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Jordan's POV
"Alright class so I expect all of your essays to be finished by tomorrow." Mrs.Jefferson says as we all groan while packing up our stuff. The bell rang and just as I was about to walk out Mrs.Jefferson wanted to talk to me. "So Jordan how's your extra credit assignment going?" She asks it had been a couple weeks since that first visit with Demi. We had gotten to know eachother a lot better. "Um it's going well. Why do you ask?" I ask "Just wanted to make sure that I didn't put too much pressure or anything like that on you by giving you this assignment." She says I smiled it's nice when a teacher recognizes that students get overwhelmed sometimes. "I'm fine Mrs.Jefferson I assure you" I say she nods "oh I almost forgot there's a page that I didn't staple to the packet I handed you that's a very important part." She says handing me the paper and I read it. It said I was allowed to take Demi out of prison whenever I wanted. She just had to be with me at all times and she had to be back before curfew. Which was around 10. I smile when I read that. I decided not to tell Demi until I knew I could actually trust her. I mean she is still a criminal. How do I know she's not going to ask me to take her out,ditch me and escape. I read the next paragraph and it said I had to spend one full week in prison with my inmate and the wards and other inmates were to treat me as if I was a criminal. My mouth dropped once I found that out. Holy shit I'm screwed! I've been telling my mom that I've been at the dog shelter this whole time. Okay I'll figure something out right now I just need to get through the day and then plan something later.
After School
The minute school ended I rushed to my car shoving my backpack in the passenger seat. I drove to the prison and met the usual cop that stood at the entrance to wait for me. "Afternoon Ms.Jones." He says "How many times do I have to tell you Officer James just call me Jordan" I say with a smile "Right sorry Jordan." He says I had gotten to a first name bases with the officers and it was cool. I went through the metal detectors and they checked my stuff. Once I was good to go Officer James and I went to the visitation room. "So  you and Ms.Lovato are getting close huh?" He asks "I guess I mean she hasn't cuss me out since that first day." I say sighing as I see her in hand cuffs again. "Do you guys have to put hand cuffs on her. She's not going to hurt me" I say "Sorry Jordan it's the rules" he says. I nodded as I went in. The second I went in I saw Demi's frown turn into a small smile. "Hey kid!" She says "Hey!" I say taking the seat across from her we waited until the cop left and then we started talking. "So how'd that math test go?" She asks genuinely interested. "Uh well I won't know until next week but I'm pretty sure I flunked it." "Nah cmon dude don't doubt yourself. You're a smart kid. Hell I couldn't even figure out some of those problems." She says "That's cause you flunked out of high school" I say chuckling "Ha. Ha. Very funny." She says rolling her eyes. I looked at the clock we had about ten minutes left. I looked at my hands as my leg started bouncing up and down. My anxiety kicking in as every second mattered at this point. "Hey kid you alright?" She asks noticing my actions "Yea it's just my anxiety" I say she nods. "So hey are you still having those nightmares?" She asks I've been having Nightmares lately about Lacey and her boyfriend being abusive towards her and I'm just standing there completely helpless. I'm scared to believe them because her boyfriend is like an older brother to me. They've been together for 4 years and he told me he was thinking about proposing to her. "Yea and it's gotten worse." I say she looks around making sure there isn't anyone looking I guess. "I placed something on your side of the floor." She says I look down to see a waki taki. "I've got one in my cell. I stole it off of one of the wards. I figured anytime you needed to talk to someone. You could use that to talk to me." She says smiling "Thanks Demi that's really thoughtful of you. I clipped the walki talkie to my pants and hid it under my shirt. "Alright wrap it up ladies" Officer James told us. "See ya later kid" Demi says "See ya later Demi" I say as I follow Officer James outside and thank him. I opened my car door and then get in. I drive out of the parking lot and start driving to my house. I park in the driveway and then I grab my backpack and unlock the door. I saw that my mom had not gotten off of work yet so I made myself a sandwich. I looked at the time and it was around 6 which meant my sister had just gotten out of class. I smiled to myself as I took out my phone and face timed her. "Oh hey babygirl!! How are you?" She asks I smiled as I sat on the couch. "I'm good. Just got home from visiting Demi. And now I'm on the couch talking to you." I say "God I'll never get used to you saying 'Visiting Demi'. But anyway Derek is here want to say hi" she asks my hand turns into a fist and my stomach churns but I force my smile. "Sure!" I say as she turns the camera around. "Babe say hi!! It's Jordan!!" I hear Lacey say "Hey dude what's up?" He says "Not much man what's going on with you?" I say "Just chilling thinking about playing black oops 2 later." He says "Cool!" I say as Lacey turns the camera back to her. Once I'm calm again my hand relaxes. "Alright well I've gotta go babygirl. I've got a mid term to study for and an essay that's due tomorrow." Lacey says "Okay same time tomorrow?" I ask "You know it! I love you babygirl!!" She says "To the moon and back Lace!" I say as she hangs up. I decide to watch a couple of movies on Netflix so I put my plate in the sink and went to my room. I settled on one of the scream movies and then went to go get the popcorn started. "Hey kid can you hear me?" I hear Demi's voice from the waki taki. I grab it and pressed the button. "Yes I can hear you Demi" I say "Okay just checking. Gotta go cause a ward is coming." She says and then it goes dead. I shake my head as I get the popcorn into a bowl and then head back to my room.
A couple hours later

I've finally finished my homework and mom still hasn't come home yet. She told me she was going to work until 2 AM. It was already midnight so I decided to go to sleep. I turned off the tv and got under the covers and closed my eyes.

I was in LA. My sister's apartment to be more specific. "I TOLD YOU DEREK HE WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP ME WITH MY ESSAY!!!" I hear my sister yell "WELL THATS NOT WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE!!!! HE WAS ALL OVER YOU!!!!" Derek yells "SO WHAT!!! I CANT TALK TO GUYS NOW!!! YOU''RE SO FULL OF IT DEREK!!" Lacey yells as I see them in their bedroom getting in eachother's faces. I see him slap her and then I see the red hand print on her cheek. "Jordan please get out." She says on the brink of tears but there's no stopping me now. NO ONE LAYS A HAND ON MY SISTER AND GETS AWAY WITH IT. I run over to Derek and push him away from her. "What the fuck man!!! I trusted you to take care of MY SISTER and this is how you fucking treat her!!!!" I yell at him "You know what you little bitch stay out of this!! This is none of your fucking business!!!" He yells back "It is my fucking business!!! She's MY SISTER!!!! I'm calling the cops." I say as I take out my phone. Out of no where he pulls out a gun. "Put the phone down" he says pointing the gun at me. I drop my phone but then I use the Siri voice activate thing. "Hey Siri Call 911!" I say I hear a gunshot go off and feel someone push me out of the way. "JORDAN NO!!!" I look up to see my sister with a bullet through her chest and blood pouring. I hear "911 what's your emergency?" And I can barley say the words "My sister was shot."
I woke up gasping for air and i was sweating with tears streaming down my face. I was gripping onto my necklace. It was just a dream.
I lay back down staring at the ceiling. That dream felt so real. I look over and saw the waki taki. I grabbed from my night stand and turned it on. "Hey Demi are you awake?" I ask hoping for an answer. "Yea kid what's up?" I hear her say "I had a nightmare." I say "Was it the same one?" She asks "it was worse." I say biting my lip so I wouldn't burst into tears. "My sister took a bullet for me." I say letting the tears stream down my face. "Shhh hey kid it's okay. It was just a dream. I promise. You're sister is alive and in LA." She says "it felt so real" I say through my sobs. She sighs "I know it did kid. But trust me it wasn't." She says "I-i don't think I can go back to sleep." I say truthfully "okay then stay awake. Talk to me babe." She says "O-okay um I don't know what to talk about." I say "Tell me more about your sister" she says "Well she's two years older than me so that would make her 19. She's the one who's been more of a parent than my actual parents. Like I got the sex talk from her. I've only ever told her my deepest darkest secrets just like she's told me all of hers. And she's basically the best sister I could ever ask for. A pain in the ass at times but still I love her." I say "She sounds great kid. Now I get why she's so important to you. Family is everything and you always have to put them first." She says "Yea I actually wouldn't be surprised if she took a bullet for me because God knows I'd do the same for her." I say wiping my eyes. We talked for a few more hours until I eventually started to feel myself fall asleep. "Hey kid are you falling asleep?" She asks "hmm no." I say causing her to laugh. "Goodnight kid." She says "Goodnight Demi and Thanks." I say "For what kid?" She asks "Making me feel better." I say "Anytime kid" she says as I smile falling asleep.

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