Chapter 60

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I watch the door slam shut again as the last nurse goes into the room. I look down at my watch before I hear Chloe say something to me.

"If you want to leave, go. We don't need you here and neither does Joe."

I look at her then to my children.

"Miss. Halliwell, do you want to go?" My security guard asks me.

"If no one wants me here, then yes." I say before walking down the corridor with the security guard.

We walk towards the exit and into the car.

I sit looking out the window the entire journey down to Birmingham where I was going to be staying from now on. Just as we get to the cemetery, it starts to pour down and then I remember what my gran told me before she passed away:

'True love will last forever, so I know that you and Joe will be together forever. Don't lose him if he makes you happy.'

"Stop the car!" I shout as the driver stops the car.

I get out the car and hold my coat close to my body before running towards the cemetery. I run up to my grandparents grave and look down at it.

"You can't go back on your word to me! You can't take my husband away from me, not when I need him the most. If you are trying to give me a lesson on love, don't bother because I don't know what's wrong with me." I shout before falling to my knees onto the muddy grass as the rain comes down heavier.

"You have to take care of me to what I have to do."

Joe's POV

Just as well as I take each day as it comes because no one would ever expected me to be lying on a hospital bed, fighting for my life.

I watch Mia at her grandparents grave as the rain comes down. She had the faith in that she could feel her grandparents around her and sometimes see them when she needed them the most. So I hope that she could see me and go back to the hospital.

It didn't take me that long to go over to her; within seconds of thinking of her, I was by her side.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I keep doing things that aren't like me at all," she mutters.

I kneel down next to her and place my hand on her back. She stops doing what she was doing and sits back.

"I can't do this."

"Go back to the hospital."

"I'm going to..."

"You'll not unless you get back there and be by my side."

"I can't."

"I know you and I know you can."

"I need you."

"Baby, please get back there. I won't survive unless I know that you're going to be by my side."

"If I go back, so do you."

"I will when I know you're back there."

"They were trying to revive you. You're a ghost. You're not going to..."

"Baby, this for me."

I watch her for a few seconds before she stands up and walks away quickly. She walka back towards her car and gets in. My girl. I smile before looking round the cemetery and stop looking when I notice a young man, about 21 or 22, standing by a tree watching me.

I walk over to him but he turns and walks away. I follow him and before I knew it, I'm back in the hospital. I look round at my family that were stood outside my room and notice that the young man was standing next to Connor.

"Do you think I would've looked like him?" He asks.


"Connor? Do you think I would've looked like him if I had been born?"

"I'm sorry, but you've lost me."

He turns to me and then I see it. His green eyes, perfect blonde hair, his smile. All the same features Connor has. This was my baby Mia lost when we were 18. This was our first child.

"Granted that he still has a few years left to grow, but would I have been just like him?" He asks again.

"You would've been just like me because you look like him and everyone says he looks like me." I mutter.

"He'll be great when he gets into his 20s. Not in sport though I'm afraid. He'll take after mum and go into the business line. Matthew on the other hand, he'll go onto play football because his basketball career doesn't work out."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I know everything. Mum's gran can talk now she's dead."

"You've seen your great-grandmother?"

"Who do you think been showing her how to do this? She knew who I was just by one look at me and I can't say I was surprised because I wasn't. She knows everything!"

"She did that."

"Odette will be fine too. Of course, she'll be awake before you but that's only because she's younger."


"Sorry, but you can't do anything to me, I'm dead."

"Still, that's not a nice thing to say about me, YOUR DAD!"

He laughs before grinning. "The career Odette picks, won't surprise anyone. You'll just become very protective like you were with mum when she picked to be in the public eye."

I nod.

"Tell me something though, have you shrunk?"

"Excuse me?"

"You've went tiny since the last time I saw you. But then again, I am 6ft 7. 2 inches taller than you."

"Do you want me to hit you when I officially die?"

"No thanks."

"Well shut it." I hear quick footsteps walking along the corridor and look round to see who they belong too. I smile when my eyes land on Mia. She walks to the room door and goes straight into the room. "I thought she couldn't go in there."

"She can't but because of who her family are, she can do what she wants."

"When will I wake up?"

"Just wait and see but before hand, Odette will be waking up" Nurses rush from their work station and into the room down the corridor from us. "Right on queue."

"She's awake."

"Indeed she is. So tell me, what would you have called me if I was born?"

"Probably after either me or my dad."

"What? Charlie or Charles?"

"How about junior?"

"Er, no thanks. I'd rather have had Charles."

"What's wrong with my name?"

"Nothing. Charles Joseph John Hart Jr. Nope, it doesn't work for me. I mean look at me! I'm good looking!"

"Oh god, you are my son."

"Of course I am. I look just like you."

"Can we not do this right now?"

"Only you have the will power to bring yourself out of the coma you're in. If you love mum as much as you say you do, find the strength you have inside and wake up."

I look from him then towards the room door. I take a deep breath a walk into the room. Here goes nothing.

With Me Through Troubled Times (With Me - book 2)Where stories live. Discover now