Chapter 63

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Normal POV

I sit on the couch in one of Joe's hoodies with Emery on my lap. I look over at Odette who was lying on the other couch. She had gotten some of her memory back which was a really good thing. She remembered that Callum did try to kill her and that's what made her want to come back home to us.

Emery moved from sitting on my lap, to her head resting on my lap as she watches the TV. I run my hand along her hair and smile.

"I didn't get a chance to tell you I'm sorry," Odette says.

I look at her. "What for?"

"For putting you in a position that could have cost you your life. For almost losing Emery and for you losing the baby."

"It's fine. You don't have to be sorry for any of that."

"But if I had listened to you-" She starts.

"Odette, it wasn't your fault. Now can you please stop talking about it? That was in the past and we're all just trying to get over that."


The front door opens and closes and I at the living room door, waiting for the the occupant to come in. The door opens and I spot that Matthew had got his cast removed.

"What do you think? I can walk, run, do everything now!" He squeals before jumping onto the couch that Odette lay on.

"Matthew get off me!" She shouts as he starts to tickle her.

"Make me!"

"Mum, tell him!"

I laugh at them before Emery sits up and looks at them. She turns her attention from them, up to Joe who's standing in the doorway watching them. Just as Joe turns to face her, she puts her arms out so he can pick her up.

"Come on, darling," he smiles, walking over and picking her up.

"Ah!" Matthew screams and falls on the floor.

"That's what you get for annoying me," Odette tells him.

"You kicked me..."

"Matthew!" Joe shouts before turning and taking Emery out the room.

I stand up and follow Joe.

I follow Joe up the stairs and into Emery's room. I watch him put her down for a nap before shouting from downstairs cuts my stare. I turn and walk out the room and stand at the top of the stairs. My eyes widen at the figure who's standing in the hall down stairs.

"Joe..." I say, my eyes never leaving the male on the ground floor.

I feel Joe come to stand behind me, his right hand resting on my side.

Odette's POV

"Callum, you can't just barge into-" I start.

"So what are you going to do about it?" He asks, stepping closer to me.

"Maybe you should back off," Matthew advises, stepping in between us.

"Why don't you make me?" He snaps at Matthew.

"Don't tempt me shorty!" Matthew warns.

"Well come on then Mr. Big Shot!"

"He said, back off!" Connor butts in, pushing Callum away from Matthew. "So if I were you, I'd turn round and get out this house before one of us calls the police and has you done for trespassing."

"You don't have the guts," Callum snarls, looking at Connor.

"Maybe they don't but you certainly are trespassing in my house. Do one," my dad says.

I look up to the staircase that both he and mum were now standing on, halfway down the stairs.

"I'm not leaving till I get what came for...her." My eyes widen when he turns and points at me.

"Go anywhere near her and you will regret it."

"She's late for her own wedding. Not surprising considering she is a Halliwell after all."

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" My mum shouts at him.

"Odette, we have to go now. The minister won't be kept waiting," Callum says, moving towards me and grabbing my wrist.

"Callum, let go of me!" I shout as he starts to drag me towards the front door.

Joe's POV

I watch him grab Odette's wrist before I run down the stairs. Matthew and Connor grab Odette as I grab Callum and pin him to the front door.

"How many times have we to tell you to leave her alone? Now I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and not report you to the police for harassing my daughter. So get the hell out of my house or the next time, you won't be going home-" I begin to warn him.

"You'll end up being put in a wooden box!" Connor finishes.

"Do you understand?"

He was about to respond to me when there was a knock on the front door. I let him go with one hand and reach over for the door handle. I open the door and push him towards the police that stood outside the door. "This time, keep him in jail along with his dad."

"Of course, Mr. Hart." The police officer says before pulling Callum away to the police car.

I close the door over and turn to look up at Mia.

"Joe, can I have a word with you in my office?" She asks, walking down the rest of the stairs.

I nod and follow her along the hall and into her office.

She walks over to sit behind her desk as I close the door over. I sit down in front of her desk and look at her. "If this is about..."

"It's not about that...well, that has a contribution to it. Joe, we're never going to officially get rid of them. Locking them up in jail is one thing but they still know where we are." She begins, her head in her hands.

"Mia, what are you trying to tell me?"

She sighs and looks up at me. "We need to move."

"Do you seriously think that'll help all of us in the long run?"

"I don't know but I know that if they let him away with it, he'll just keep coming after Odette and I don't want that to happen!"

"I see your point but Matthew and Odette are still in school."

"Matthew has got his basketball contract for that school in America. Connor is eligible to go to College and we can pay for Odette to go to really good private school. Emery is still young and won't remember all of this bad stuff and it's not as if you're still playing football."

"Mia, I don't know."

"Joe, what do we seriously have here? Nothing."

"Mia, all that-"

"Joe, I said that I would anything for you and after what you did to me all those years"


"Okay what?"

"Okay, we'll move."

"You're just giving in that easily?"

"I want to keep my family safe, so yes."

She smiles before standing up. She walks over to me and I stand up. She puts her hands on my sides and looks up at me. "Love you."

"Love you too." I bend down and kiss her.

With Me Through Troubled Times (With Me - book 2)Where stories live. Discover now