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This morning, I wake up feeling drained. I can't cry anymore. I cried too much yesterday.

'Where's Brad?' I ask, walking into Tristan's room.

'Shops' He replies.

'Okay' I turn around and walks out of the room.

'Wait' I hear Tristan call.

'What?' I ask, walking back in the room.

'Can you stay here with me please' He pleads. He's a mess. His red eyes and rosy cheeks, messy hair that he hasn't even bothered to sort out.

'Yes of course' I smile at him, sitting next to him on his bed.

'How's mum?' He asks, wrapping his arm around my neck.

'She doesn't want us seeing her upset. She's barely left her room ever since we got home last night' I explain. I hear the front door open and close.

'Brad?' I yell.

'Yeah' I hear his voice. I smile to myself, I'm so happy to hear his voice.

'Let's go down' Tris says. We head downstairs, seeing Brad in the kitchen with lots of shopping bags.

'What have you been doing?' I ask Brad, raising an eyebrow.

'I noticed that you were almost out of food, and your mum wouldn't feel up to shopping so I did it for you guys' Brad says, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

'You really didn't have to do that' I gasp at how sweet and generous he is.

'I wanted to' He replies. I wrap my arms around him tightly as he kisses the top of my head.

'I love you Bradley' I grin.

'I love you too Aria' He says. I look up at him and he was already smiling.


'Mum' I knock on her bedroom door.

'Yeah?' I hear her reply. I sigh with relief after hearing her voice, knowing she's still here.

'We cooked dinner' I inform.

'Thanks. I'll eat it later, I'm not hungry' She says. I sigh, walking downstairs. I head to the kitchen and put mum's dinner in the microwave.

tired and blue /bws/ Where stories live. Discover now