" I say getting defensive. "Why are you getting so defensive? Are you trying to hide the fact that you have been dating her all this time?" He asks "No of course not! She's like a sister to me! I love her of course but I wouldn't date her!" I say as the jury and people start to talk. "Order." The judge says slamming his mallet. "No more questions your honor." He says as I step down. The jury comes back just as fast as they went in. "Has the jury come to a conclusion?" The judge asks "We have your honor. On the charge of Framery we find the defendant not guilty. We do however find Ms.Demetria Devonne Lovato guilty of Rape in the second degree." A guy says "No! No! No!" I say crying as I see an officer put Demi in handcuffs. "No! Demi! You can't do this! No please!" I yell now trying to block their way. "Kid it's okay. You did everything you could do." She says softly smiling. "No Demi don't leave me! Please I need you." I say as Officer James pulls me back. "I love you kid. I'll see you soon." She says as she pull away. "I told you not to get too attached." Officer James says behind me.
I woke up in tears gasping for air. "Kid?" I hear Demi say as she sits up. "Bad dream?" She asks i nodded "A fucking horrible one." I say as she gently runs her hand through my hair. "What was it about." She asks "The court case. I dreamt that we lost and that you had to go back and that I would never see you again." I say tearing up just thinking about not seeing Demi ever again. "Hey. That's not going to happen. You don't need to worry." She says wiping my tears away. "But what if it does." I say "it won't. Jordan the asshole has nothing to prove that I've done anything wrong. We have every piece of evidence to prove he framed me. He's the one who should be worried. Not you." She says I nodded knowing she was right. "Kid, whatever happens I want you to know that this year has been the best year of my life. I'm going to miss you Jordan. But I think what I'm going to miss the most about you when I go back to being a celebrity Is having a kid like you around to do a bunch of dumb shit together. And I'm going to miss how you always see the best in people no matter how broken they may seem on the outside. When I think about this year. I'm not going to think about how much I hated prison or how much I hated Wilmer. I'm going to think about you and how much I love you and how much I enjoyed the time I spent with you. And I hope you will think the same about me." She says I nodded "I will Demi. You've taught me a lot about how I shouldn't take my freedom for granted and how I should appreciate every second I get to spend with the ones I love. No matter how annoying they may be." I say she smiles and kisses my head. "I love you kid. And no matter what happens in that court room. That's something that will never change." She says "I love you too Demi." I sa as I laid my head on her chest and listened to her heartbeat as she hummed a song that I didn't recognize but it somehow put me back to sleep. These are the moments I will remember most with her. The little moments where time just seems to stop and give us just enough time to have a moment.
A/N: Okay so hey guys. It's been a while. But I have a question for you guys. Should Jordan's essay about her year with Demi be a separate chapter or should it just be like apart of a chapter. Let me know and I'm going to try to update this book as often as I can. It's just my Senior year of high school and it's starting to get a lil crazy. But I promise I'm going to try to update as often as possible. Okay well until next time!

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