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Jordan's POV
So it's been a few days since New Year's. Lacey left yesterday because her annoying ass boyfriend 'missed her'. Yea missed fucking her. -insert eye roll- Anyway since Mom and Dad got back the house has been quiet and they've been civil to each other. Dad moves in a couple of weeks since he already has all of his stuff shipped over there. I am currently playing Mario Kart and listening to some music. I have an hour before I go to pick up Demi so I figured I'd try to kill some time by trying to beat my sister's record. "Jordan? Could you come down here please? Your father and I would like to speak to you." I hear my mom call from downstairs. "Yea just give me a second" I say pausing the game as I got up out of my bed. I went downstairs and saw both of my parents sitting at the dinning table. Uh oh last time they were like this it was because of my grades. Wait shit did they already come in! I was supposed to bury that report card! Damn it!!! "What's up guys?" I ask casually as I sat across from them. "Jordan you're mother and I have been thinking and while we think that it's great that you want to go to UCLA along with your sister we think it'd be best if you go to Harvard." My dad says my eyes widen. "Harvard!!!! That's all the across the country! I'd never get to see Lacey!" I say "Sweetie listen to us. It's an incredible opportunity. And plus they have this amazing Law school program." Mom says "Here we go again Mom for the millionth time I'm not studying to become a lawyer! I'm going to be a detective!" I say "Same difference" she says "No it's not actually. I've done enough research to know that being a lawyer and being a detective are two separate,extremely different things. Do they work in the same field yes but are they the same no." I say "But Jordan think of all the amazing adventures you could have! And all the people you'll meet." Mom says "Yea well I think I'll have plenty of adventures in LA with Lacey and I'll probably even meet some awesome people there as well. I don't need to go to a different part of the country to have all those things. Plus think of the tuition! I'll be in debt until my 30s." I say "Jordan we know that California is your comfort zone. It's where you grew up and we understand that but we both think it's time for you to step out of it. And going to Boston, Massachusetts is the best way to do that! It's going to be a fresh start for the both of us. Please just think about it." Dad says I take a quick glance at the clock and see that I better leave now before I'm late to pick up Demi. "Whatever. I gotta go my shift at the animal shelter is about to start." I say grabbing my keys and putting on some shoes. I left without saying another word. I drive up to the station and I was 10 minutes early so I turned off the car and sighed. They want me to go to Harvard!!! I'm barley getting the grades I need to go to UCLA and they want me to go to Harvard!!! Listen I have nothing against Harvard I heard it's a good school and all but it's filled with nothing but a bunch of rich snobby kids! I'd never fit in whereas in UCLA I won't have to worry about fitting in cause all my friends are there. "Hey kid!" I hear Demi say as she jumps in my car pulling me from my thoughts. I sigh and put on a smile. "Hey Dems where do you wanna go today?" I ask "How about that cafe I took you to when you were upset." She says looking at me suspiciously. "Okay cool! I've been dying for some hot chocolate!" I say as I pull out of the station parking lot. The car was filled with silence and I didn't like it. I could hear Demi hum occasionally but that was it. As I pulled into the cafe parking lot Demi looked at me straight in the eyes. "Alright kid I know something's wrong that pretending to be okay bullshit isn't going to work on me." She says "Look Demi can we just go inside?" I ask "Yea but we are going to talk about this." She says as we get out of the car. She goes to wait in line to order while I go and pick a booth at the back of the cafe. She comes back a few minutes with two mugs of hot chocolate with marshmallows. Although it was now January it was still freezing cold outside. So a warm hot coco was just what the doctor ordered. Demi was staring at me waiting for me to start talking so with a sigh and a glance out the window I spilled my guts out to her. "Wait so they want you to go to Harvard?!" She asks pissed probably "Yea to "get out of my comfort zone" and to "Meet new people and have new experiences" it's all just excuses so that I can move over there with my aunt who I haven't seen in years by the way. And the only reason they want me over there is because my dad wants me out of the house while my mom's in A.A. I mean don't get me wrong I would love to spend some time in Boston with her but i don't want to go to Harvard!" I say "Well looks like this calls for something really risky." She says "At this point I'd do anything." I say "Then after you finish your hot chocolate we are heading to your house,you're going to pack a bag and sneak out. Tonight we are going to LA" she says smiling. "What are you insane?! My parents will kill me!" I say "Hey you have to show them that you're willing to go to any lengths to go to UCLA. If this goes as plan the only way you'll go back home is if they let you choose the school you want to go to. Or if you even want to go to school at all." She explains. I thought about that last sentence. My parents have always told me that I have to go to college right after high school. Truth is I don't know if I even want to go anymore. I mean sure it'd be cool to be a detective but I've also grown to love music. I let that dream go the minute I entered high school though because I knew it wasn't going to happen for me. But maybe there was still a chance that I could. Plus this would give Lacey and I a chance to interview that actress Wilmer hired and get Demi out of jail sooner. "Alright let's do it!"
A/N:So do you think Demi's plan is going to work? I've had this chapter ready to go but I just haven't had service until now. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. And if I write fast enough you might even get a double update. Love you guys!

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