Chapter - 35

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ONE YEAR Earlier:

Elle’s P.O.V

“How is your brother doing?” Ian asked as he plopped down on my bed, taking residence next to me.

I shrugged my shoulders as I turned the television to Nickelodeon in order to watch some SpongeBob. The second SpongeBob was on, I reached into the tin can I had in my lap and pulled out a handful of delicious caramel popcorn. “He is in college,” The words tasted like acid as I said them because my brother had left for college last month and I hated it. I just couldn’t wrap my brain around why he had to go to Vanderbilt, which is ten hours away. He should have turned down Father’s family tradition, like I will be doing, and gone to some college in town.

Pushing all those anger filled thoughts out of my mind, I shoved the popcorn in my mouth.

“Well, duh! I know he is college! I was just asking how he's doing. How are Misty and him? Still together?”

“Last time I checked they were,” I stated with a mouthful. After a second of gnawing on the popcorn, I swallowed and continued talking. “However, I wish he would go ahead and break up with her. She is a control freak and will not let him out of her grasp. I was surprised that she let him go to Vanderbilt, yet, you know she just had to go to a local community college in that area. The girl needs to give him some space or he will dump her, like I’ve been suggesting.”

Ian smiled and I knew it was because I was talking, which was rare for me to do in the past month since Peter’s departure. “I thought you liked Misty?”

“You spend two years around her and trust me, opinions will change.”

Ian nodded, “Alright, well, how is your friend, Kat? Is she still dating that Michael guy?”

“Nope,” I said as I popped the ‘P’. “Like I’ve told you before, she can’t keep a guy for more than three weeks. She keeps thinking they will break up or reject her. So, she dumps them before they do...”

“What about Randall?”

“He is at Lakwah, Lake with parents for the weekend ... but he is fine ... Did I tell you that he got accepted into University of Tennessee: Knoxville?”

Ian shook his head, “No, you didn’t.”

“Yep, he is thrilled ... that puts him at 15 hours away ... Kat is planning to attend a designer college in California. I have a feeling we are all going to split up.” Sadness coursed through me because it seemed like everything was coming to an end. Peter left, soon enough Kat and Randall will go to their colleges on opposite coast ... and here I will be.

“Do you know where you are going?”

I shook my head, “No, I haven’t really thought about it...” Sighing, I realized that I should probably start looking at colleges. However, I knew that in order to look for colleges, I should have some kind of idea of what I wanted to be. The idea of being a lawyer has always interested me. Yet, all growing up I knew that the idea of working as a personal lawyer for my dad, like he wanted, was not an option. I can see myself as being a public defender but at the same time I know there are so many other things I could do...

“It is okay, you’ve got time,” He explained.

“Says the one that has a full ride to an Ivy League school and is leaving next semester.”

Ian grinned at me, “We all have to grow up sometime.”

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, but I don’t wanna!” I fake-whined with a smile on my face before shoving my mouth with more caramel popcorn.

My Lovely Jerk {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now