Chapter 19 - Disappearance

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Rachel had decided she wanted to spend time with her nephew today so she had asked me if she could have him for the day which suited me perfect as I need to head to Port Angeles to get Jake a birthday present, seeing as his birthday was a week away, I had planned on getting him some new clothes, and a pair of tickets for him and Billy to the next football game, I thought it would be good for them to spend some time on their own together now they didn't live together. I was going to pick Jake a few more bits and pieces up but I didn't know what. "Have you got everything Rach?" I questioned, "yeah, even if I haven't I have a key for here or dad will have whatever I need in," she replied "you're forgetting his wolf, you can't go anywhere without his wolf Rach, now little man you be good for Auntie Rachel and Uncle Pauly ok, now give mummy a kiss I'll see you later." With that I climbed back into my car waving to Rachel and Harry as I drove off towards Port Angeles.

It didn't take me long to get all of Jake's presents, now I was back home wrapping them all up since he wasn't due to be back home for a while I may of spoiled him a little... maybe a lot but he deserved it over the last couple years he has been my rock I don't know what I would do without him I can't help but worry about if he would imprint and leave me and Harry one day. I had finally finished wrapping all his presents using the grey wrapping paper and blue ribbons, they looked pretty good to be honest, they were neat. Standing up and turning around I was met with the most piercing red eyes I had ever seen, it was a vampire I knew this wasn't good. "Well, well, well. What do I have here? Master will be proud," he said to me a Romanian accent laced in his voice, "Who are you? What do you want?" I whispered shakily not knowing if I was going to be killed hoping that the pack would pick up his scent and save me, "you're coming with me before those stupid mutts find out who I am," he said before grabbing hold on me, I couldn't move not only because of the grip he had on me but I was paralyzed with fear the only thing I could do was scream for help but he didn't like that one bit so hit me over the head. That was all I remembered before the darkness started taking over me.

I woke up tied to a chair, the room was dark, a single candle burning on the opposite side of the room "ah finally she awakens," a deep smooth voice, the same Romanian accent as the other but smoother came from behind me, trying to turn around to see who it was for them only to walk straight in front of me grabbing my face with their pale, cold hands. That's when I recognised who they were, Vladimir and Stefan, the Romanian Coven, "what do you want with me," I questioned as the tears started to fall, "a few reasons really, first to get revenge on the Cullen's for not fighting and secondly you are my singer," Vladimir whispered in my ear sending chills throughout my body, I didn't like them when they were at the Cullen's and I still don't like them now,
"they will find me and they will kill you,"
"I don't think they will my precious, you see my talent is that I can mask my scent, so I don't think your precious little wolf pack or the Cullen's will be coming to get you," he laughed only making me start to try and get out of the ropes, "Stop that will you," he shouted however I wouldn't stop, "Stefan would you," he says raising his head looking behind me. That's when the needle entered me, my vision instantly started to blur, another three needles were placed in my body until my head started to droop and my eyes started to close, darkness once again engulfing me.

*Leah POV*
It had been 4 days since Mia went missing, everyone is heartbroken but the person who's taking it the worst is Jake, it isn't only the imprint causing this but the fact he has truly been in love with his best friend, my big sister for years. We couldn't find her scent anywhere it disappears after Forks, she could be anywhere but if we don't find her soon I don't know what is going to happen to Jake, Harry can't lose his mom and dad. I can't lose my big sister either she means way too much, she's the reason I'm still here today she talked me out of killing myself when Sam broke my heart, she had always been there for her and right now I need her more than ever I don't know how much longer I can keep pretending I'm strong for. I need her. We all need her.

We were all constantly looking, Seth had stopped spending half the time he used to spend with Renesmee just so he could try and find his sister which we were all glad about but there were two people who were hardly getting any sleep and were looking for her constantly, never stopping to eat, drink or sleep, Collin and Jake. She really did hold a place in everyone's heart nobody has been the same these last four days and if we don't get her back things to me won't ever go back to the way they used to. I guess the legend about her was true, Mia was strong, nurturing and kind to not just the pack but to everyone that she met no matter what was thrown at her she always seemed to find a way to make it work. She was the mother alpha to the pack, yeah Emily always seemed that but the effect Mia has on the pack is unbelievable it's taken this long for us all to see how much she does for us all and how much she means to each one of us. Mom and Charlie had flyers plastered all over the Res and Forks, just as Charlie had done for Jacob when he went 'missing' but this time Mia really was missing.

3 Months had passed, it was now mid-March nobody had seen or heard anything from Mia, slowly everyone was starting to lose hope of finding her but we never gave up looking. Jake looked horrendous, he had lost a lot of weight his face was gaunt and pale, his eyes sunken surrounded by bags her not being here was starting to take its effect on him. I just prayed that she was safe somewhere, that we will find her and that she is healthy.

"I NEED YOU ALL TO COME TO OUR HOUSE QUICKLY" Bella shouted as she ran into Mia and Jacob's home, she had crossed the border without permission so this had better be good, all the humans piled into their cars whilst all us wolves phased, nobody really thought anything when they were in their wolf form anymore, it was quiet but not peaceful it was an eerie silence. The moment we got the Cullen's we all smelt it, it was her, Mia was here Jake ran inside not bothering to put his shorts back on, the rest of us dressed quickly running joining him inside. By the time we had made it inside Jake had gotten his shorts on but was starting to get angry as Dr Fang wouldn't let him see her, "Jacob, I need you to sit down for a minute I need to explain," Carlisle said to him, he wouldn't sit down, "Jake, the sooner you sit down the sooner we can see her, please I need my sister just sit please" I said walking over to him, we understood one another's pain recently therefore had grown closer he listened to me and sat down, I joined him sitting next to him before looking up at the Doctor to tell him to start speaking.
"One of our friends found her, she had been taken by the two Romanians, they are dead now as we had spread the world round about Mia's disappearance, she had touched everyone who was here so they were also helping looking for her all over the world, she was found up in Alaska. She isn't in a good way, she hasn't been fed properly and wasn't given much water so she is severely malnourished and dehydrated so I have her on a drip. She also looked as if she has been physically abused, not sexually but there are a lot of bruises and broken bones before you go in I want to warn you she doesn't look how she once was it may shock you Jacob."
"Just let me see her please," Jacob cried, tears forming in his eyes, Dr Fang nodded both me and Jake standing following him into the room the moment we got in the room he ran over to her, as soon as he reached the bed he broke drown crying. It didn't look like my sister, she was skin and bones, and she looked like Jacob did only ten times worse, I hate what they had done to her.

"I've had to place her into an induced coma it will help her body recover faster but she will be ok, we got her just in time" Carlisle said to us both, "thank you," I said truly grateful that my big sister would be okay. Mom and Seth came running in over to me engulfing me into a hug as we all cried together, Billy had wheeled himself over to Mia and Jake taking hold of the hand Jake wasn't holding and starting whispering in our native tongue to our ancestors, praying for them to help her recover. 

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