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It all started at a party.

We were drunk and only 16. I could've told everyone that what happened was Alya's fault, she was the one that convinced me to try at least one glass, just one little glass of the stuff. But one glass soon turned to two and two turned to five. But I cant say its Alya's fault, because its mine. I should've said no and walked away.

We kissed a lot that night. He was my first kiss. I wasn't fully drunk, I'd only had one glass. It was soft, like he was afraid to hurt me, but it was sweet. By the fourth glass we were making out. His hand went up places they shouldn't have and I slapped them away playfully and broke away. By the fifth glass I let it happen. I know I shouldn't have, but my hand drifted to his shirt buttons and began to undo them. This time we didn't stop. It was amazing. It felt good and bad. I was loving it and regretting it. Only one thing though. I wish we had used protection.

My parents took it quite well. Of course they were angry and took my phone away for a month. I was fine with it, I didn't want the whole school knowing. I spent a whole year off but Alya visited me often. She helped me with the sickness that came with it. No one told me to get an abortion, Mum told me it wasn't the childs fault, and I must be responsible for my own actions. I agreed. Adrien visited me sometimes, but he rarely came. Everytime he came, he avoided contact with my parents as much as possible. I didn't blame him, but he didn't have to, they loved him like their own son. Soon he stopped coming.

9 months later, my little princess was born. She had little tufts of black hair, but I couldn't tell the eye color.  I really wanted them to be green. Alya was so happy, sending pics to Nino with captions that made me laugh out loud like, 'Our future baby' and 'Nino... I didn't tell you... but... I had a baby....' Nino sent laughing emojis back. 'Not yet' He said 'We're only 16!'

I sent my own picture to a very special person. "Our little angel! Want to come and see her?" I waited for ages. He never came.

I named her hope. I know it sounds cheesy, but I had hope for her future. For OUR future.

My aunt and Uncle came to pick her up, she was my cousin now. Her new siblings cooed over her, as I held onto her tightly not wanting to let go. When it was time to say goodbye, I took one last picture, of her and me , and I planned to get it framed later.

She was gone. I no longer had a daughter, only a new cousin. When I was finally alone, I cried.

The rest of the year rolled by, and I went back to school for year eleven. My whole class was still there, and it turned out they had all found out what happened. They were all really supportive, even Chloe, but I found out later, it was just to look good. I didn't mind. At least she was being somewhat nice.

Adrien was never there. I didn't see him for a whole month. It pained me, so I asked Nino. He didn't know. Chloe however did. Alya told me that Chloe said that Adrien moved away because he never wanted that baby to be born, that everything that happened that night was an accident, that he never loved me.

I cried.

For the rest of high school, I cried a lot. I never saw Adrien again. He never answered my texts. Every time my cousins came for Christmas, I cried. I had to hide the little picture I framed of her and me together. They came for Christmas every year, and she always came running to me. I was her favourite cousin. I cried every time they left. It was as if Hope took a little price of my heart with her every time they left.

But high school ended, and it was time for me to face the real world.

But if that was only high school, I was scared for what was going to happen in the real world

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