New Years

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Jordan's POV
"Hey wake up sleepyhead!" I hear someone say. "No! Go away!" I say pushing the person away. "Oh come on Little Dipper! It's the last day before 2017!" The voice says which I now recognize as Demi. I slowly open my eyes to meet her brown ones and her infectious smile. "Good Morning Kid!" She says I smile at the nickname and stretch "Morning! Is Lacey awake?" I ask "Yup! She sent me in here to wake you up for breakfast" She says as I sit up. "Oooh what's she making?!" I ask "Chocolate chip Pancakes" she answers as my eyes widen. "Those are my favorite!!!" I say "I know! So get dressed the faster you're ready the faster you get to eat them." She says laughing as I jump out of bed and look through my closet for some clothes. I did my usual morning routine and then went downstairs to see my sister and Demi eating pancakes with out me. "How dare you guys start eating without me!" I say pretending to be offended "We were hungry!" Lacey says with a mouth full of pancakes. "Sometimes I wonder if you were actually supposed to be a dude." I say laughing as I sat down and put some pancakes on my plate. "Then you would have a gay older brother." Lacey says as I rolled my eyes. After we finished eating Demi and Jordan basically shoved me into Lacey's car saying they had a surprise for me. "Guys come on just tell me where we are going!" I say "Nope sorry babe but you're just going to have to wait." Lacey says "Ugh!" I groan as I look out the window trying to figure out if I knew where we were going. Next thing I know we stop at some kind of private gym. "What are we doing here?" I ask "well remember when you said you would work out with me?" Demi asks my eyes widen "oh no! Hell no! I'm not ready I don't even have the right clothes on!" I say "Well it's a good thing I brought extra clothes. Come on you can change in there." Lacey says "You guys are cruel! You call this a surprise!" I say "Well you were surprised weren't you?" Demi says "More like horrified!" I say "Come on how bad can it be?" Lacey says Demi just smirked probably knowing that we had no idea what we were in for. We went inside and I guess Demi's old trainer recognized her. He let us in and we all went to the locker room to change. Then once we were ready it felt like we were training to be in the army. We were doing squats with weights on our backs,Pull ups,Push ups,Planks with weights on our backs again and to top it all off we each had to run 5 fucking miles on the treadmill after each set. Demi surprisingly did 3 and Lacey and I only made it through 1. "Holy shit! You did that everyday for a month!" I ask Demi "Yup! Here have some water!" She says handing me a nice cool water bottle. I nodded as I opened it and dumped it on my head. "You know you can drink it too right?" Demi chuckled as I flipped her off. We all then went back to the locker rooms to change and grabbed something to eat on the way back home. "Okay well what do you guys usually do for New Years?" Demi asks "Well usually family comes over and we all talk and tell everyone stories of what happened that year. But with the divorce and everything that's going on. That doesn't seem very likely." Lacey explains. Demi nodded and then spoke up again. "Well I'd like to tell a story of something very important that happened to me this year." She looked at us as we both nodded. "Go right ahead." Lacey says "Well it must've been a warm August day. A couple of weeks after my birthday actually. Officer James came by my cell and handed me this packet. He said that later today someone would come to visit me. I thought the whole thing was stupid so I threw the packet in the trash and went on with my day. Although as promised someone did come to see me." Demi starts smiling at me. "This girl who couldn't have been more than 13 or at least I thought. She told me she had to visit me everyday for a whole year. I gave her the cold shoulder at first but eventually she got through to me. I found out she was actually a Senior who was 17 turning 18 in February if I'm not mistaken." Demi says looking at me again as I nodded my head. "Well as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. This girl kept her promise and kept coming to spend her day with me. Little did I know that this girl would break down my walls that I thought couldn't be broken ever again. She would get to know the real me. This girl would mean more to me than my freedom. Hell I wouldn't even care if I was stuck in that jail for the rest of my life as long as I saw her everyday. And now Her and her sister are doing everything they can to prove I'm innocent and get the asshole who I once thought I would marry in jail." She pauses and look directly at me. "That girl is you Jordan. Before you I felt like I was just existing but now I actually feel like I'm living. You made me remember what that's like. And for that I am forever grateful. Thank you Jordan." She says I feel my eyes start to water as I hug her. I sob into her shoulder and just enjoy being in her arms. Once I'm calm again I took my seat again. "I'd like to share something too." I say "Alright as long as I can go next." Lacey says I smile. "If I'm being honest I thought this assignment was going to suck. I mean hanging out with a criminal everyday and not knowing if they are a Murderer or a Rapist. That was the scariest part I think. But once I saw that it was you I wasn't so scared. I was more confused if anything. So I became curious. I'm going to be honest Demi you scared me shitless with that glare that first day." I say laughing at the memory. "You mean this glare?" She asks before shooting daggers at me. "Yeah exactly like that!" I say "Holy shit that's scary!" Lacey says "Yeah but I don't know how but I had the courage to talk to you. And explain that I was only doing this because I wanted a good grade. Well now here we are  4 months later although it feels more than that. And I don't feel like I'm doing this because I have to anymore. I feel like I'm doing this because I want to. Demi you've turned from being a criminal in my eyes to being dare I say it. A friend. A best friend. Hell even a sister. Demi thank you for being here for me." I say finishing. "Always kid." She says with tears in her eyes. "Alright my turn!" Lacey says as we laugh. "Last I Summer I left for LA for college. I was leaving behind my little sister who was going into her senior year alone. And while i knew she would be fine a part of me still worried about her. Though months past and she had complained about struggling in English so she had asked for extra credit. She then told me she was going to visit my idol which was so mind boggling for me. When I came home for Christmas. I no longer saw my little sister that I worried about. I saw this young beautiful woman who was confident that she was going to break her friend out of jail and somehow manage to graduate. Demi I want to thank you for helping Jordan here along the way. Jordan I love you so much. And I can't wait to see where this journey takes us." She says finishing. We were all crying by the end of that and we just hugged each other. Once we were all done crying we went over on the couch and Lacey and I smirked at each other because we knew what came next. "Alright well Demi this next tradition you might not like so much but it's tradition so we're doing it." Lacey says "Oh god what are we doing?" Demi says worried. Lacey goes on YouTube and types in 'Demi Lovato Funny Moments' "No! Come on guys!" She says "Hey I had to sit through this every year on New Years so you do too." I say laughing as Lacey clicks on a video. "So this is what Lovatics do in their spare time?" Demi says "Yup pretty much!" Lacey says as Demi just chuckles and shakes her head. We watched everything from Falling compilations to the classic "I like mugs" It was getting close to midnight and we counted down and then screamed at the top of our lungs "Happy New Year!!" "Our neighbors hate us!" I say laughing "They must" Lacey says as she joins me. "You know this is the first good New Years I've had in a while. I'm glad I get to spend it with you." Demi says sitting next to me on the couch. "Me too" I say smiling we watch more videos and then we drove back to the police station since our parents were coming back tomorrow. I kinda cried when I had to hug Demi goodbye because I knew tomorrow was going to be a hard day. "Hey kid it's okay you're going to see me tomorrow. It's not like I'm dying." She jokes "I know I'm just going to miss you." I say "I know you are but if tomorrow does suck ass then you and me will go out and do something special okay?" She says I nodded as she wipes my tears. She kisses my forehead and hugs me again. "Stay Strong Jordan. I love you." She whispers I nodded and just took in her scent. "I love you too Demi." I say as we pull back. Lacey and Demi said their goodbyes and then Demi walked into the station. I sighed as Lacey took my hand in hers. "Tomorrow's going to suck isn't it?" I ask "Yea it is but we'll get through it together." She says I nodded as we drove off into the night. Something in the pit of my stomach told me that tomorrow was going to be the worst day ever but I pushed it aside and just focused on the stars. I spotted the Big Dipper and smiled and took that as a sign. Everything was going to okay. At least I hope.
A/N: So here's another chapter guys! I hope enjoyed it! Also guys I need some books to read on wattpad. Preferably Demi and fifth harmony related. So if you guys have read any good books about them put them in the comments. I'll be sure to check them out! Okay see ya guys later. Love you guys!

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