Demi meets Ms.Jones

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Jordan's POV
It had been a week since Demi had regained her freedom and returned to her kinda almost normal life. While she still lived at the James' place she was in the process of looking for a house and getting started on working on the tour that she's planning on doing with Nick Jonas. Although we still hang out everyday we no longer have a time limit on how much time we have to spend around eachother. And today is the day that we have decided that it was time for My mom to meet Demi and Officer James. I had invited them over for dinner and my mom knew nothing about. I just had told her that some friends were coming over. As I was setting the table I heard the doorbell ring. "I got it!" I say running to the door. I opened the door and saw Demi and Officer James standing there. Officer James was dressed casual but kinda formal. While Demi was wearing a white dress and had her hair curled and wore a bit of make up. "Damn Lovato you clean up nice." I say "Stop flirting with me babe I might just have the urge to kiss you again" Demi says jokingly winking at me. As I invited them both inside my mom shows up. "Oh why hello I don't believe we have met." She says confused as to why my friends were two adults. "Mom this is Officer James and Demi Lovato,Officer James,Demi meet my mom Laura Jones." I say introducing them. "It's nice to finally meet you Ms.Jones" Officer James says "It's also a pleasure meeting you Officer." Mom says giving me the 'What did you do this time' look. "Why don't we have a seat and I'll explain everything. You guys in the mood for some pasta?" I ask "I'd love some!" Demi says as we sat around the dinner table. Officer James seated across from me next to my mom. I was seated next to my mom with Demi on the other side of me. As we all got what we wanted I had explained to my mom what I had been doing every day for the past 9 months. I explained to her that while she thought I was at the animal shelter I was really hanging out with Demi or trying to gather more evidence to prove that she was innocent. I had explained the whole trial and why we had to spend so many days in LA and after all that was said and done my mom let go of a sigh. "So all this time you've been hanging out with a criminal?!" She says "She's not a criminal Mom! I told you she was and is completely innocent." I say calmly "How could you let this happen?! Aren't you supposed to make sure that people like her are locked up!" Mom says now talking to Officer James. "While that is my job ma'am it is also my job to see whether or not the accused is truly a criminal. From the moment Demi was taken under my custody I could tell she wasn't a criminal. She was a citizen just like you and I. And Ms.Jones I would never let a minor hang around a real child molester. So when I gave the okay for Demi to be apart of the Buddy program it was because I was hoping that whoever she got would be someone who was able to bring Demi back to herself. The person she was before Jail and that is exactly what your daughter has done. You should be proud." He says "Ms.Jones if I may say a few words." Demi says as my mom nods probably speechless from what Officer James had just said. "Ms.Jones while Jordan was under my care. I made sure that she did her homework before we went anywhere. I made her study for tests I knew she would fail if she didn't study for them. And when she was struggling i did my best to help her. Even if I was homeschooled and wasn't very good at math I still did my best to make sense of the different language they call Algebra 2." She says as I chuckle at the comment about Algebra 2. "My point is Ms.Jones is that other inmates wouldn't care if their buddy got their homework done. They wouldn't care about their buddy at all in fact I think they pretty much just sit there waiting for their time to be up. My point is that I got to know your daughter over these past 9 months and honestly they have been the best 9 months of my life. Did we have our fights of course but what friends would we be if we didn't argue with eachother every now and then. My point is Ms.Jones is that you have raised a beautiful young woman who will make a great addition to society. And I think she looks at the world a little more differently now." Demi says after that long speech from the both of them my mom looks at me with a look of pride on her face. But also a look of confusion. "Honey why didn't you just tell me about this?" She asks "Because I thought you would've blown up on me. I mean mom sometimes you aren't as easy to talk to." I say "Sweetheart look I know at the time i wouldn't have accepted this. But I'm sure if I knew it was for school that I'd let you do this." She says "Well would you let her stay the night? Or take me to LA?" I ask "Well no but-" I cut her off. "Exactly. Mom this is something that I just couldn't tell you until now. Was I going to tell you of course but at the time I knew you would have forbidden it." I say she sighs "Alright. Is there anything else I should know about." She asks I look down at my arm. I have been wear long sleeved shirts around my mom and it was already Spring. April actually. I sighed "Yea actually there is but promise not to freak out." I say she laughs "What could possibly be worse then finding out my daughter has been spending the last nine months with an inmate." She asks I rolled up my sleeve and showed her my Little Dipper tattoo. "Finding out that your daughter got a matching tattoo with that same inmate on the day of her birthday." I say "Jordan! That's gonna be there permanently! You know that don't you?!" Mom says "Yes I do Mom but this isn't a tattoo I regret. I'm actually very grateful that Demi dragged me to get this done because now every time I see this. I'm going to think of her and what a journey this past year has been." I explain "Okay well at least it wasn't her name. Now why the Little Dipper?" She asks "Well Demi actually has the Big Dipper tattooed under the word Strong on her wrist." I say as Demi shows her. "It's the constellations that we pointed out to eachother before we said 'I love you' for the first time." Demi continues. "Wait so you guys are...?" Mom trails off as both our eyes widen. "Nooo!!!" We both say at the same time. "I'm actually taken." I say my mom raises her eyebrow "By who?" She asks "Alex." I say "Alex. Lacey's best friend Alex?" Mom asks as I nod  "Yes! I knew it!" She says "Wait you did?" I ask "Jordan it was so obvious. Whenever she came you always begged Lacey to take you to wherever the both of them were going. Your father owes me 20 dollars. His bet was on Cassie." She says "Cassie?! Seriously no! I mean I love her to death but just no." I say shuddering as we laugh. "So we good?" I ask "Yes we good." Mom says as I smile "See I told you it wouldn't be that bad." Demi says "Just wait till she finds out about the kiss." I say "The what?" Mom says "Nothing!" Demi and I say at the same time. "Mhm sure." Mom says suspiciously as Officer James chuckles. After a couple more hours of talking and food Officer James gets a phone call from the station saying that he's working the night shift tonight. "I'm so sorry I'm gonna have to go. Duty calls." Officer James says "Mom would you mind if Demi stayed the night?" I ask "Not at all I was actually just about to suggest that since I'm working late tonight as well." She says "So it looks like it's just you and me tonight Little Dipper." Demi says "Just like old times right Big Dipper." I say as she nods. Officer James said his goodbyes and once we were finished cleaning the table my mom had left as well. After Demi and I had finished loading the dishwasher we picked a movie to watch.  "Ugh! Can you believe Katniss would kiss Gale! I mean come on don't lead a guy on that's just wrong." Demi says "Dude I wouldn't even care as long as I got to kiss her. Jennifer Lawrence is so hot!" I say as she hits the back of my head. "Ow! Demi!" I say rubbing my head. "Don't talk about one of my friends like that. Especially if you want to meet her." She says "You know what I'll just keep my mouth shut for the rest of this movie." I say "Good idea." She says as I laugh. We watched both of the last movies of the series and cried our eyes out. And then we decided to just talk for a bit. I was now laying down with my head resting in her lap. "So how's the tour coming along?" I ask "It's coming together. I plan on releasing a new single in July and then releasing my album in October." She says I nod "Do you think I could come to the studio with you one day?" I ask "Of course. I would love it if you came and saw what I do." She says "Cool. Demi?" I say "Yeah?" She says "I'm gonna miss this." I say "Miss what kid?" She asks "This. Hanging out with you whenever I want. Getting to see you everyday. I mean let's face it once I graduate everything is going to change. You're moving back to a different part of LA and I'm probably not gonna see you as often because you'll be busy doing press for your album or halfway across the country on tour." I say sighing "Jordan look I know that the second that I go back to life in the spotlight that my life will be hectic. But I promise you I will always make time for you. Even if it's as simple as needing help on your homework or as serious as Alex cheating on you which she better not because I'll kick her ass. But no matter what I will always make time for you. I even plan on inviting you to come out on the road with me. Besides you've always said you wanted a year off from school. Well 2017 is your year babe." She says "You mean it? You want me to go on tour with you?" I ask "Of course! I'd love to have you around!" She says smiling. "Then of course I would love to come on tour with you. I just hope my mom doesn't kill me for deciding to take a year off." I say "She won't. She'll have to go through Alex and I first." Demi says I smile "I love you Demi." I say "I love you too kid. Whoa it's 3 AM and you have school tomorrow." She says looking at the time. "Ughhh do I have to?" I groan while she laughs "Yea you have to now come on. Up to dreamland we go." She says carrying me bridal style. "You know I can walk right?" I say "I know but I also know that you're too lazy to walk upstairs." She says jokingly as I playfully punch her. She lays me on my bed and lays down beside me. As she covers us with the blanket I lay my head on her chest and listen to her heart beat. I've practically got it memorized by now but that's because of how many times it's soothed me from my nightmares. "Demi?" I say breaking the silence. "Yea Jordan?" She asks "Can you sing?" I ask "Yea can you?" She jokes as I chuckle "You know what I meant." I say she chuckles "What song?" She asks "One of your new ones?" I ask she nods.
Your light is inside of me. Like a raging war like an ocean boar you're in my veins. Your voice is serenity. When the sun goes down and the strength I've found is in my veins. Our story binds us like right and wrong. Your hand in mine marching to the beat of the storm. And we walk together into the light and my love will be your armor tonight we are lion hearts and we stand together facing the world and our love is gonna conquer it all. We are Lion hearts.
She kissed my forehead and smiled once she saw that I was close to falling asleep. "Goodnight Jordan I love you." She says "Goodnight Demi, I love you too" I say as I fall into a peaceful sleep.
A/N: Hey guys so um I've had this chapter pretty much written out for like the longest time and I guess I forgot about it until today. But here it is! So hope you guys enjoyed it! I'm gonna be finishing up this book within the next few chapters but I am planning on doing a sequel! Yeah but until next time guys!

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