04- Where's Ian?

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"They have to be somewhere" I hiss looking out of the window. Ian was taken but Jacob, Jace, and Lucas a half hour ago. Since then I have told Chloe what happened and gone looking for him. If we don't find him my parents are going to literally kill me. I do blame myself, I should have done more than stand there. Whenever I find Jacob I am going to strangle him, and that is only if I find Ian okay. If he is harmed in any way, let's just say I might take some other measures.

"Torchwood is only so big, they have to be somewhere" Chloe mutters looking out of the window. Before they managed to get the kicking Ian into their expensive car, Chloe saw the license plate and saw what their car looked like. We can't call the police because Dad is the police, so the only option is to do what we are doing.

Greenery flashes past the window with an occasional house or two. All the houses here are huge and a lot of people have a lot of money. Everyone has a vast open space of property and are connected to the forest somehow.

We turn a corner into a privately owned land. The house is huge and a bunch of cars are littered in the huge driveway. It is behind the forest that is in back of my house so we can see the peak of the roof from here. I pull in letting Chloe look around for the car. The house is gigantic, 100 people could fit in it. It has about four floors and looks very old with blue paint and white trim. It is the kind of house I want to live in someday, if I don't go back to California. Chloe's comes running back to the car smiling.

"Found it" She gasps trying to catch her breath. Yes, we finally have him! If they touched a hair on Ian's head they will never see the light of day again!

 I jump out of the car marching up to the front porch with Chloe in tow. Impatiently we knock on the hard wooden door. Silence greets us. With a house this big there has to be someone home!

"Come on they have to be here" I sigh looking into one of the windows. They have to be here, their car is here. Panic starts to rise in my stomach and spreading to my chest. What if they took Ian out of Torchwood? We were the only ones who saw Jace take him, there are hardly any security cameras in Torchwood, so we have no proof it was them.

"Listen" Chloe whispers grabbing my arm. It sounds like people talking but it's not coming from inside the house. It sounds as if multiple people are laughing or playing behind the house. I don't hear Ian's squeaky voice though, just the sound of men. We quietly sneak off the porch and walk around to the backyard.

"Holy crap'' I whisper looking around the corner. Jace, Jacob, and Lucas are throwing around a football while sitting in lawn chairs. The disturbing part is Ian is attached to Lucas by chains. They are playing with him but I still don't think Ian is safe. Who chains up a six year old?

"What are they doing to him?" Chloe whispers hitting my arm. She has a bad tendency of hitting me every time she is excited or anxious. Other than the fact he is chained up he looks like he's having fun. I still have a bad feeling about this.

"What are we going to do?" Chloe whispers in my ear. All sorts of plans form in my head but none of them are good. The only chance we might have is knocking them out, otherwise they could beat us in a fight any day.

"We have to get him back. Count of three we hide behind those garbage cans. Then when they all turn around we attack" I whisper pointing to the cans. It is a horrible plan since they are all very muscular, it's just the only plan I can think of. I take a deep breath and try to get my heart to stop pounding in my chest. Chloe however sounds like she is having an asthma attack, I don't know how they can't hear her loud breathing.

"One" Oh my god this is not going to work...

"Two" It isn't too late to call Dad...

"Three" I hope my shoe lace isn't untied...

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