I just miss you

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Jordan's POV
It was a normal Saturday afternoon. Mom was working like always and Dad was in London probably having Tea with the queen or whatever. The house was empty. I hated waking up to an empty house. I couldn't go and visit Demi until 5 So I had to wait a full 6 hours. I decided to play on my Xbox for a while. For some weird reason shooting people's heads off was fun to me. But I would never do it in real life. I was beating this one dude's ass when I suddenly had a memory of when I first played Call of Duty.
I was 13 years old and at the time sharing a room with my sister. She always came home at a later hour than me because I guess high school is longer or something. Anyway Lacey came into our room carrying something that looked like a DVD. "Ooooh are we watching a movie?" I asked excited "No this is way more fun than a movie" Lacey said putting in the disc into the gaming console. She handed me an Xbox controller and I knew my way around this thing since I had played Minecraft on it a couple of times. "Alright this is a real Video game Babe. I have to warn you though it's pretty intense think you're ready?" She asks "Yea let's do this!" I say as she presses the triangle "Alright you use the left joystick to aim the right joystick to move. X to shoot the triangle to jump the square to duck and the Y to throw grenade got it?" She explains "um I think so?" I say "Alright let's go on a killing spree!" She says as she presses multi player. Within the first 30 seconds I was dead.  But as the day went on I got better. Soon I was blowing people up and shooting people's heads off like a pro.
I smiled at the memory it made me miss all the fun times I had with Lacey. Like the time I broke my wrist trying to do the same trick she was doing on the trampoline.
"Bet you 5 bucks I can do that!" I say to the 15 year old Lacey. "In your dreams squirt!" She says "Fine I'll bet 10 I can and if I can't then I'll do your chores for the rest of the week." I say "You're on! Just don't kill yourself" She says getting out and letting me in. The trick was to do a cartwheel with one hand seemed simple enough. I went to do the cartwheel and I guess I put way too much pressure on my hand because next thing I know Lacey is on the phone with mom and I'm being rushed to the emergency room. I had to where a stupid cast for the rest of the month. But it was worth it cause Lacey ended doing my chores that month as well.
I paused the game and decided to FaceTime Lacey since I hadn't talked to her in a while. After the third she answered. "What do you want Jordan?" She asks irritated I assumed "um I just called to say hi. Are you okay Lace?" I ask "I'm fine! Look I've gotta go I'm busy studying for Midterms." She says about to hang up. "Wait" I say "What!" She spat "I-I um" I start "look I'm really sorry Jordan but I gotta go. Bye." She says and hangs up. No 'I love you' No 'I'll see you soon' or 'I miss you' Nothing. "I just miss you" I say at my dark phone screen. I put my phone down and turned off my tv. I layed on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. Of course that wasn't the first time that my sister had yelled at me there had been other times as well.

It was my freshman year in high school and my sisters Sophomore year. I really needed help with my Chemistry homework and I had chemistry next period. I did things kinda last minute Freshman year. I saw my sister on my way to my locker and decided to ask her for some help. "Hey Lacey!" I say "Hey kid sorry I can't talk." She says but I grabbed her by the wrist. "Lace I really need your help with my homework" I say "Can't you just ask someone else like one of your friends." She says "No they all suck at Chem." I say "Great! And there it goes my one chance at talking my crush and you just had to mess it up like you always do! Thanks a lot Jordan!" She says walking off all pissed. "Wait Lacey!" I called running after her.

I didn't pass Chem that year in fact I had to take it again the following year. I sighed heavily just wanting someone to be here for me. Then I remember that I had the walki talks that Demi had given to me. I reached for it and pressed the button. "Yo Demi you there?" I asked "Yea I'm here kid what's up?" She says "I just really need someone to talk to." I say "Well then I'm all ears" she says I smile. "Okay well this may take a while" I say "Babe we've got all the time in the world!" She says and she was right. "Alright" I say and so I told her how Lacey yelled at me over FaceTime and how I was angry at her and then I just started sobbing because I missed her so much and I just need her. "Hey hey kid look it's okay. Look don't take it personal kid she's probably just stressed I mean i never went to college but from what I've heard it's a lot of work and a lot of stress. Look I'm sure she didn't mean to yell it just came out that way." Demi says trying to calm me down "And about this whole missing her thing. You'll see her for Christmas dude she'll be back before you know it. Annoying the shit out of you!" She Says I laugh through my tears "Feeling better?" She Asks "Yea thanks Dems" I say "Anytime kid. I'll see you soon okay?" She says "Okay see you soon." I say as I put my walki back on my nightstand. That conversation did make me feel a lot better. It's so weird to me how someone you've never talked to before in your life can be the person you trust completely I mean if Demi were to break out of jail and tell me to get my bags then I wouldn't hesitate to go with her because I know she'd only try to protect me. I can't believe I'm actually saying this but I trust a criminal with my life.

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