14- Future

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PICTURE OF MILES ON THE SIDE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Hey you're Jace's girlfriend right?" A boy asks jogging up next to me. He looks a little younger than me but is pretty cute with sea blue eyes. 

"Riley" I correct looking him up and down. He has beats around his neck and looks like the type to sell stolen goods off the back of his bike. 

He smiles looking me up and down as well. Hopefully there is a point to this conversation because we are almost at my 6th period Social class. It's a new class they added to help us with the modern world.

"I'm Miles, Jace's cousin. I heard you're coming to dinner Saturday" He smiles. My stomach does a 180, I thought only Jace, his mom, dad, and brother were going to be there. Miles doesn't bother me but what if his siblings and parents come? We could be walking right into a family reunion!

"Yeah it should be fun. Is the rest of your family coming?" I ask biting my lip. Miles laughs as someone almost rides their skateboard over his foot. The hallways here, are really uncontrolled.

"Don't worry just me" Miles says, sensing my tension. Oh good, I had just got Saturday off my mind, the last thing I need is more bad news. 

The bell rings with an irritating buzz signaling the start of 6th period. I smile and wave before ducking into the classroom. Don't know whether that conversation was more awkward or informative.

As usual everyone is sitting in a circle on the floor. Social isn't exactly a traditional class. For starters it is taught by two college kids that aren't even studying to be teachers. The school feels they are the only ones who can really prepare us for what is to come in the next five years.

I plop down next to Jacob on one of the pillows, zoning the teachers out. This class is good and bad. Good because it is mostly fun, and we get to goof around. Bad because I have to think about my future. Neither one of those teachers can tell me a thing of what is in store for me. 

In one year I am going to have to drop out of school because that is when Jace becomes alpha. In one year I will co-lead a pack of hundreds of wolves. Two years after that I will have to have children. If I have a boy kid at that time, for 18 years after that I will have to continue leading the pack with Jace. There is nothing those two can say, that will prepare me for any of that. 

I don't like to think about the future. It isn't exactly bad but it is scary. Co-leading the pack is the scariest. I just became a werewolf a week or two ago. How am I going to lead a pack of hundreds in a year? Sure most of the work is Jace's responsibility but a good portion of it is mine. It's just hard to think about...

"Come on" Jacob whispers, snapping me out of my train of thought. Everyone is standing up and walking over to the supplies table. Jacob holds out a hand, helping me off of the floor. 

"What are we doing?" I ask walking toward the supplies table. My question is answered as toy babies with fake bottles, diapers, toys, and everything else comes to view. Oh great, worried about becoming a parent at 19 and here we are having a parenting unit. Just wonderful...

Jacob grabs the supplies bringing it over to our table. We share it with two other werewolves who I haven't learned the names of yet. They don't sit with us at lunch, so I don't know much about them.

"The lesson of this unit is to show how young parenting is not a good option. Wait awhile, no one is forcing you to have sex" The female teacher smiles. A chorus of snide laughing erupts from the werewolves, with a couple of whispered comments. There is someone forcing us to have sex, and that's the council. And no we can't wait a couple of years. For all the werewolves in this class, except Jacob and I, they have to have kids a year after high school. 

"Well this is great" I sigh taking off the diaper of the baby. They sprayed something on the fake poop that is supposed to smell like a dirty diaper. I was ten when Ian was born, so I changed my fair share of diapers. None have ever smelled as bad as this.

"Oh come on. Parenting isn't so hard" Jacob jokes as he wipes the toy's butt. The boy across scowls and rolls his eyes. He has been shooting dirty looks at Jacob ever since he picked up the doll.

"Easy for you to say" The boy mutters, giving the baby a bottle. Jacob raises his eyebrow and puts the baby down. The girl across from us scowls as well, but towards the boy.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jacob says cautiously. I can see this going south really fast. 

"It just means, We have to have pups in a year after high school. You know how hard that is?" He asks setting down his doll too. For the boy's sake I hope this doesn't get physical. They both are calm but the boy looks angry and Jacob looks defensive. If it gives physical Jacob could literally tear him to shreds.

"I have to have pups in a year and a half? Same difference, only 6 months more freedom" Jacob defends. I will never get used to werewolves calling babies pups, it's so weird. 

The girl across from me looks scared and is biting her lip in anticipation. If I had to guess I would say they are mates.

"It's different you get it easy. You get supported by the council, Mr. beta" He sneers at Jacob. Jacob clenches his jaw, squeezing the baby bottle a little too tightly. The lid pops off revealing the brick of white slush inside. 

"Like you don't? Your house is free, you get the allowance! Mine is just more because I work for you. At least you get a choice of your job." Jacob growls grabbing the baby by its leg. Thank god it's not his real kid. 

"Whatever" The boy grumbles, grabbing his baby as well. We sit in silence for the rest of the class, taking care of the babies. Finally the bell rings signaling 7th period lunch.

"That was awkward" I laugh walking out of the classroom. Jacob nods seemingly in deep thought. We walk to the lunchroom in the middle of the school. The hallways are packed and filled with different people having different conversations. Everyone however is wearing blue, black, white, or gray. It's mostly a werewolf thing but the humans seemed to have picked up the trend.

We make it to the cafeteria, walking straight to our table. All the grades share the same lunch period. That's how Jace, a senior, is able to have lunch with me, a junior. Everyone is broken up into cliques. Cheerleaders, band players, skaters, werewolves, and another table of werewolves are a few of the many tables. It's kind of bitchy but all the leading weres sit with the leading weres, all the common weres sit with the common weres. That's why the betas, alphas, enforcers, omegas, and soldiers' kids sit at our table. 

I plop down next to Jace and Chloe. Jace gives me a side hug and a little kiss on the top of my head. He is deep in argument with another football player over a game that’s on next Sunday. Chloe is flirting heavily with Nick, a nerdy but hot senior. Nick's mate died before they even met so he is one of the few single werewolves in the pack. Him and Chloe have become really close in the little time we have been in this school.

"Did you hear about the rogues?" Lao whispers to the group. Everyone quiets down and leans in. I know a bit about rogues but haven't really gotten why they are so bad.

"My dad told me last night that they were sited near the border" Lao says drawing in the attention of all nine people. Lao is Nick's twin brother but they are nothing alike. Lao's first name is Stephen but for some reason ever calls him by his last. Their dad is head of border control, so he would know about rouges. 

"Are they attacking any of the nearby packs?" Cassie asks. Everyone looks at Jace expectantly. Jace just shrugs looking back at Lao.

"I asked my dad. He said no but they have been wandering around a lot. A big group of them" Nick whispers his smile wide. Everyone sits back, breaking off into little discussions about the rouges. From the conversations, rogues traveling in a herd nearby is very unsettling.

"Oh wait guys!" Lucas says as the bell rings. Everyone stops, listening to whatever Lucas has to say. 

"Party at my house Friday at 8. Little pack party" Lucas winks. 

"We got the beer" Nick and Lao whoop simultaneously. Everyone smiles, talking about the party. According to Jace, werewolves can drink however much they want to. It takes more to get drunk but we can't get hangovers. And from what I've heard werewolf parties are pretty wild. This should be fun. Can't wait until tomorrow. Might be able to take my mind off Saturday.

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