Chapter 53

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Odette's POV

I went into every shop next to Selfridges to see if Emery went into any of them, but no luck. I look round at the shops and remember what she said when we were in Selfridges, 'Cookie'.

I walk into Starbucks and look around the but couldn't see her anywhere. I walk over to an employee and they look at me, eyes slightly widening at the sight of Mia Halliwell's daughter standing before them.

"Did a little girl about two-years-old come in here?"

"No, not that we're aware of. I'm sorry."

"Thanks," I nod before walking out.

When outside the shop, I reach into my pocket and pull my phone out to call the police. I put the phone to my ear and it starts to ring. As it rings, I look down the street and spot a man carrying a little girl that looks an awful lot like Emery. I quickly end the call and run after him.

I turn the corner after him, but he's nowhere to be seen. Gone. Vanished.

I call the police again and tell them everything. They told me that I should stay where I am and that they won't be that long in coming to see me. I fall to the ground and start to cry. I can't believe that I lost my little sister.

Two hours later, and I was now getting a lift, by the police, to Lisa's house to tell my mum what happened. I know she's gonna be pissed off and angry at me. Everyone is.

As the car comes to a stop outside Lisa's house, they let me out and we walk up to the front door. I take a deep breath and knock on the door, waiting for someone to answer it. Luckily, it was Lisa's daughter, Stephanie, that answered it instead of Lisa or Tina. She let us in and walked away to get my mum.

It didn't take long for my mum to come out from Lisa's office with Lisa and Tina looking furious.

"What has she done?" My mum asks the police officers as soon as she sets eyes on them.

"Mrs .Hart, I think you should sit down." One tells her in a calm voice.

"I don't think so. Just tell me what the hell she's done."

"Mum..." I start, stepping forward to her. "Emery's went missing."

She looks at me, eyes widening then steps back. "This is a joke right? You're joking with me aren't you?"

"Mum, I'm so..." I begin before she slaps me.

"You lost my baby!" She shouts before trying to hit me again. Lisa and Tina hold her back from hitting me and she starts to cry. "My baby."

"Mum, I didn't mean to lose her. She was standing by me one minute, then I looked round and she wasn't there." I explain quickly as she sits down on the stairs.

"Mrs. Hart, we'll get as many people out looking for your daughter as we can." The second police officer told to her.

"No, you won't. You won't do a good job in trying to find her. We'll get our people out looking for her," Lisa butts in and tells them.

"I don't think that's-"

"She's not even two! Anyone could have taken her!" Mum shouts, putting her head in her hands.

"Mia, we'll find her." Tina comforts, sitting down next her.

"I want my baby back."

"Mum, please..."

"What the hell am I suppose to tell Joe? He'll be furious," she whispers before her phone starts to ring.

Normal POV

I reach into my jeans pocket and take my phone out. "Hello?"

"Hey, how is everything? We're just at the airport about to-" Joe starts, happiness filling his words.

"Joe, something's happened...I need you and the boys to come to Lisa's as soon as you can."

"Mia, we can't. Matthew needs to go to this..."

"Odette lost Emery," I whisper before breaking down again.

There was silence at the other end of the phone before it went dead. I take the phone away from my ear and throw it to the floor. I stand up and look down at Odette.

"I will never trust you ever again," I mutter to her before walking back into Lisa's office.


I'd been sitting in Lisa's office now for god knows how long, looking through all her contacts to send people out to go and look for Emery. I hear the front door open and shouting fills the quiet house. I stand up and slowly walk out the office.

"How could you just go and lose her? Mum asked you to do one simple thing and all you could think about was going out and spending money on yourself!" Connor shouts at Odette.

"I didn't mean too!" She shouts back at him.

"She's only 18 months old and you think that she's capable of looking after herself!"

"She was right behind me when I walked out the shop!"

"I could hit you right now but you never hit girls!" Connor shouts before turning to the wall and punching it.

"Connor..." I murmur, causing him to turn and look at me.

"Mum, I'm furious at her! She doesn't care about anyone other than herself!" He shouts while facing me.

"Mia, what's..." Joe starts, walking towards me, before Lisa's phone in the office starts ringing.

Lisa walks past me and into the office to answer it. Everyone stops talking and listens to what the person on the phone was saying.

"Tell your client that if she wants her baby back, she has to meet me at midnight - alone. If not, she's gonna have one less child in her family." A man says before the line goes dead.

I start to breath heavily and fell against Joe. He holds me tightly as Lisa looks up at me.

"Mia, you know..." She begins.

"I don't want to go alone," I breathe before turning to cry into Joe's chest.

"Lisa, you can't let her go alone. He tried to kill her and he got people to try and rape her. You can't," Joe says to her in my defence.

"She has to go if she wants Emery back," Lisa retaliates to him.

I turn my head and look at Lisa. She shrugs her shoulders and looks down at the desk.

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