Chapter 32 - Support

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I had been dating Henry for around 3 months, things hadn't really changed between us, one minute he would be the sweetest guy and would treat me like a princess, the next he would be a monster, abusing me in any way possible.  I suppose I deserve the bad times for how I treated Jake before he was married, this was my punishment and I just had to accept it. Today I had been beaten pretty bad, every time I moved or inhaled I would get a sharp shooting pain up my ribs, I had a feeling it could be broken but what could I tell people? I had already covered many bruises with long tops and then the bruises that people saw, I always had an excuse as to why I had them, such as falling over Harry's toys or walking into a door.

I was home now, I was safe, Henry had passed out on his sofa so I left the moment he fell asleep, I decided to cook for the pack seeing as I had nothing to do, Harry was at Jacob's this week, we took it in turns to have him, he would have him live at his for one week then he would be at mine the next, but because of the closeness of the pack we still saw Harry everyday no matter who had him so it worked well really. I had decided to make a huge batch of pasta seeing as it was a simple yet tasty dish. A few members of the pack such as the youngest ones, Leah and Embry were here so we were waiting for Quil, Jake, Paul, Collin, Brady and Jared, along with their imprints, Sam and Emily weren't coming they had an appointment to be somewhere, who knows where. I was stood over the cooker stirring the pasta as it simmered in the sauce when I felt a kiss being placed on my cheek, looking to my left hand side I noticed it was Paul, a routine he did so often now that I should know its him, "Hey, Paul, how was patrol?" I questioned wondering how his day had been, "same old, same old, M. How was your date with Henry" he asked blankly, " was good... we didn't do much" I stuttered not sure what to say about it, he didn't seem convinced. "Food smells good" he said on a slightly happier note before taking his seat in the kitchen, which caused everyone to pile into the kitchen wanting food. Collin came over to me giving me a hug causing me to gasp in pain dropping the metal spoon I was currently holding, I watched in slow motion as it fell to the floor a loud clattering noise grabbing everyone's attention. Tears flew down my face as the pain continued to increase, "Mia, what's wrong?" Jared asked breaking everyone's curiosity, all eyes were on me, "oh its nothing I've just banged my ribs, it's nothing" I tried to brush it off as if it was nothing, Jake rushed over to me lifting my top to inspect my rib, I tried to push my top back down but it failed, they had all seen the multiple bruises covering my skin, "Mia, what happened?" Kim said concerned as she rushed over to my side, I wanted to tell them what was happening but I was scared of what henry would do if I told anyone, I simply just shook my head trying to avoid anyone finding out. "Mia, did Henry do this to you?" Jade questioned, we were friends now thankfully, we got on really well, I couldn't even respond I just burst out into hysterical crying, everyone knew now that what Jade had suggested was in fact true. Looking up everyone had sympathetic faces, all except Paul who was stood shaking, the moment we locked eyes he ran out the house, Jared and Embry running out to check on him.

I was scared about what Paul was up to, I was scared that Henry would find out people knew of our dysfunctional relationship, I was scared for my life. Kim led me upstairs, Leah following behind they wanted to talk to me about it. We were all sat on my bed, my tears were slowly falling as I composed myself (Leah, Kim, Mia)

Mia, how long has this been going on?

Around 3 months

Why didn't you tell us he was hurting you? You should have let us help you, you don't deserve that.

I was scared, he said he would do something if I ever told anyone, I do deserve it for the way I treated Jacob and Jade when I came back from England. It's my own fault I'm a horrible person, I deserved everything he ever did.

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