Chapter 35 - Meeting the Parents

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"Paul are you ready yet?" I shouted up the stairs for the third time, today we were meeting with both Alison, and Joshua, normally it would only take him two minutes to get ready, but today wasn't one of them days he was nervous, you could tell from the way was putting so much effort into his appearance. "I'm here, do I look ok?" he asked worriedly, "Paul baby, you'd look good in a trash bag, you look perfect, they're your parents they won't care what you are dressed in but let me tell you this, as good as you look in them clothes I'd happily take them off you" I said before leaning up to kiss him, as I pulled away the worriedness on his face had been replaced by a smirk. If we didn't leave now there would be no way we would leave the house when he got that smirk so I simply just dragged him toward the car, we were meeting Sam and Paul's parents at Sam and Emily's as Alison knew where that was, hopefully Joshua would turn up but nobody had seen him since Sam was a little boy when he walked out on Alison.

We arrived at Sam and Emily's not long after, Paul was driving and let's just say he drives a lot faster than I do so whenever he drove we got places ten times faster than if I would have drove, Alison's car was already here. Paul wasn't moving, he was sat gripping the wheel staring out to the trees, "Paul" I said trying to get his attention, he didn't move, I knew he was scared and worried I could feel it, "babe, you don't have to do this but I know for a fact if they don't want to know anything about you they are missing out because you are an amazing man Paul, remember this, Alison gave you to her friends so they could experience the same happiness as you, you were always in your mother's life baby she didn't give you up because she didn't want you. I'm going to go in babe, just come in when you're ready Pauly" I said attempting to reassure him that everything would be ok. Before I got out the car I leant over to kiss his cheek, he turned to face me giving me a small smile before he turned back to the forest, I ran from the car to the porch not wanting to get dressed, Sam had obviously heard us arrive and what was going on so the door was propped open letting me in. Everyone was sat on the sofa so I made my way over to them, they stood as I approached them, "maybe you should go speak to him Sam" I said whilst giving Sam a hug, he nodded before leaving to go outside, next was Emily who I hugged, "I'm sure you've grown so much since I saw you last week" I said whilst looking at Emily's bump, she was now six months gone, "sure feels like it, the baby is so active as well, must take after Sam" she laughed slightly. Alison had changed so much since I had last seen her, her hair was turning grey and slight wrinkles were appearing on her face, "Mia, you've changed so much, it's been too long" Alison said pulling me in for a hug, "it really has, it must have been at least 5 years right?" I asked as we all sat back down awaiting Sam and Paul.

Alison didn't know about my dad or Harry, she had missed so much since she left when Sam changed, she moved further up North to go and help her mom, she wasn't well so decided to go help her, I don't know how long we were speaking for before Sam came in with Paul. Alison started crying the moment they both walked in together, she walked over to them pulling them both in for a hug apologizing to them, when she pulled away there was a knock on the door, it must be Joshua, Sam walked to the door, everyone was nervous when he came back Joshua was with him. Everyone sat on the sofa after Emily had made everyone a drink, I was holding Paul's hand hoping he would stay calm and not get angry or upset. "Mom, how come you never told us we were brothers?" Sam asked breaking the silence "everyone was happy, I didn't want to break that happiness, I didn't want to disrupt anything but please both of you know I love you boys so much, I never once stopped loving you Paul, even if you lived with Sharon and Nathan, me and your father always loved you both" Alison said tears forming in her eyes. "I just want to say, Sam I'm sorry for leaving you, I just couldn't cope with being a father I was too young, I wasn't ready but I don't regret having you both, I always carried the picture of you both when you were born in my wallet because even if I wasn't ready to be a father figure to you both I still loved you both. I'm proud to call you my sons. Alison I'm sorry I was such an awful husband, I really am, I miss you so much, I've changed now, I know who I am and what I want, I never wanted to hurt you that's why I left. You deserved better, someone who could treat you better and provide for you, something which I couldn't do at the time" Joshua said, you could really see the love he held for Alison as he spoke to her.

I had to excuse myself as I was feeling quite sick so went to sit outside to see if fresh air would help, in the end I fell asleep on the porch swing Sam and Emily had. I was awoken when Paul came out to check on me, "are you ok M?" he asked concerned, "yeah I just felt a little sick, I'm sorry babe, how's everything going in there?" I asked, "I understand why they gave one of us up, it was a kind thing to do, in a way I'll always be thankful as my mom and dad were amazing with me. But we are going to try be a family in a way, you know do stuff together, family meals and all that, you can tell they both care about me, like they never forgot I was theirs, why don't you come inside and speak to them," he said as he extended his hand to help me up.

As we went back inside, I took a seat beside Emily who was sat talking to Emily about the baby whilst Paul headed over to Joshua and Sam. "Are you ok Mia?" Emily asked, "yeah I just felt lightheaded and a bit sick, sorry about that, I've not been feeling great these last couple of mornings" I replied trying to reassure her I was ok, "Amelia, is there any chance you could be pregnant, it sounds how I was with the boys?" Alison questioned, the room started spinning, I couldn't be pregnant could I, I was on the contraceptive pill, I shook my head as Paul looked over alarmed, this is one time when you wish they didn't have super sensitive hearing, he came rushing over wanting to know what was going on, "do you want to take a test I have a few spares from when we were trying?" Emily asked, I was lost for words so all I could do was nod my head, "do you want me to come with you M?" Paul asked, I quickly shook my head no wanting to be alone.

I followed Emily towards the bathroom, I felt as if I was in another person's body it was surreal, she opened her drug cabinet handing me a test, hugging me before leaving shutting the door behind her. I needed to get it over and done with so I did what a needed too before laying the test facing upwards on the surface next to the faucet before flushing and proceeding to wash my hands. I set a timer on my phone for three minutes before sinking down onto the floor my head between my knees, I felt so sick with nerves. I don't know what I want the test to be, do I want Paul's children? Yes. Do I want them now? No, we hadn't been together long, Paul wasn't ready for that and neither was I again. The next three minutes passed by slowly, my heart rate rising faster and faster as each second passed, the alarm on my phone finally went off breaking the silence I was sat in. There was a single line on the test, I wasn't pregnant, I was so relieved that I ran out the door jumping on Paul who was surprised to say the least, "erm, Mia, what did it say?" he asked confused if I was happy because I was pregnant or happy that I wasn't pregnant, "I'm not pregnant Pauly" I said leaning back to see his reaction, a huge smile spread across his face relieved. "Only you two would have that response about not being pregnant" Sam boomed with laughter making us all laugh, "well, we aren't at that stage yet, we're enjoying it just being us and Harry every other week, and this way I basically get her all to myself" Paul beamed pulling me in closer. Emily just giggled knowing what Paul actually meant by what he said, Sam and Joshua just shaking their heads in disbelief. "I'm so happy for my boys, you've both found people who you will love for the rest of your lives, thank you girls for making my baby boys so happy" Alison smiled watching her sons with their partners, all we could do was smile up at our men as they smiled down at us. "Paul, I don't know if this is a strange question because it seems so obvious but did you imprint on Mia? I know Sam has on Emily but you never said" Joshua said, my heart began to pound as I knew he hadn't, I knew there was a possibility that he wouldn't always be mine, "no, but the way I feel about M is the way the rest of the pack feel about their imprints, I just wish I had imprinted on her" he said his smile faltering, I wrapped my arms around him knowing what he meant, he didn't want to imprint but he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

Me and Paul went back home that evening once we had eaten dinner with Sam, Emily, Alison and Joshua, so much progress had been made today, they were almost back to being a proper family, Joshua and Alison were even going on a proper date as an attempt to rekindle their romance. Things just kept getting better and better for everyone involved with the pack, everyone knew Jared was going to propose soon, only Kim didn't know that but every time he claimed he was going to do it he chickened out, luckily Kim knew she would always have him so they had forever to get engaged.  

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