Chapter 9: Dark Paths Cross

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It was a new day in the world of Zestria. It was a cloudy day with the sun poking in and out of the grey lumps of mass in the air. Mark along with Ariana, Fiona and Lucile were travelling to the location of the second spirit drive. These Spirit drives, were small glass spheres that are said to contain the essence of a strong warrior from times past.

Mark journeys to find these legend has it, whoever finds all five  spirit drives and gains their powers...will find out the full truth about themselves. Mark seeing he's going to be in Zestria for a long time, and wondering about his origins, journeys with his friends towards the second drive. As he journeys he sees the world...from a new perspective.

Ariana was walking through a vast field of green talking with Mark "so...elec...tricity is your energy source? You mean like from lightning bolts?"

"sort of" said Mark from the side of her "it's similar but not quite the same. We have machines that can create electricity, using water or steam"

"It sounds quite fascinating Mark" said Lucile interested "so most of your technology is powered with this electricity"

"So, you don't use coal or steam?" asked Ariana

"We used too, all the time" said Mark "Although we still's now to a much lesser degree" Mark then looked out "I've got to say, the view from up here is amazing. Thanks for carrying us there Ariana"

Ariana was at full height, carrying Mark and Lucile on each shoulder. Ariana smiled "it's okay, really Mark. It's so nice walking around the land. Although Fiona hasn't said a word"

"Yeah...that is strange" said Lucile looking down "Fiona...Fiona are you alright?" Lucile looked into Ariana's dress pocket and saw Fiona sleeping "and she's out"

"I've got to ask Ariana" said Mark "do you practice being gentle or something? I mean, you've literally rocked Fiona to sleep" Ariana laughed

"We do practice being gentle but I didn't think I was that good" joked Ariana which beckoned the other two to laugh.

Mark then turned to Lucile "so Lucile where is this spirit drive anyway?"

"it's at this abandoned place called the Solus ruins" said Lucile "it's used to be a place of worship apparently...but it flooded due to some heavy rain and vacated"

"So Mark can I ask something?" said Ariana "say you do find these five drives? What will you do after it?"

"hmmm...good question"

 Mark thought for a moment "well...maybe I'd like to stay Zestria"

"That sounds good Mark" said Lucile liking his idea "I'm sure we could find you a home here"

"And then we can visit you all the time" said Ariana seconding his idea

"Well...I don't exactly want to go back" said Mark somewhat sadly "I don't exactly have anything to go back too" Ariana saw his sadness...and wondered what was wrong but decided not to ask.

It was much later, now in the night time. The group had made a small campfire in the middle of the grassy field. Only Mark was asleep as he stirred slightly in his slumber. Fiona was awake and keeping watch "are you sure you don't mind keeping watch Fiona?" said Lucile "I mean it's pretty lonely out here"

"It's okay" said Fiona "I slept during the day so I could stay awake during the night. You go ahead and sleep" Ariana was sat, in her smaller size, looking rather quiet and depressed

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