Chapter 7: Tris

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Tris POV: Nightmares struck me like a freight train traveling at full speed. All involving Tobias. First I had to watch him be shot over and over by Eric, but he wouldnt die. Then, there was one where there was an invisible barrier between us and no matter what, I couldnt get to him. The third was the worst. I was in Four's room with him as he slowly moved toward me. He pulled me in close and began kissing me wildly. I kissed him back until i felt him begin to slip his underneaththe hem of my shirt. I tried to slap his hand away, but he grabbed my wrist firmly, then shoved me on to the bed. He began to descend on my shirtless body, despite my screams. Then i woke, still screaming, with Peeta staring at me with concern.

"I think we should take a walk." he said. I nodded and followed him out the door. "So is everything ok.... Tris right?" I sat in silence for a moment before deciding I could trust him.

"Is it ever possibly to get over a fear of....... intimacy?" I said as blood rushed to my cheeks and I turned away.

"Well," he said as he cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable. "I think, if you find someone that you can't go a single day without thinking about, that you should try to push through. Before you know it they could be lost forever." he said as tears began to slide down my cheeks again. Ive cried more in these past few days than I have in a while. But I've already lost him, I thought. I felt Peeta scoot closer and lay his hand on my shoulder.

"It's ok to cry, sometimes you need to let others be strong for you." he said with a look of deep sympathy in his eyes. Immediately I broke down, sobbing heavily. He then fully embraced me and cradled me in his arms. I clung to his waist. He was right, right now I needed someone else to be strong for me.

"I'm so sorry for all of this," I gasped though the sobs.

"Its alright," he said softly, "I'll be your temporary home."

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