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'Why don't you, Liv and Tristan go back to the hotel and get some rest?' James questions.

'I wanna be here when she wakes up' Tris replies. I nod my head in agreement.

'We'll call when we hear anything' Connor says. I look to Liv who lowers her head and looks down at the floor.

'Let's go' Liv exhales, standing up.

'I can't leave her' I shake my head and sighs.

'You're not. I'll call when she wakes up' James stands up along with the rest of us.

'Okay okay' I say, following Tristan and Liv out of the hospital.


'Anyone want anything?' Liv asks.

'Nah' Tristan replies. I shake my head in reply. I sigh, looking at Aria's bed covered in clothes. I slightly smile to myself, knowing that she was probably struggling to find something to wear yesterday.

'I just hope she's okay' I mumble to myself.

'She will be' He smiles.

'I don't know what I'm going to do if she doesn't know who I am' Liv sighs, sitting down with a glass of water in her hand.

'No matter what, we're not gonna leave her' Tristan speaks.

'Yeah but you're her brother, you're her boyfriend and I'm her best friend for 17 years. All that might be gone' She replies quietly, with sad eyes.

'Let's get some sleep' I sigh, avoiding the subject. I lay down with my head on Tristan's stomach with his hand on my back. Liv walks to the bed, dumping all the clothes on the floor and climbs in bed.


'Dude it's been 4 hours and still no call' I sigh, pacing around in the room.

'We just gotta be patient' Liv exhales. I roll my eyes, shaking my head.

'I'm going to the hospital. I can't stay here' I put my shoes on, and leaves the room. Liv and Tristan follows me.


'Did you get some sleep?' James asks.

'Some of it' I reply. He gives me a small smile before looking away at a nurse that's walking towards us.

'She's awake' The nurse grins. We all stand up.

'Only two at a time' The nurse adds as we follow her outside Aria's room. 

'Tristan and Brad' Connor says. I look at Con and exchanges smiles before I go in with Tris. I look at Aria who's laying so still in the bed, her sparkly blue eyes fluttering and with a big grin on her face.

'Hey babe' I quietly speak, walking towards her.

'Brad' She groggily calls, opening her arms. I lean in closer in her arms and she squeezes me as tight as she could.

'Wait, she knows who I am' I speak, pulling away and looks at the nurse.

'She is very lucky, looks like she's gonna be just fine' The nurse smiles, writing something in her notepad before exiting the room.

'Trissy' Aria giggles. He hugs her tightly with a huge grin on his face. I hear her wince slightly in pain and Tris instantly let go of her.

'I'm okay, stop panicking' She chuckles slightly.

'Are you sure? I'll get the nurse to come back' I say. She grabs my hand,

'No I'm fine' She says.

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