Welcome to my Jail

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Jordan's POV
I woke up to my annoying alarm reminding me that it was time to get up. I groaned as I got out of bed and into the bathroom. I took a shower then got dressed into a Nirvana shirt with a flannel,black jeans and converse. I grabbed my bag and grabbed myself a banana for breakfast I was just about to drive out of my driveway when my phone started going off. That's weird It was Officer James.
J:Hey Officer James what's up?
OJ:Good Morning Jordan listen Demi has decided to come to school with you today. Is that okay with you?
J:Is she allowed to do that?
OJ:Yes but only with your permission
J:Um sure she can come with me to hell
He chuckled
OJ:Alright then your first period teacher will be sent an E-Mail excusing you just in case you're late. But Jordan?
J:Yes sir?
And as if he read my mind he said.
OJ:That does not give you an excuse to go and get Starbucks
J:Yes sir. I'll be over there in 5 minutes.
After I hung up with Officer James I went upstairs into my sister's room grabbing some clothes for Demi then went back to my car. I drove to the station and there stood Demi with Officer James. I handed Demi the clothes as she went off to change I guess Officer James took this as an opportunity to speak with me. "Jordan?" He says "Yea Officer James?" I say "Look I understand that both you and Demi have grown quite fond of eachother. And that's great and all but I don't want you getting too attached. She's a Criminal Jordan and once this year is over. She goes back in jail for 24 hours 7 days a week with absolutely no visitations especially not from Minors. Once this year is over then that's the end of your relationship with her." He says "I'm sorry sir but I beg to differ. Demi has changed a lot from when I first met her to now. Let me ask you this. How many people has she let in before me?"
I say. "None" he answers "And how much has her behavior changed in jail since I've come to visit?" I ask "Aside from all the swearing it's almost changed dramatically." He says "See Officer James I am changing her for the better. In fact I believe that by the end of this year Demi will no longer be in jail." I say "Oh and why is that?" He asks "You'll see" I say giving him one of my signature smiles as Demi comes back over to us. "Hey kid ready to go?" She asks "Yea" I say as I open the passenger door for her she gets in while I walk around to the other side to get in as well. I drive over to my version of jail and park in my usual spot. We still had about five minutes to spare. As there were many teenagers hanging around with their usual clicks. As Demi and I walked inside the main building of the school we sat right outside my classroom. "So where's the bitch that gave you that black eye yesterday?" Demi asks I shrug "I don't keep tabs on her. Not since we broke up. Is that why you wanted to come to school with me today?" I ask "Well yes and no. Yes I wanted to come with because I want to be able to protect you and I also came because I wanted to see what you're like when you are actually in school. But my main reason is because I wanted to see if there was a chance I would get to see Maddie." She explains I nodded I understood how much Demi missed her sister. Demi and I are alike in that way. We both had a sister taken from us but for different reasons. Mine was by choice and hers wasn't. I couldn't imagine what it'd be like not even be able to at least contact Lacey. My phone buzzed a few moments later and I took it out and saw 2 messages. One from Maddie another from Lacey.
Maddie😎: Hey Jordan um I won't be in school today. My parents just got a call notifying them that Demi was at school with you today. Tell Demi I'm sorry and that I miss her terribly.
I frowned. Why did Demi's parents have so much against Demi. "You okay kid?" She asks "Yea it's just it looks like Maddie won't be coming to school today because your parents got notified that you were here." I explain "Those bastards." She mutters under her breath. "But she also said to tell her that she's sorry and that she misses you." I continue. "Tell her it's not her fault and that I love her and that I miss her too." She says I nod as I type a response back. I look at the message from Lacey and debate on whether I should open it or not. It's been a few days since I last spoke to her and that was the day of our fight. Or I guess just her yelling at me. I bit my lip but I opened the message.
Lacey👯: Hey Jordan listen I'm sorry about the other I just snapped and I was stressed. Just call me ASAP. Love you Babygirl.
I rolled my eyes as I shoved my phone in my backpack. The bell rang signaling us to go to class. "Welcome to my jail." I say to Demi and she rolls her eyes. We went inside and I introduced the teacher to Demi. I sat in the back and pulled a chair out for Demi. As we listened to the teacher's lecture on circles Demi looks absolutely lost. Once the teacher hands out the assignment I try to start working on it but I get stuck. "You don't understand a word she said did you?" Demi asks "No who needs Geometry anyways. I mean unless they are actually going to learn this stuff then great if not then see ya in Algebra 2" I say as Demi laughs. We went to the rest of my classes until lunch time. "Alright so I'm technically supposed to stay on Campus for lunch but I know a way out where no one can catch us. Come on" I say we run to the parking lot as one of the campos catch us. "Whoa where do you think you're going?" He says "Um I'm sorry look I um left my ID card in my car. Can I just go get it please?" I ask "Alright Jones you're a good kid." He says and speeds off in his golf cart. Demi and I burst out laughing. "Dude how'd you do that?" She asks "lesson number one about High School make friends with the campus supervisors and your life will be much easier." I say as we get into the car. I make sure no one suspects anything and drive off campus. We go to the nearest Subway and grab our sandwiches to go. We eat in the car and then we go back before the bell rings. "Oh I forgot come on I want to show you something." I say as I park in the school parking lot. I walk over to the back of the school and we have this fence where couples or friends write their names and initials and the date they got together. I search for mine and Lacey's. "Here it is! The only bad thing I've done in my high school career." I say "Wow what a rebel!" Demi says sarcastically as I roll my eyes. "And of course there is Lacey and her douche of a boyfriend Derek." I say pointing to Their initials in a heart. We decided to just hang here for a while when I spotted the heart that contained mine and Jennifer's initials. Demi must've noticed my sudden mood drop because she grabbed my hand making me look at her. "What's wrong kid?" She asks I jerk my head over to the heart and she notices. "See all the hearts with Xs through them that means the couple has broken up. I guess I forgot to put an X through mine and Jennifer's." I say "Well better late than never." She says I nod as I searched for a sharpie. I finally found one and went over to where we drew the heart. I remember that day so clearly.

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