Chapter 5: Tris

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Tris POV: I woke to the smell of Chamomile tea brewing on the stove top. I found myself in a quaint home with windows that looked over a bruised village, injured but not broken.

"Hey, how'd you sleep?" A strange voice said to my right. my head whipped toward him. A blonde man, no older than 21, stands tall with a small girl hiding behind his legs.

"I -- I uh........ where am I?" I said. I know i should be going all dauntless on them right now, but the erudite side of me said i should wait and see, and the abnegation side makes me think somehow I can trust them.

"Oh, well, I can explain later. You should rest. My name is Peeta by the way, Welcome to District 12. Can I get you some tea, maybe some fresh chocolate cake?" he said. My mind went immediately to Tobias and tears welled up in my eyes. Where is he now? Does he know I'm gone? I wish he were here. All I want is to feel him holding me.

", no cake, but i would love some tea. My name is Tris. I'm dauntless, and um.. im 16." for some reason I just couldn't lie to these people. The man, Peeta, just seemed so kind. I guess I can stay, for now.

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