Chapter 6: Katniss

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Katniss POV: I finally woke staring down the barrel of a fully loaded gun. My arms were tethered to a pole low to the ground; too low to stand up. Behind me were three people staring intently at me: A dark skinned girls with long black hair, a boy with about the same color skin and short black hair, and finally a tall tan boy dark blue eyes and short blackish brown hair who was holding the gun straight at my forehead. The dark boy spoke first,

"Who are you to think you can just come onto the dauntless grounds like--"

"Easy Uriah." said the tan boy. He turned his gaze to me,

"My name is Four. That's Christina and you've met Uriah." he said, firmly but calmly.

"Now, who are you and what are you doing here." I stayed silent and stared at them for a moment. An act of defiance, just to show them I couldn't be pushed around.

"I didn't 'break in'. I was home, i got knocked out, then i woke up here with you shoving your gun in my face." They just stared at me, with looks of confusion.

"Alright, just tell us who you are." he said. I could tell he was thinking on his feet, and seemed pretty good at it.

"I'm Katniss Everdeen." I said. They looked at me as if expecting more. "District 12, two time victor, the mockingjay?" I said with an obvious tone. Why did they know me?

"Look, none of this makes any sense to us, so we will let you stay here for now. You can room with Four since were short on rooms" said Christina with a smirk. Four looked somewhat uncomfortable. He softened a little by bowing and adding

"Please enjoy your stay," as we came to his room. Remnants of another girl were strewn across the floor.

"Does someone else live here?" I asked. For a moment I caught a glimpse of pure agony on his face.

"There was...." he said. It turns out this may be even more complicated than I thought.

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