Chapter 54

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Joe's POV

I leave Mia lying on the couch in Lisa's living room, sleeping and walk out the room, closing the door over behind me when I step out into the hallway. I walk over to the stairs where Odette had resorted to sitting because everyone was angry at her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think..." She starts apologising, looking at the floor.

"How can you be so stupid? She's your sister! What has she ever done to you?!?" I start to shout.

"I didn't want another family member!" She shouts, looking up at me.

"Odette, I told you before, it's up to me and your mum if we have another child. You have just got to deal with the fact that you aren't the youngest anymore!" I finish before turning away from her.

"Dad..." She says. I stop and turn to her. "It never crossed my mind that people would be out to get any of us all because of who mum and you are."

"That's why we all take bodyguards when we go out anywhere. I turn back round and walk back into the living room.

Connor's POV

I wait till dad walks back into the living room before I walk over to Odette. I lean against the wall opposite her left side and look at her.

"What do you want, Connor?" She asks, turning to look at me.

"She's not even old enough to defend herself and you let her walk about unattended."

"I was carrying her all day around every shop I went into."

"But when it comes to Selfridges, you just can't be bothered to carry her anymore because that's the luxury shop."

"Connor, she was wanting me to buy her cookies-"

"She's a child! Mum and dad bought all of us anything we wanted, mainly you as you were the only girl. They have money, so what was the main reason? I doubt that you're gonna go and spend over £1million in a day worth of shopping for clothes!"

"She embarrassed me!"

I lean my head back against the wall and scoff. "Wow. You really are unbelievable, ain't you? You can't even be bothered to buy your little sister cookies when she asked for them, knowing that they only cost a few pounds. That ain't gonna dent the bank card, Odette!"

"Oh and what would you know?"

"A lot more than you! Do you know that none of us will ever forgive you for this? You've fucked up Matthew's chances of getting into a top basketball school over in America!"

"He's good enough to get into it. There's always a next time."

"Not for this on there's not," Matthew comments, walking down the stairs. "They rarely hand out chances for people to go and play over there. It costs thousands a week to go to it and I was lucky cause they know who mum's dad is and were going to give me chance to prove myself."

He stops at the bottom of the stairs and turns to look at her.

"They'll still-" She starts.

"No they won't!" He shouts in her face. "I.Hate.You."

"Do you not realise that if mum doesn't go and meet your ex's dad, he may kill Emery?" I state.

"If she does go, there's also a risk that he may kill her." Matthew finishes, standing back and folding his arms over his chest.

Odette looks from me to Matthew and back to me.

"I can't do this." She stands up and runs out the house.

With Me Through Troubled Times (With Me - book 2)Where stories live. Discover now