Jail or Prom

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Jordan's POV
I groan as I shut off the alarm. Just another reminder that I had to go to hell today. I got up out of bed and grabbed some clothes as I went into the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I blow dried my hair and straighten it. Just as I'm about to put on my black combat boots I hear the waki talkie that Demi gave me go off. "Hey kid! Mind if I tag alone and go to school with you?" Demi says I grabbed the waki talkie and pressed the button. "Not at all Dems! Would you like me to drive over to the James' place?" I ask "Nah I'm picking you up! See ya kid! Oh and we are getting Starbucks!" She says I rolled my eyes. Typical Demi always surprising me. I went downstairs and ate some breakfast. "Whoa slow down kiddo! What's got you in such a rush?" Mom asks "Demi's picking me up. And knowing her she'll be here any second." I say as I hear a horn honk outside. "That must be her. See you later mom." I say kissing her cheek. "Okay be safe! I love you!" She calls after me. "Love you too." I say as I head outside. "Whoa Demi this is your car!" I say as a Mercedes Benz is parked in the driveway. "Yep! Just got it back from my parents. Oh by the way I had a nice chat with them today. They seemed to have forgiven me. So today I'm surprising Maddie at school!" She says I smiled she looked genuinely excited to see her little sister again. I completely understood why I mean she's a complete joy to be around. "Can I drive?" I ask "Go for it!" She says tossing me the keys. I caught them and ran over to the drivers seat. I waited for her to get in and then started the car. "Whoa" I say under my breath as it starts up. "Cool right?" She says I nodded as I backed out of the driveway. As i drove us to school Demi would not sit still. "Okay someone has had way too much coffee. What's gotten into you?" I ask chuckling as we stop at a red light. "Nothing. It's just today is gonna be a really good day." She says I looked at her confused but then I just shook my head and thought it's Demi being well Demi. As I parked the car in the student parking lot men with cameras started to surround the car. "Shit!" Demi mutters "What?" I ask "Fucking paps! Here you're gonna need these." She says handing me a pair of Sunglasses. "Demi over here!" I hear someone yell "Did Wilmer really frame you?" "Did he break your heart?" We walk through them as some campus security helps us through. "Does it suck that I didn't reply!" Demi says as we are lead on campus. I laugh "But you kinda just did." I say "Shut up!" She says playfully as we head to my first I hear some scream in excitement. I look up and sure it was Maddie. "Demi! You're here!" She says hugging Demi. "Yea I am Babygirl. I missed you so much." Demi says and I think I saw tears in her eyes. "But how? I mean mom and dad wouldn't let you within a ten foot radius of me." Maddie says as Demi laughs and wipes some of Maddie's tears. "Mom and Dad forgave me. So this means I can see whenever i want to." Demi explains oh great here come the tears. "Jordan why are you crying?" Maddie says "I'm not! It's allergy season." I say wiping my tears "You and Eddie would get along great!" Demi says "Who?" I ask confused. "My stepdad." She says as my mouth makes an 'O' shape. "Well I should go to first period before I'm late. But I'll see you guys in 5th period." Maddie says heading towards the B building. "See ya then Mads!" I say as Demi and I head to my first period class. "What's 5th period?" Demi says "Choir. The teacher sat us right next to eachother. Mistake number one cause we always mess around yet we somehow manage to learn the songs." I explain "It wouldn't surprise me. I mean you both are great at music." She says I shrugged "well Maddie is great. Me I'm still learning." I say "What did I tell you about doubting yourself." She says "Don't. Cause If you do you'll start believing it." I say reciting her words. "Damn so you can remember that but not the quadratic formula?" She says chuckling as I roll my eyes at her. The first few classes of the day were just the core classes. So basically just Math,English and Science. But I wasn't really paying attention since I was too busy laughing at Demi's "What the fuck is going on" look. "Jordan. Would you like to explain to the class what is so funny?" My Biology teacher asks "No ma'am I'm sorry." I say "Pay attention Ms.Jones" she says as I roll my eyes "Yea Pay attention Ms.Jones!" Demi says chuckling "That goes for you too Ms.Lovato." My teacher says and Demi is just dumbfounded as I just laugh. The bell rings finally which means it was lunchtime. I assumed it was going to be the usual Friday with Guys asking girls to prom. Of course I knew that I probably was just gonna go with friends since Alex was currently studying for Finals week. While it would be nice to be asked since I've never been asked to anything I'm glad that I at least get to have a good time. "Hey Jordan what's going on over there?" Demi asks I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked over to where she was pointing. There was a bunch of police cars and the lights were flashing. "What the hell?!" I say "There she is!" One of the officers says as they point at us. Next thing I know I'm pinned up against the floor as they put me in handcuffs. "What the fuck?! Let me go man! I haven't done anything!" I say struggling as they lift me up. I look to see Officer James and Demi holding a sign that said "Your choice. Jail or Prom?" I smiled "Prom! Now get me out of these things." I say as the officer chuckles lets me out of the handcuffs. I ran to Demi and gave her a huge bear hug. "Told ya today was gonna be a really good day." She says "Shut up!" I say as she chuckles. "Did you seriously have to put me in handcuffs? Those things hurt like a bitch." I say rubbing my wrists. "Sorry babe but yea it was part of the asking. I asked Alex before I asked though so this doesn't count as cheating." Demi says "I was just about to text her about it too." I say laughing "Not on school property you weren't." She says strictly as she takes my phone and runs. "Get back here Lovato!" I yell as she laughs like a maniac. "What are you scared of me finding babe? Nudes?" She says as my face turns red. "Oh my god! You're already in that stage of the relationship! Get it Jones!" Demi says tossing my phone at me like it doesn't cost thousands of dollars to repare if the screen breaks. Thankfully I caught it. Thanks reflexes for not being slow today. "Lovato you're lucky my reflexes decided to be fast today." I say letting go of the breath I was holding in putting my phone in my pocket. "I would've bought you a new screen if it broke. I've got you dude!" She says as I rolled my eyes and shoved her playfully "So does this mean I get to kiss you again?" I ask jokingly "In your dreams babe." Demi says winking at me as I pretend to faint. "Alright you dorks let's get some food cause I'm starving!" Maddie says as we all laughed. "Are you sure we're not gonna get caught?" Maddie asks "For the millionth time Mads yes I'm sure just be cool and follow my lead." I say as the three of us are about to sneak into Demi's car to grab food off campus. "Um hey Rob listen I left my ID card in my car do you think I could go and grab it really quick?" I ask the new campus security guard since the other ones were already onto my tricks. "Yea sure but be back in ten minutes got it?" He asks "Got it!" I say smiling as we walk to Demi's car. "See told you piece of cake." I say tossing Demi the keys. "Yeah but you're seriously gonna let Demi drive? She's gonna kill us!" Maddie says "You're right. Demi give me the keys" I say "Hey relax I got us to LA and back in one piece I think I can manage In and Out." She says "Okay we're trusting you with our lives Demi." I say getting into the passenger seat. "Literally" Maddie says as she got into the back. Demi turned on the ignition and backed out of the parking lot. Maddie and I kept annoying Demi by being backseat drivers and eventually Demi just got frustrated and turned on the radio. "Demi why you so mad?" I ask as I start recording a video for Snapchat. "Because you guys are being annoying little shits that won't shut up." Demi says "Hurtful! Is that anyway to treat someone who got you out of Jail." I say "Shut up! You know I love you." She says as the video ends. I laughed as I put it in my Snapchat story. "Guys go follow Jordan on Snapchat and Twitter and Insta cause she's awesome and I love her!" Mads says as she takes a video of me just making weird faces. "Damn I'm gonna become internet famous." I say "Yep before you know it the world will know the name Jordan Jones." Demi says just as my phone starts to blow up with notifications on all of my social media. "Damn Demi your fans are fast." I say as I scroll through all of my new followers. "One of the reasons why I love them." She says smiling. Once we got our burgers and fries we go back to school and just as we set foot on campus the bell rings. "Right on time guys." I say as they both laugh. We all walked to the choir room since it was now 5th period and since the teacher is hella chill he let us eat. "Hey Jordan have you been practicing?" The choir teacher asks. He's asked me to practice the accompaniment to one of our choir pieces and while I know it pretty well I still didn't think I was ready. "Um yea but I haven't finished my burger yet." I say gesturing to my half eaten burger in my hands. "The burger can wait. Come on Kid show them your skills!" Demi says taking my burger from me. "I don't know" I say still not sure. "Jordan! Jordan! Jordan!" The whole class was chanting now thanks to Maddie. I rolled my eyes as I got out of my seat and sat on the piano bench. I looked at my choir teacher waiting for him to start me off. And before I knew it I was playing. I was concentrating so hard trying so hard not to mess up in spots that I regularly messed up at. But soon once I got to the parts that I knew how to play I looked up and heard the choir sing I looked over at Demi who was giving me a thumbs up and I smiled at her. I just took a deep breath. The feeling I get when I play piano or perform in a choir concert. It's something I can't describe. I just get this feeling that I'm supposed to be doing this. That music is what I was born to do. Soon the song was over and I couldn't believe I had played the whole song without messing up or getting off beat. Everyone clapped for Mr.Simpson even said I could play the accompaniment for the concert. "You did great Kid! See nothing to be nervous about." Demi says "Thanks Dems. For everything." I say she smiles "It was my pleasure kid." She says smiling "Okay cute moment but Demi please don't ever says Pleasure again." Maddie says shuddering as I laughed and Demi just scowled. "Why do teenagers have such dirty minds." She says "Hey I am your sister." Maddie says "And I'm your kid." I say as Demi shakes her head. "Last time I checked I did not give birth to you" She says "Sure you didn't Dems." I say chuckling. The rest of the school day we messed with Demi some more and then headed home. Well today was a very eventful day. I got arrested for the second time this year,I got asked to go to Prom by Demi Lovato and I'm pretty sure Lacey is gonna kill me when I tell her that cause she tweeted Demi thousands of time asking Demi to go to Prom with her her Senior Year. And lastly I got to have a good day at school with two of my best friends. Today was a really good day.
A/N: Hey guys so unfortunately this book may be coming to a close in the next few chapters but don't worry I have an idea for a sequel. Anyway until then I hope you guys are continuing to enjoy this book. I know this is one of my favorites to write. Well until next time guys!

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