The unknown singer with a unknown name

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Chapter fourteen
[The unknown singer with a unknown name]

"Class dismiss" Hiroshi left happily as usual and everyone scattered out of the classroom.

Just then I received a text message from Kise," look outside of your classroom window and come down" I took a few steps towards the window and saw him, giving me a small wave. I quickly rush down the stairs and run towards him without looking at him. Guess what? I tripped.

"Oi, you alright?" He ask in a distance from me, I quickly crawl up and give him an OK sign.


It was late afternoon as we both walk on the zebra crossing to the court. "Im really starting to wonder who is that famous unknown singer" Kise said and I was choked by my own saliva. "Are you alright? What's wrong?" He ask while looking at me strangely, I shook my head as I rub my chest.

His strange look turn into a smile and laugh a little," I'm really looking forward to meet her, her voice is beautiful" he said as he look up at the clear white clouds, I took out a lollipop from my pocket. "Do you know who is she?" Kise ask me while I unwrap the lollipop, I shake my head real hard and start to blush. "Your face is red" he said and point at me, I look away while putting the lollipop in my mouth. There was silence for a while, we both put our bags down.

"Was it you?" Kise suddenly ask me, I shook my head intensely now. "Aw come on, tell me" he beg, I shook my head more intensely. "Tell me, I want to know" he kept begging, "no, it's not me" I manage to say while sucking my lollipop. "It's okay if it's you, you know? I won't laugh" he finally stop begging but still wanting to know my opinion. "Yes, i-it's me" I said while blushing, wanting to run away before he even say something. He burst out of laughter, I look at him shocked, then frown a little.

"You said you won't laugh! Look at you now" I scolded while blushing a little. "You were suspicious from the start when I ask you about the unknown singer!" He exclaimed while holding the basketball in his arms. "You!" There's no words to describe as I walk away from him and play on my own. "Oi? Wait for me" he join me shortly.

(Third person view)
Sunset came as Kise and Kikori walked in the usual restaurant that they go every basketball practice. "Can I treat you this time?" Kise asked before they queue at the counter. "It's okay, you don't need to do that" Kikori said and took out her purse from her bag, "but I want to repay you back for what you've did that day in the school court" he said and push away my purse to catch her attention. "Please" he stare at Kikori while she sign and nodded, he smile a little.

"Kikori?" Someone called from behind them, Kikori immediately recognize who was it as she turn her heard cautiously. "M-mum, what are you doing here?" Kikori asked and her mum frown a little. "I wanted to buy dinner since today was a tiring day for me since I went to my friend's wedding" she explain in a surprise manner as she stares at Kise. "How about you?" She asked, her hair was brown, same as Kikori an her small black eyes make her look tired.

"I was about to get a drink and walk home after that" Kikori said and smile a little as her mum kept starring at the both of them. "Hi auntie, my name is Kise Ryouta, I'm her friend and I like lollipop" Kise automatic introduced himself, Kikori was shocked but then palmface at the same time. "You idiot" she murmured. "Oh, nice to meet you" Kikori's mum laugh a little and look at Kikori. "Let's go home" she told Kikori as Kikori look up and nodded. Kikori wave at Kise and started walking out of the restaurant with her mom. "Wait" Kise called her, she turn around while her mom continue to walk on her own. "You haven't told me you name" he said, Kikori look at him confusingly and then broke a smile.

"Yoshino Kikori ,Kikori" she said and catch up with her mum, leaving Kise staring at their shadowy image. "The unknown singer turns out to be Kikori. That is almost unbelievable because she is always so shy" Kise said to himself and went to queue up for his drink.

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