Chapter 18

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Normal POV

I must have slept for a while because when I woke up, Joe was lying on the bed watching the TV with just the lamp at his side of the bed on. I turned round so I could face him and looked up at him. 

"Have a nice sleep?" He asked, looking down at me. 

"What time's it?" 

"Half 10," he answered, looking at his phone. 

I moved closer to him and rested my head on his chest while looking at the TV. 

"Comfy?" He asked. 

"Very," I replied with a simple nod. 

I wasn't lying that way for long before one of the babies decided to kick, making Joe move a little. I laughed and put a hand on my bump. 

"I thought it was hard when Connor kicked but that was worse!" He almost shouted, looking down at me before I sat up. "You okay?" 

"That actually did hurt," I moaned lightly, rubbing the part of my bump where one of the babies had kicked. 

"You okay though?" He asked again, worry setting in in his voice. 

"I'm fine...or at least I will be." I tell him as I leaned back on the bed. I just lay down when one of the babies kicked again and I sat straight back up. "Maybe not." 

"They're really kicking hard aren't they?" Joe asked, sitting up straight and resting one of his hands on my stomach. 

"You think?" I breathed, trying to get my breath back after another kick came. 

"Hey, stop hurting your mummy or you'll have me to deal with when you come out." He muttered to my bump. 

I placed my hand on his back and laughed. "Don't make me laugh." 

"If it takes away you thinking of the pain from the babies kicking, I will." He smiled, sitting up and looking at me. "You're amazing, do you know that?" 

"Why's that?" I asked. 

"You're handling being pregnant again, but with twins, very well. I don't know how you do it." He helped me to lay back down on the bed and held me in his arms. 

"Well, Joe, I'm a female. We are the only ones who can get pregnant and carry babies. Deal with it," I told him while pulling the quilt up over my body before falling asleep again.

I woke up the next day at half eight. Another day of lying in bed, worst luck. I wanted to do something today but the question was, what though? 

I looked down at Joe who was sound asleep next to me and I got up out the bed. I walked towards the bedroom doors and opened them before walking into the hallway and over to the stairs. I slowly walked down them and went into the kitchen to get something to eat. 

I opened the fridge door to see what I could get and sighed. "Why is there nothing in this god damn fridge for me to eat?" 

"Maybe because whatever you want to eat, I have to go out and get it." I heard Joe say. 

I closed the fridge door over and looked at him as he leaned against the nearest counter. 

"Did I wake you?" I asked, trying to look all sweet and innocent. 

"No, you're trying to walk down the stairs did." 

"So, I did wake you?" 

"Partly. Mia, what are you doing down here? You know you're suppose to be in bed resting," he half yawned. 

With Me Through Troubled Times (With Me - book 2)Where stories live. Discover now