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Lacey's POV
When I drove away from the jail there were literally tears in my eyes. I couldn't believe they took my baby sister in. What could she have possibly have done wrong?!?! All I could do was fly to New York and help find Evidence that can somehow help Demi. Now here I was looking through security footage. Demi had written down the date of the concert which was June 7th,2014. There had to be something in here. As I saw Demi on stage performing. I saw a girl in the hallway backstage and then Wilmer appeared. They talked for a while and then Wilmer handed her a big old wad of cash. "Ha! Caught you red handed Bastard!" I say to myself as I emailed that part of the tape to myself and Hayden,the guy that was helping us on Demi's case. Now all we had to do was find that actress make her somehow confess in court and then boom we've got a court case. I snuck out of the venue without getting caught. Now to bust my sister out of jail.
Jordan's POV
Spending a week in jail wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. During the times Demi and I weren't out in the courtyard or in the music room or eating. I mostly laid in her lap reading while she played with my hair. I had finished the Hunger Games trilogy and can I just say how much of a badass Katniss is. I mean in the last book she fucking disses the capital multiple times,has to go through this fucking arena of a war and has to watch the people she loves die. Like Damn that girl is one strong ass motherfucker. "Yo Jordan! How'd you like your time in this hell hole?" Demi asks "Aside from almost getting raped and almost getting into a fist fight with that bitch who stole my pb and j it was actually pretty fun." I say "Whoa when did you almost get into a fist fight with someone?" Demi asks "whoops forgot wasn't supposed to tell you that" I say she arches an eyebrow at me. "Let's just you don't mess with my pb and j especially when I'm hungry as fuck!" I say as she laughs "Prison's changed you kid." She says "Yea it has but for the better I think." I say as she chuckles. "Oh I almost forgot." I say grabbing the three books that were sitting in the corner of Demi's bed. "Hey Officer Dominguez?" I say to the female ward that gave me these books. "Yes Jordan?" She says turning towards me. "Thank you for providing me with some entertainment." I say handing her the books. "Anytime. Although I hope to never see you behind bars ever again." She says "Trust me you will never see me like this again." I say as she chuckles. "And you'll never see this one in here either after her court case." I say sitting back down next to Demi on her bed. "Oh yea i heard about that. Good Luck Demi!" Officer Dominguez says "Thank you Officer" Demi says smiling. An alarm goes off signaling that we have some free time and Demi and I both smile. We raced to the music room. I sat on a piano bench while Demi sat beside me on a different chair. "Alright kid play me a scale." She says as I nodded and placed my right hand on the keys. Okay Jordan you can do this. C D E Move. Thumb. Now. "Damn it!" I say as I play F with my ring finger instead. "Hey don't beat yourself up kid. You got this!" Demi says I nodded as I took a deep breath and started to play it again and actually got it this time. "Fuck Yeah!" I say "Did you guys start without me?" A voice says I look up and smile when I see the familiar blonde. "Nope you came just in time." I say "Good thought I was gonna miss something important" She says sitting next to me on the bench. "You never do Vanessa how could you when you always show up at the right times" Demi says "Yea like to save this little munchkin's ass from getting kicked over a peanut butter and jelly sandwich." Vanessa says chuckling. "How come no one tells me about these things anymore?" Demi says trying to sound annoyed but failing. As the lesson continued we heard the alarm again. "Ugh and back to our cells we go" I say as we head back. "Jones,Lovato." We hear someone say. We turn to see Officer James. "You've got a visitor!" He says smiling. Demi and I look at eachother and smile. We go to the visitation room and see Lacey sitting at one of the tables. "Lacey!" I say running to her. "Hey hope this week wasn't too bad." Lacey says catching me and hugging me. "No it wasn't. Especially when Demi made it fun." I say "How can you make Jail fun?" Lacey says "Believe me. When you give this one a lot of sugar it can be a lot of fun" Demi says as we all laugh. Lacey signed me out of jail and I got my phone and headphones back. "My babies!" I squealed grabbing them and holding them close. "Kids today" Lacey says rolling her eyes "Tell me about it" Demi says as they both laugh. We got into Lacey's car and rode to the park where Demi and I had that whole 'I love you' moment. "Okay now where did this kiss happen?" Lacey asks me "Over there by that tree. But it was like the shortest kiss ever probably like 3 seconds." I say "Well shit kid if you wanted a longer kiss you could've just said so. Tongue or no Tongue this time?" She says sending me a wink from the backseat "Neither you weirdo!" I say flipping her off as we get out of the car with Demi and Lacey laughing their asses off while my face is probably red as a tomato. "Awww she's blushing Dem" Lacey says pinching my cheeks. I slapped her hands away as we go and sit on one of the park tables. Lacey puts laptop on the table and goes onto her email. She clicks on the link and it shows us Wilmer handing some girl at least a hundred thousand fucking dollars. "Fuck yeah! We got the bastard and he's gonna go to jail!" I say getting way too hyped about this. "Whoa calm down dude we don't even know if that's the girl he hired" Lacey says "Hold rewind the video?" Demi says as Lacey rewinds it. "There pause." Demi says as my sister follows her orders. "Okay now zoom in on that bracelet on her wrist" Demi says as Lacey does I notice that the bracelet had a word on it. "Lavatic?" I ask trying to pronounce it. "Lovatic" Demi and Lacey correct me at the same time. "Whoa that was creepy" I say as They rolled their eyes at me. "Anyway that's the bracelet the actress was wearing. I remember cause she asked me to sign it." Demi says we hear Lacey's phone go off. "It's from Hayden. He knows who the actress is." Lacey says "Her real name is Heather Lewis and she's from LA." I suddenly got a brilliant idea. "Dude maybe during spring break I could drive up there to see you and we could meet up with her then." I say "Yea that would be great!" Lacey says Demi looks kinda sad so then I remember something from my packet. "If only there was some kind of I don't know Road trip clause so that way I could take you with me Demi." I say over dramatically. "You're such a dick you know that?" Demi says obviously annoyed. "Dude there is a Road trip clause. After I found out about the sleep over act I read that thing cover to cover. I practically have it memorized." I say "so you can memorize a three page packet but you still don't know how to play Jingle Bells?!" Demi says "Fuck off!" I say as she laughs we joke around for the rest of the night until we had to take Demi back. "I'll see ya tomorrow Little Dipper!" Demi says "You most Definitely will and since I'll be busy on Christmas I decided to give your present early." I say "What is it?" She asks "Patience Big Dipper!" I say sticking my tongue out as she flips me off. "How come we don't have cute nicknames?" Lacey asks pouting "We do Lazy Lacey" I say "Whatever Jumpy Jordan." She says as I roll my eyes. We laugh as we drove back home. Our parents were coming back from England tomorrow to spend the holidays with us which was usual. We got holidays with them and their jobs got the rest of the year. They usually tried not to fight but I'll give them 5 minutes before one of them picks a fight. God I can't wait til I'm 18.
A/N:Sorry this chapter was kind of all over the place guys. The next one should be better! But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter anyway. Next update should be sometime this week. So see ya! Love you guys!

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