Who did this to you

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Jordan's POV
"Alright class dismissed" my fourth period teacher says just as the bell rings. Alright 4 classes down 2 to go. I made my way over to my locker to grab my biology book just as I'm about to shut my locker it slams closed but the person that did it was not me. "Miss me Slut?" I hear her say just as she pushes me against the lockers. It's none other than my ex girlfriend Jennifer and her minions. She was a blonde,head cheerleader and all that other shit. However this was not the Jennifer I dated. The Jennifer I dated was sweet,kind and caring. That all changed Sophomore year She was actually the one who broke up with me. Something about me being too ugly for her or something. I tried to get out of her grip but she was stronger than me. "Let me go you fucking bitch!" I say "Not gonna happen. Now that I'm back from Florida I get to catch up on all the beatings I missed." She says throwing me to the ground. She got on top of me and started throwing punches while her minions kicked my sides. I tried to get out from under her but a crowd had gathered around us. This was all a show for them. "Hey! Clear the halls!" I heard a teacher yell. Thank god. "Let's get out of here." One of Jennifer's minions say. Jennifer gets off of me "Later fatty." She says kicking me as she ran off with the others. "Hey are you okay?" The teacher asks helping me up. "Yea I'm fine. Thanks for the help." I say heading off into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that I had a black eye and a busted up lip. I lifted my shirt to see bruises forming. Well now that Jennifer is back looks like I'll need to get used to this again. I got out of the bathroom and pulled my hood up and kept my head down as I walked in late to my 5th period class. I took a seat in the back as the teacher scolded me for being late. Man I wish Lacey was still here. She'd give Jennifer a piece of her mind. Lacey was always the protective sister making sure I never got hurt and if someone did hurt me let's just say she'd turn into Godzilla. As the day passed I received 2 more beatings from Jennifer. Just my luck huh? As I got into my car I shoved my backpack in and examined my face once more. The blood from my lip had dried up and the swelling around my eye had gone down. I just hope Demi won't notice.
Demi's POV
I smiled as Jordan sat in the seat across from me. This was my favorite part of the day getting to see her. "Hey kid" I say "Hey" she says her voice was low and it wasn't cheery at all like it usually is. Somethings off about her. She keeps her head down and her hood is up. "How was school?" I ask "Fine." She says "Alright kid what's going on? You're acting weird." I say worried "It's nothing I'm just tired." She says lying "You're lying. Jordan look at me." I say she shakes her head. It's almost like she's afraid to show me her face. "Kid come on it's okay. It's just me." I say softly. She takes in a shaky breath and nods. "Okay just don't freak out." She says taking her hood off and slowly lifting her head up. My blood boils as I see her face. "Who did this to you?" I say "It doesn't matter" she says "It does matter kid. Here let me see. Hey um yo dude can you get me like a first aid kit or something." I say to one of the officers. He nods as I thank him. I examine her eye and it looks like the swelling has gone down which is a good thing. A few moments later the officer comes back with the first aid kit. I thank him as I start to clean up her lip and the wounds on her hands from blocking the punches. "Alright kid tell me who did this to you. I swear the second I get out of here I'm gonna show them not to mess with anyone I care about" I say "Demi calm down. Look it was just my ex girlfriend Jennifer. I guess she's back from Florida and has decided to make my life a living hell again but don't worry I can handle it." She explains. "I am worried Jordan. I can't have you getting beat up everyday. It's not good what if she puts you in the hospital one day." I say "She won't she's too scared of getting caught to do that." She says I look at the clock. "Come on kid let's go for a drive." I say "wait but you're not allowed to drive." She says following me out of the station. "Well you can't drive not in this state. Hand over the keys kid I promise to follow the rules." I say holding my hand out. "You better or else I'll probably get my license taken away for letting you drive." She says handing me the keys as she goes around to the other side of the car. We both get in and I start up the car. I waited for the heater to heat up the car then I started to drive to my favorite spot in town. "Where are we going?" I hear Jordan say I smirk at her "It's a surprise." I say she groans as I laugh "Karma's a bitch" I say "Well damn I didn't know your name was Karma" she says as we stop at a stoplight. I playfully push her as she laughs. I pull up to my favorite Cafe that very few people know about. Back when I was a Celebrity this was one of my favorite places to hide from Paps. "Here we are kid." I say "This place is so cool." She says looking around I smile I'm glad to see she appreciates old fashion places like this. "Why don't you go grab us a table while I order some drinks for us." I say "Alright." She says her smile already back and beautiful as ever. "Wait so you ran around stage in an Olaf costume during one of your opening acts set list?!" She asks I nodded laughing as she took a sip of her hot chocolate. "It's tradition to prank your tour mates on the last day of tour. When you bail me out I'm so taking you out on the road with me." I say "Sounds like fun. I can't wait." She says smiling. I nod as I look up at the clock. Almost 8 how long have we been here? My smile fades knowing she'll have to take me back soon and it absolutely kills me that I can't be there at school tomorrow to protect her. "You sure you're going to be okay at school tomorrow?" I ask "Yea there's plenty of routes I can take to avoid Jennifer. Of course I'll have to be late to some of my classes but I'll be okay" she says trying to reassure me. "Alright well we should head back then it's getting late." I say "Yea hope I can find my way back." She says chuckling "Don't worry I'll help you. Let's get out of here." I say as we walk out of the cafe and into her car. The drive back to the station was a long one I couldn't shake off the feeling of needing to protect. She's just a kid. She doesn't deserve to be treated this way. As I sat in my cell I couldn't help but notice the packet that was handed to me by Officer James the day before Jordan came to visit me. I grabbed it off of my desk and scanned through it.
If you ever think that your student is in serious danger at school or you feel the need to be with them to protect them for some reason then you are allowed to go with them to school but you must stay by their side at all times and the security at school will be notified that you are on campus.
"Oh hell yes!" I say I layed back on my bed with a smile on my face. I might even be able to see Maddie. Tomorrow is going to be a great day.
A/N: Hey guys so I've decided that if a chapter doesn't need an author's then I won't write one but if it ends kinda awkwardly like this one then I'll write it. Anyway schools out for the Summer thank god so I'm able to write more hopefully. Okay well Vote and Comment love you guys.

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