Chapter 14

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We sat waiting for over five minutes before we were told to stand for the judge coming in. The judge came in and told us to sit back down. I looked at my lawyers who sat at either side of me then back to the judge.

"In the case of Miss. Kimberley Crew and Miss. Amelia Halliwell, Miss Crew. is suing Miss. Halliwell over forcing her to have a DNA test done on her son and for beating her up. Mr. Stevenson, you may begin." The judge said.

Kim's Lawyer stood up. "Thank you, your honour. My first witness to the stand is Miss. Halliwell."

I looked at him in shock. I was told that I wasn't to be called upon first! I slowly stood up and walked over to the stand.

A police officer came over to me and I placed my hand on the bible he held out. "Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

"I do," I replied.

I sat down and looked at the lawyer who was slowly walking over to me.

"Miss. Halliwell, or is is Mrs. Hart? Which one do you prefer?" He asked me.

"Not really bothered. She's suing me as Mia Halliwell so it'll be Halliwell you use to direct me," I told him.

"Okay then, Miss. Halliwell. I am under the understanding that you have been with Mr. Joseph Hart for almost eight years and married to him for one of those. Am I right?"

"Yes," I said, looking at him walk about in front of me.

"When did you first realise that your husband had cheated on you with Miss. Crew?" He asked me.

"Objection, your honour. That has nothing to do with this," one of my lawyers butted in.

"Overruled," the judge said. "Continue Mr. Stevenson."

"I only found out that he'd been sleeping with Miss. Crew, the night of my big sister's nightclub opening." I told him.

"So, what did you do when you found out? What was actually said?" He questioned.

"I was angry because she had called me a few months back. After-after I found out that Joe had cheated on me for the first time with someone else. She called my house and told me that she had a child with him," I said as tears began to fall from my eyes.

"What did you do to her when you found out?" He asked again.

"Nothing." I wiped the tears away.

"Did you beat her up?"


"Did you have someone beat her up? I mean, according to the video footage we got from your big sister's nightclub that night, you were seen beating her up at the back of the building."

"Wh...what?" I stuttered.

"Your honour, may I?" He asked the judge. The judge nodded before he turned to the jury. "What you are about to see may be a little disturbing to watch but it is vital that you watch this as it is key to back up what really happened that night."

A police officer turned the TV on and played the footage. I looked at the screen.


"Ding ding ding! Well done!" She cheered, clapping her hands. "You really are stupid."

"You better watch who you're calling stupid, you little slut." I warned, walking over to her.

"I don't know about the little. I seemed to be more than able to take your husband in all at once," she smirked.

"You what?" I shouted.

"You know...he was able to..." She started.

"I know what you mean!" I was starting to reach boiling point.

"Mia, why are you so angry?" She asked, placing her hand on my arm. "You should really be flattered. Now, your son has a sibling."

"Get your hand off me or you'll regret it," I said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, come on now. Don't be like that." She gripped my arm tighter.

"I said get you hand off me!" I shouted before pushing her against the closed metal door.

>>End of flashback<<

"I rest my case," Mr. Stevenson said before sitting down next to Kim who looked all pleased with herself.

"Mr. Andrews, any questions for you client?" The judge asked on of my lawyers.

"Not right now, no." He replied.

"You may go back to your seat," the judge instructed to me.

I stood up and walked over to my seat and sat down as Kim's lawyer stood back up.

"Your honour, I'd like to call my second witness to the stand. Mr. Joseph Hart," he smiled, turning to look at Joe.

I looked round at Joe in shock as I wasn't told that he'd be called to say anything. What the hell is happening here? Joe stood up and made his way up to the stand. A police officer walked over to him and asked him the same thing as he had asked me.

"Mr. Hart, you were in a relationship with Miss Crew for a little over a year before you split up with her. Why was that?" Mr. Stevenson asked Joe.

"I..." He started before he was cut off.

"Why did you keep the fact that you already had girlfriend? Was it some big secret that only you and Miss. Halliwell were allowed to know about?" Mr. Stevenson questioned.

"Mia's a high profile star who's known all around the world. It's only fair that we kept our relationship a secret because we truly love each other. We didn't want to ruin the relationship we had for the press. That's why we had to date other people, to get them off the trail that we were dating each other." Joe told him.

"What did you do when you found out that Miss. Crew was pregnant? Were you scared? Angry?"

"I don't know. Come to think about it, I never knew I had a child with her as I only ever slept with Mia before I cheated. As soon as I cheated on Mia, I regretted it straight away. I knew that I'd lose her if she found out but I did have and still do, have doubts about the paternity of Tylor." Throughs Joe's entire answer, he looked at me.

"Well, clearly something isn't adding up here. Either you have slept with Miss. Crew, or you haven't." He pointed out to Joe. "Why has it take you this long to ask for her to do a DNA test?"

"My wife has doubts and to have the proof, it'll help us both."

"Your wife! She seems to come up a lot in all of this. What has she got on you that makes you so scared of her? Is she really a bad person?"


"Come on, Mr. Hart. Has she paid you to keep your mouth shut about what went on between you and Miss. Crew?"

"OBJECTION!" Both of my lawyers shouted as they stood up at the same time.

"Mr. Stevenson is making our client feel uncomfortable and is clearly making all of this up," one of my lawyers partly shouted.

"Mr. Stevenson, what you are saying to Mr. Hart is getting a little too personal. Wrap it up already," the judge directed.

"One more question and I'm done." He told the judge before looking back at Joe. "Mr. Hart, do you think your wife would truly have someone beaten up after something bad has happened?"

I looked at Joe and he looked at me...

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