Chapter 1 - Introduction

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It had been five months since he had left me, the day after he got me pregnant he left, I never got to tell him he was going to be a dad, I don't know if I will ever get to tell him. The last five months have been total hell, pregnancy was meant to be a good experience after all you are bring a new life into this world, a life that you will love and cherish for the rest of your life but I couldn't feel this I was numb my best friends had left me, the nightmares never ended. "Mia, wake up, it's ok you still have us" Seth woke me trying to comfort me from my nightmares, it's the same routine every morning my baby brother shouldn't have to be the one looking after me. I don't know what I would do without my younger siblings, we have gotten each other through a lot, Leah was going through a heartbreak of her own, Sam her ex-fiancé who was the same age as me went missing for a couple weeks, when he got back he was distant but things got worse when our cousin, Emily came down from Neah Bay is when everything changed. He ended things with Leah and ended up starting a relationship with Emily after she was attacked by a bear, it changed Leah deeply, she was now a bitch to everyone but me, mom, dad and Seth, us Clearwater's had to stick together more than ever. Sam really drove the knife into Leah when him and Emily got engaged, it was heartbreaking watching your sister who was also your best friend go through what she went with, I'm now the only person Leah lets in anymore, I promised her I wouldn't let anyone hurt her the way Sam hurt either again and I intend on keeping that promise.

But five months ago there was a party down on La Push beach, I had decided to go to try and cheer myself up seeing as my best friend, Paul had abandoned me, he disappeared for a few days then when he came back he had cut his hair short and got a tattoo, he looked even hotter than before but he hated my guts now, he wouldn't speak to me in person or by text he just blanked me. He had been my best friend since I was born as he lived next door, we did everything together but now he only followed Sam around. I hardly ever saw Jacob anymore as he was always hanging around with Bella, don't get me wrong I like Bella but that was before she became all depressing after the Cullen guy broke up with her and left, she was downright boring now but I guess Jake was helping her get back to her old self. So that night, myself, Bella, Jake and Leah had all attended the party on the beach, everyone apart from the 'hall-monitors on steroids' as Jake's friend Embry called them were there, let's just say there was a lot of drinking and everyone was extremely drunk, that night I lost my virginity. The day after the party was when Jacob started to ignore me, in the days after I saw him hanging round with Sam's cult, Embry too, he joined them even though he promised he'd never be part of their gang.

A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant, my whole world came crashing down, this was never how I planned on starting a family, I didn't even know who the father was, the only thing I knew about them was he was someone off the reservation. The only people who knew about my pregnancy was my dad (Harry), mom (Sue), Leah and Seth but all that was about to change, my bump was showing now, people were bound to realize it was obvious I was pregnant. I had finished showering and changed into a pair of leggings and a grey tank with a denim shirt over the top and a pair of black converse, it was comfy yet cute. "daddy, you ready?" I shouted out to my dad, I was driving him and his two friends, Billy Black, Jacob's father and Charlie Swan, Bella's father to the lake to go fishing, instead of responding dad walked towards me fishing gear in hand following me to the car. I heading towards Jake's house as Chief Swan was already at uncle Billy's house, I hadn't been at this house since the night of the party, I was always round at the Black's when I was younger as Sarah, Billy's wife who tragically died in a car accident a few years back was my godmother, but since Jake ditched me I couldn't bring myself to go and see Billy just in case I saw Jake, but I missed him terribly he was like a second father to me but I knew I couldn't avoid him forever so today was the day.

They were both surprised when they saw me, but congratulated me and wished me the best anyway, they were dad's closest friends so I knew they would be supportive even if they were a little disappointed. Once I had dropped them all off at the lake, I made my way over to Port Angels to meet Leah to go do some baby shopping before we went and met mom for lunch when she finished her shift at the hospital.

The shopping trip was a success, we had bought a few outfits for the baby which were all in neutral colors since I wanted it to be a surprise what I was having, we didn't buy everything that I would need as we still have another four months before the baby arrives, but now I was exhausted and needed to sit down so we made our way to the little Italian restaurant we were meeting mom at.

"how about Henry James for a Boy and Lily Grace for a girl?" Leah suggested, we were discussing baby names, "I love them both, I will add them to the list but you know I'm not deciding until I see him or her" I responded rubbing my bump, mom had now joined us and was suggesting a few names whilst we ate our food, I had ordered lasagna, mom had ordered a creamy pasta whilst Leah had ordered peperoni pizza. As we were finishing our meals a pained look appeared on Leah's face, "you alright Leah?" I questioned before following her gaze over to the door which is when I realized why, before they had seen us Leah fled to the restrooms not wanted to face them. Sam, Emily, Paul and Jacob had all appeared in the restaurant, I understood why Leah had left the table so quickly now, Emily had seen us and made our way over to us with Sam, Paul and Jacob in tow not realizing who they were coming over to, "Aunt Sue, Mia, it's nice to see you, how're you doing?" Emily said with a glint of sadness in her eyes, we were once close until she decided to hurt Leah, I couldn't respond seeing as I wanted to check on Leah, "excuse me, I'm just going to check on Leah, Mom" I said standing up. As I stood up Emily gasped which caught the attention of both Paul and Jake, they had seen my bump, Paul looked shocked, Jake was expressionless but both of them started shaking so hard as they stared at my bump, they both didn't say a word just simply ran out of the restaurant as fast as they could. I took that as my que to leave to see Leah, as I was leaving I heard Emily asking mom about how far along I was. I was so hurt that Jake and Paul couldn't even say a word to me which deeply upset me, especially with Paul being my best friend for 20 years. As I entered the restroom I saw Leah splashing water onto her face, I knew she had been crying so I went over to her hugging her as I approached her, pulling away I got a sharp pain in my stomach which made me double over in pain before we heard a 'pop' and a gush of water forming between my legs, I knew what it meant. "Mia, either you just wet yourself or your waters just broke, im going to go with the later, we need to get you to a hospital and quick, c'mon," Leah said slightly panicking, I was panicking it was way too soon, the baby wouldn't survive. 

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