Chapter 41- Peace

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I had just finished my morning run along the beach, I hadn't been sleeping much recently, Paul was always on the night patrol so I never had him stay with me at night, so the nightmares came. The nightmares of me losing Harry. So, instead of lying in bed wide awake after the nightmare I would run to try and distract myself, during my run I would always go to the graveyard and speak to Harry, my dad, and my grandpa. It was comforting to me knowing I had a place to talk to them. 

Paul and I were yet to set a date for the wedding, we had decided to wait a while before getting married, we knew we had forever seeing I would age at the same rate as him now he had marked me, one thing which we didn't know at the time but it worked in our favor.

As I entered the house I found Paul and Seth sat on the sofa, "M, sit down we need to talk" Paul said in a serious tone which kind of worried me, "we know you haven't been sleeping, so Seth said he always wants to do the night shifts, he's finished school Mia and Nessie would be asleep, he's worried about you" Paul said making me look at Seth who had tears in his eyes. "Seth, don't cry, what's wrong?" I said rushing over to my little brother, "I hate seeing you so broken Mia, it helps you when Paul's there, you've been through so much and I don't like seeing you upset" he whimpered, all I could do was pull him tighter and thank him. "Seth, can me, you and Leah spend the day together one day, I miss when we used to do stuff together, I feel like we've grown apart a little now we all have our own lives" I said, "oh, Mia I'd love that, I miss you so much" Seth replied pulling me in for another tight hug, all we had to do now was separate Leah from Emrby for a day.


Now that Paul was sleeping with me at night again, the nightmares didn't come, I still did my runs as I liked running in the rain, it was my form of exercise, my own escape and a chance to visit my family who couldn't be with us alone. I often visited the graveyard with my grandmother, mom, Leah or Seth but it was nice to be alone sometimes so I could let everything out to them. Jared and Kim were finally married a couple days earlier and were now on their honeymoon in Hawaii, which Kim's parents had paid for as a wedding gift for them. So Emily and Sam were married, Jake and Jess were married, Embry and Leah were engaged, Quil was waiting for Claire to grow up which he would be waiting a while for, Seth and Nessie were now in a relationship seeing as she looked 17 much to Edward's dismay, he loved Seth don't get me wrong he just wasn't ready for his daughter to have a boyfriend even if he knew they'd end up together because of the imprint. Collin was still going out with Evie, they often stayed at our house as we had the extra space, Evie's was always a little cramped now her sister and her boyfriend were living at their family's house. Brady had found a nice girl from the reservation who he was dating, he hadn't imprinted on her but to be honest it wasn't anything serious whilst all the younger pack members were concentrating on graduating from high school.

Things were going particularly well compared to the last couple of months and years, we knew soon the Cullen's would be moving on which also meant Seth moving away, something I wasn't 100% happy with but his happiness meant more than having him around, there's skype and everything to keep in touch. He's also a wolf so he can always run back down here from Alaska or use one of the Cullen's many cars.

Paul still had his car and carpentry business which was doing extremely well, I was glad he would have something for when he stopped phasing and something to pass onto our children when we eventually decided we wanted to try. I had sold my party business as I wanted to set up a local diner with Emily, the other imprints all wanted more, some wanted to leave the res as soon as their imprint stopped phasing but me and Emily knew this is where home was, we were happy here, we liked the cold and the rain, La Push would always be home. Therefore, instead of planning a wedding for me and Paul I was looking for a place me and Em could set up the business we had planned, we were both good at cooking so a menu wasn't hard to come up with so it worked out well for us and it would bring in business for the reservation improving our economy slightly so it all worked out well.

Leah and Embry were planning their wedding for Fall, Leah had always loved the fall colors so it would be a perfect time for her, Embry was happy with whatever she wanted as long as they were married at the end of the day. He didn't have much family, it was always just him and his mom, nobody knew who his father was but it was always going to be someone off the res but he was happy not knowing he adored his mom and didn't want anyone else, besides, he always had the pack as his extended family.

We were one dysfunctional family but we were one of the happiest families you could find.

End of Book 1

*Sequel coming tomorrow * 

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