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This chapter is all about Liv and Connor. If you don't wanna read this, just skip this one but I suggest that you should read this. #livnor!!


'Let's go there' Connor says, pointing at the CD shop.

'Yeah' I eagerly speak, holding his hand as we cross the road and head to the shop. I feel so secure with him and I love it.

'Ooh there's all time low' Connor points out. I smile, following him towards the All Time Low cd.


'You hungry?' Connor asks. I nod my head,

'Yeah I'm starving' I chuckle.

'I should've known, you're always hungry' Connor teases, taking my hand as we walk down the pavement towards Nando's.

'Nando's has like the best chicken ever' I speak as we sit down upstairs in Nando's.

'I agree' Connor agrees, giving me a high five. I grin in response.

'You're so cute' He speaks, making me blush. I put my head in my hands, not wanting him to see me blush.

'Stop. You're making me blush' I laugh, looking out the window to avoid eye contact.

'I'm just saying' He grins, resting his hand on top of my hand.

'You're cute too' I reply, looking back at him.


'We're gonna miss the train. Run' Connor holds my hand tightly so I wouldn't get lost in the crowd. We start to run towards the station and basically we didn't stop running until we sat down on the train.

'Well that was very tiring' I joke, trying to catch my breath.

'I'm very proud of you. I know you don't like running but you ran for me. I'm flattered' He smirks. I laugh, slapping his arm playfully. He laughs, looking into my eyes.

Then suddenly I notice how he started to slowly lean in closer, and I do the same. There are butterflies fluttering in my stomach as he cups my cheeks and connects our lips. I pull away, looking down.

'What's wrong?' Connor asks, looking worried as if he did something wrong.

'It's just I don't know what we are but I still wanna take this slow because of my previous relationship with Ryan, you know' I explain.

'I know. You can have all the time you want to think about this and I'm still gonna be there, waiting for you' He says, putting his hand on my knee.

'Thank you' I kiss his cheek.

tired and blue /bws/ Where stories live. Discover now