Celebrating Demi's Freedom

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Jordan's POV
It was the last day we had in LA since we had to head back home tonight. Officer James left yesterday after Demi's trial since he had to put that asshole behind bars. Man I can see the headlines now. Wilmer Valderrama Frames Ex Girlfriend Demi Lovato.
Kiss you career goodbye asshole. I smiled just thinking of him in jail. "What are you smiling at kid?" Demi asks as she sat down next to me on the couch in my sister's living room. "Just finally glad that asshole is out of our lives." I say she smiles "Me too kid. But he doesn't deserve to be in your thoughts. Right now it's time to go out and celebrate and I know just the way to do that." She says her eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas. "Lacey,Mason quit making out and come here!" She yells as Lacey and Mason come out of the bedroom that they shared. "We weren't making out. We were watching Stranger Things on Netflix." Lacey says crossing her arms as they sat down on the other couch. "Mhm sure." I say chuckling "Whatever anyway what's up Demi?" She says "I was thinking that maybe all of us could take a spontaneous trip to Disneyland since I haven't been there in forever!" Demi says "Ugh! But that place is crawling with screaming kids." Lacey says groaning "Not to mention the crying babies." Mason says "And the always on edge parents. No thanks Dems I'm going there for my senior trip and one trip to Disney is enough for this year." I say "But but it's my first day as a free woman!" She says with her pouty face. "Okay I'll go!" Lacey says "Damn it Lace! Really?" I say "What she's still cute as fuck!" She says "Ugh!" I groan "If she's going im going." Mason says "Dude i thought you were on my side." I say "I was but I really don't want to sleep on these uncomfortable ass couches." He says "Come on kid please!" Demi begs me "Ugh do I have to?" I say "I mean no unless you want me to tell Lacey where you were last night?" She says wriggling her eyebrows. "You wouldn't!" I say "Tell me about what?" Lacey says "That Alex and her-" Demi started but I interrupted "Had a really good chat on the phone last night. Did she know she's always wanted to go to Italy?" I say covering Demi's mouth but she licked my hand causing me to remove it and wipe it off on her. "Dude ew that's gross. And fine I'll go!" I say rolling my eyes "Yay!" Demi says "I'll inform Alex that we're going to Disney." I say "I'll do the same with Cassie." Lacey says "And I'll go call Nate!" Mason says I could tell that Demi wanted one her friends around. "Hey D why don't you call one of your friends?" I ask "Are you kidding I haven't spoken to them since I got put in that hell hole!" She says "Well still call them. I'm sure they'd be glad to hear from you." I say "Okay but don't get your hopes up kid." She says ruffling my hair as she walks to the back porch. I then went on my phone to text my beautiful girlfriend Alex.
Jordan💖😍: Hey babe! Wanna go to Disney land?
Alex😘💕: Last time I checked you hated that place.
Jordan💖😍: And I still do but Demetria threatened me with blackmail.
Alex😘💕: I'm sure I can get you out of it😉
Jordan💖😍: Oh really can you protect me from my sister's wrath once she finds out you stole her little sister's virginity.
Alex😘💕:Disneyland it is!
I laughed as I texted her back with an okay. "Cassie and Nate are in!" Lacey reports. "So is Alex." I say Demi returns from the porch with a smile on her face. "Well?" I ask as she runs to hug me. "Thanks to you one of my best friends Marissa is coming along with us!" She says "Alright so let's get this show on the road." Mason says. We all hopped in his van since we were picking up the others on the way there. After the 2 hour drive to Disney plus the hour wait we had finally had parked in the Mickey Mouse section of Disney and set out to find Marissa. "So how will we know when we find her?" Alex says as she grabs my hand. "Oh trust me we'll know." I say just as we hear Demi squeal. "Marissa!" She says running towards a blonde with a simple outfit her hair thrown up in a bun and sunglasses. "Demi!!!" She says throwing her arms around Demi. We all caught up to them as they pulled apart. "I can't believe you're really out of jail." She says "I know I can't believe it either." Demi says "Everyone this Marissa. Marissa these lovely people are Lacey,Mason,Drew Cassie and Alex. And this is my kid Jordan." Demi says swinging her arm around me. Marissa's eyes widened "Whoa Dems you have a kid!?" She says "No! No! No! I did not come out of her Thankfully. I'm the kid that was assigned to be like her buddy. I'm the one who busted her out of there." I explain. "Oh well thanks Jordan." She says "No problem." I say "Alright now that that's settled let's go have some fun!" Demi says being her enthusiastic self she runs to the gates as we follow her. Since the media hasn't been alarmed that Demi got out of Jail there were almost no paps and a few fans came up to us but they soon left after they had like 3-4 minutes with Demi. We had gotten our passes and now we were on our way to splash mountain. "I seriously don't know how you pulled this off." Lacey says as she pulls up a picture of Demi on her phone during the big drop on splash mountain as if it was no big deal. "That was super easy! I've been on this ride millions of times!" She says laughing "Well I can't wait to see Jordan's face. It's her first time going on this ride!" Nate says "Aww well I'm so glad to witness you loose your splash mountain virginity." Demi says as we all laugh. We got through the line and Demi pulled me to the front of the log. "You're getting the full experience!" She says "Ugh if I die everyone will blame you." I say "You're not gonna die kid relax." Marissa says as she goes in the seat behind us with Alex. "Hey only I get to call her that!" Demi says "Okay fine. Then shorty it is!" Marissa says "I am not short!" I say "Babe you're shorter than Demi. And she's only 5'3" Alex says "So what? I'm like 2 inches away from being taller than her!" I say "Sorry Jordan but you're gonna be short forever. I was this tall when I got out of high school." Lacey says as her and Mason get on. Leaving Nate and Cassie in the back. "Ugh curse genetics." I say as Demi chuckles beside me. As the ride started I braced myself and it was a lot like it's a small world except the robots were less creepy. "Brace yourself kid" Demi says as we are at the peak of the ride and holy shit we are high. "Demi if I die just know that I think you're hot as FUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK!!!!" I scream as we drop a vertical drop into the water. Now that we are peacefully floating to the end of the ride Alex flicks the back of my head. "Ow babe!" I say rubbing my head. "That's for saying that Demi is hot." She says "What like you don't have a massive crush on her." I say as she blushes. "That's what I thought." I say as I feel another flick "Okay seriously that hurts!" I say as she laughs. "So someone has a little girl crush on Demi." Marissa teases "She probably wouldn't mind kissing me again." Demi says "Again?" Marissa asks looking at me "It was a dare!" I defend. "One that I'm never going to let you live down." Demi says "Hey I'm one of the few people who get to say that I've kissed Demi Lovato." I say "Do you know how many Lovatics would kill to kiss Demi?" Marissa says "We've had a few close calls over the years. Like one time at a meet and greet the girl asked me to kiss her cheek and at the last second she turned her head. However I pulled back and just hugged her. But it was pretty close." Demi says "Ha! That sounds like something 16 year old Lacey would do." I say laughing as we got off the ride. "I heard my name. Jordan did you say something embarrassing about me to Demi?" She asks "Wouldn't Dream of it Lace!" I say we walked around the park for a couple of hours. Stopping to take pictures with some Disney characters. We rode multiple rides including Space Mountain,The toy story ride,The haunted mansion and a couple of the kids rides because why not? It had now started to get dark so we decided to head over to the castle for the fireworks display. We got there pretty early to get some good spots. "Demi I'm glad you talked us into going to Disney." I say smiling "See it wasn't too bad was it?" She says "Other than me wanting to punch that kid on the haunted mansion ride because he was being annoying it was great." I say as she laughs. I feel Alex grab my hand causing me to look at her. "Hey Beautiful!" I say kissing her cheek. "Speak for yourself gorgeous" she says pecking my lips. "Hey keep the PDA to a minimum love birds!" Lacey yells. "Okay but try keeping Masons tongue out of your mouth!" I say as she flips me off. I chuckle as the loudspeaker goes off meaning that the show is about to start. All the classic characters come out of the castle dancing and singing the cheesiest song about dreams coming true. Soon the fireworks were exploding in the sky and everything was perfect. "Jordan." I hear Alex say I look into her green eyes and I smile "Yea babe?" I ask "I love you." She says my heart skipped a beat and it felt like everything had slowed down. The girl of my dreams just told me that she loved me. "I love you too" I somehow managed to say. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me closer to her. I stood on my toes so that our lips met and wrapped my arms around her neck. Everything in that moment was perfect. I was kissing the love of my life,Demi was no longer in jail,and I was surrounded by my friends. Nothing could ruin this moment. But like all moments it had to end. "Jordan! Alex! Stop eating each other's faces or else you're gonna be stranded in Disneyland!" Nate says "Way to ruin the moment Nate." I mutter as I hear Alex chuckle. She grabs my hand as we start following our friends back to the parking lot. "Was that whole moment about?" Demi asks "It was just that a moment. And one that I won't forget." I say as I feel Alex kiss my cheek. "I swear you two are just too cute!" Marissa says pinching our cheeks. "Marissa you're like the aunt who you only see on the holidays." I say as Demi laughs "That's the perfect description of you Mar! Up top kid!" Demi says as I high five her. "Man! And I was just starting to like you Shorty." Marissa says "Love you too Marissa." I say "By the way Jordan I got a pretty cool picture of you and Alex kissing." Lacey says showing me. I looked at her phone screen and saw that she had captured the moment. It was Alex and I standing in front of the Cinderella castle and fireworks exploding in the background. "Dude that's awesome! Will you send me that photo?" I ask "Yea sure! As long as you don't mind me putting it in my portfolio." She says "Go for it!" I say. Lacey was majoring in photography since she wants to be a photographer when she gets out of college. Once Marissa and Demi had said their goodbyes we all headed back to Mason's Van since Demi and I had to get on the road soon. "Alright well Thank you guys for everything. This has been the best weekend in a while." Demi says hugging my sister. "You are welcome here anytime. Especially if you are on tour. It'd be nice to finally go to one of your concerts. Hint hint." Lacey says "Dude we've been to plenty of her concerts" I say "Shhhh she doesn't know that." Lacey says hitting the back of my head. "Owwww!!" I groan rubbing my head. Demi chuckles "Don't worry I'm hooking all of you guys up with VIP passes once I get on the road again. Speaking of which,Kid remind me to call Nick later." Demi says "Wait Nick as in Jonas Brothers Nick?" I ask "Yes! Who else? We were supposed to tour together but since that asshole put me in jail we never got to it. I'm thinking if he's up for it then It'd be a great way to re-kickstart my career besides I miss my lovatics." Demi says I smiled. "You got it boss!" I say as she laughs. I go down the line saying goodbye to my friends and then I stop at Alex. "So it looks like you're leaving again." She says "Yea but it's not forever babe. I mean im moving in with Lacey the week after I graduate. And then you'll have me all summer. And plus I'm gonna go to school at UCLA I'm going to make sure of it." I say "You better if you know what's good for you." She says as she leans in to kiss me. She pulls back and presses her forehead against mine. "I love you Jordan." She says "I love you too Alex." I say as I slowly walk away from her. I got into the passenger seat of my car since Demi was already in the drivers seat. Demi started the engine and we pulled out of the driveway. Soon we were on our way back home. "So we beat the asshole. What's next?" Demi asks "Now you've gotta meet my mom." I say laughing as she groans. "Whoa I didn't realize I was dating you kid! What is this meet the parents?" She asks I laugh "No but it's close. Since Officer James will be there." I say "Alright but just saying I'm not going up against your mom when she whoops you ass for lying." She says as I chuckle. "I don't expect you to." I say as she grabs my hand making me look up from my phone and at her. "I love you Kid. And I want you to know that just because I'm a free woman now and that I plan on going back to being a 'celebrity' that's never going to change." She says I smile and nod. "I know and I love you too Demi. Now let's get home in one piece please." I say "I'll get us there safely." She says almost passing a stop sign. "You were saying?" I say laughing as she playfully shoves me "Shut up!" She says. This is going to be one long night.
A/N:Hey guys so sorry that this chapter is just a filled with fluff. But it's because within these next few chapters this book is gonna come to an end. I know I know it's sad for me too. But I've got at least 4-5 more chapters left. Plus the bonus chapter that's gonna be Jordan's Essay. Alright well until next time guys!"

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