Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

The name of the New York town in this story is completely fictional.


It was a cloudy day in Three Rivers, New York, and a pretty high school senior was busting her chops.

She had finished her homework, studied for a huge exam, & was now at her part time job at her father's Italian restaurant washing dishes.

She was anxious & excited, & there was a reason why.

She was going to her first professional wrestling event.

It wasn't WWE though. Their events were expensive.

Nope, this was an independent wrestling company called Combat Zone Wrestling, & their events were known to be very brutal.

For Kristie Vanetti, she couldn't wait because she had grown up watching pro wrestling with her dad. She even wanted to be a professional wrestler herself & was training to be one with a local trainer who had worked with many wrestlers including a few who went to the WWE.

There was a problem though.

She had to go with her older brother Vinnie because she was only 17. His friend Fred worked for CZW as a promoter & managed to get them tickets after she & him had had an intense conversation over who was the greatest wrestler of all time, which had annoyed Vinnie because he hated being left out, & he wasn't a wrestling fan.

After getting the last baking dish washed, Kristie ran to her father Richard, who was chatting with a couple of customers.

"All done, sweetie?" he asked with a smile. She nodded.

"OK. Clock on out, & I'll see you after the show. It better be good," he said. "I think it will be, Dad," she said.

After hugging him & leaving, Kristie went straight home & got ready. Her younger sister Jenna watched & giggled as she watched her older sister put on makeup.

"Kris, this is a pro wrestling event, not the damn prom," said Jenna with a grin. "I know, but there's going to be a party after the event at Fred's hotel," said Kristie.

Jenna's eyes lit up. Now she knew why her sister wanted to look pretty.

"Do you think a hot guy will be there, Kris?" she asked. "Maybe. As long as asshole brother doesn't scare him away," said Kristie. Jenna just chuckled.

Now both girls had never been in love & had never even been kissed by a boy because of Vinnie being a complete jackass to any guy who came close to them. As a result, guys were scared of the Vanetti sisters.

However, Kristie felt that this night was going to be different.

She had no idea how right she would be.

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