Chapter 4: Katniss

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Katniss POV: After sprinting back home, I swung the door open and saw Peeta standing in the kitchen, my daughter by his side. I could tell he knew this was important.

"Rosie, can you give mommy and I a minute?" he said as he crouched down to her level. She nodded and he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you daddy."

"I love you too" he said as she ran off to her room. He stood and walked alertly over to me.

"What is it?!" he said with quiet concern.

"Well... I don't know. Something just feels off. I don't feel right somehow." A gap of silence stretched between us as Peeta continued to stare at me.


He replied slowly, "Are you okay Katniss? You've been very stressed lately and I can tell you haven't slept." I pushed him away as a gasp left my mouth.

"You think I'm crazy, you think I'm imagining this!"

"No, I just think you need to relax. I don't want to lose you." he said as he began to walk toward me, opening his arms for an embrace. I wanted so much to take that offer, but I cant.

"I'm sorry." I said, tears streaking my face as I burst through the door. As i was running, i felt a sudden dizziness in my head and I collapsed on the ground. All I heard was the sound of Peeta comforting the screams of my heartbroken daughter as my vision faded to black.

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