Chapter 11: Tris

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Tris POV: "Alright, so what's your story?" said Peeta as we sat at the kitchen table, slowly sipping our tea.

"It's not too long. I was wandering around the dauntless compound when I got lost and ended up at a dead end. Then I basically... cried until I passed out." I said, blushing a bit at the last part. It's sounds even more stupid coming out of my mouth than it did in my head. "When I woke up I was here. Thats it." I said. He froze for a moment, staring at the table with his cup between his hands. "Well, say something!?" I said.

"What can I say? I have no idea how you got here. I don't even know what a 'dauntless' is?" he said, his voice slightly strained. "I think the best thing for us to do is just to go out and look I guess." he said, looking up at me.

I nodded and walked off to my room to change into my dauntless clothes. They smelled like lavender and fresh soap from being washed, but behind it was the scent of earth. The scent of dauntless. It made me long for my home, my friends, and whatever family I have left. Most of all it made me miss Tobias. More than anything I wanted to run outside and see him standing there, ready to guide me home. A shout from Peeta in the other room let me know he was ready to go.

We headed out the door, and I hopefully took a glance around. Even though I knew it was only a thought, I had hope, but Tobias was nowhere in sight.

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