Chapter 13 - The Unfamiliar

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So a lot has happened since Bella and Edwards wedding, when Jake found out they were back he went straight up to the Cullen's ditching the plans me and him had made so he could check if Bella was still human which she was however was pregnant. That caused all sorts of crazy things to go on, when he found out it was killing her from the inside Jake was mad, mad at Edward but mainly mad at Bella for keeping the baby but I don't blame her it was a baby no matter if it was part vampire or not it still came from the same place other baby's come from, it grew like any other baby only at a faster rate. That's how the two packs were formed, Sam had ordered that Bella be killed whilst the baby was still inside her but Jake disagreed as she was still human that their protection still applied to her leading to the formation of two packs when Jake decided to take his rightful place as alpha, the Black pack consisted of Jake, Seth, Leah and Embry and the Uley pack; Sam, Paul, Quil, Jared, Collin and the newest member Brady.

Today I was moving in with the Cullen's at the request of Rosalie, we had grown quite close since we all found out Bella was pregnant because like her I wanted to protect the baby even if I was just human, I didn't believe that the baby should just be killed only because they don't know what the baby is, it's still only a child. Leah wasn't keen on the Cullen's still but they were growing on her, Embry too they mainly stayed outside in the forest sleeping in their wolf form together. "That's the last one all moved in Mia" Emmet said to me "Thanks Em" I replied, he just picked me up and ran downstairs with me I would never get used to the speed. "Hey Bells, how you holding up?" I asked Bella, she looked so frail but this baby meant everything to her, "not too bad, just glad you're here now" she smiled weakly at me. "We need to think of a way to get nutrition into her" Esme said, the baby was stronger than Bella now so it needed a lot more food, "that's not a bad suggestion, Jacob" Edward spoke, Jake must of thought something, "it wasn't a suggestion, it was more of a snide comment" he laughed I just shot him a look that said shut it, "I was just thinking it's probably looking for someone to sink it's teeth into." "I'll try anything" Bella said, "I have some O negative stored away for Bella" Carlisle said going to get the blood, all the vampires apart from Rose and Edward had to leave they hadn't hunted in weeks due to being surrounded by Sam's pack, she drank the blood which increased her heart rate dramatically.

Harry's cries tore me away from the scene Jacob was almost being sick at , walking upstairs I went and got him from his nap "my little prince, mommy's here now" I said to him he just snuggled into my chest clinging to me, I grabbed his wolf and made me way back downstairs to Jake. "Hi little man" he spoke to Harry who only lifted his head up to my shoulder so he could see his daddy, "I might take him to see my mom today" I said to Jake, "she's out with Charlie" he told me "oh" was I all I could say. "I'm going to go visit dad, ask Seth and Leah if they want to come will you" I asked Jake once he left I put my coat on, he came back shaking his head, "am I taking Harry or is he staying here with you?" I asked, "He can stay with me if you like, I want to spend some time with him anyway" I smiled it him and started to walk away only to be pulled into Jake's arms hugging me tight "be safe ok, I don't want you getting hurt" he told me, "Jake, seriously what is there to hurt me" I told him hugging him back "just don't go back to Sam please I need you here, you're my best friend Mills, I know I'm never going to be with Bella I realise that now but no matter what you always stuck by me, you're here supporting her, supporting me, hell you're even supporting the Cullen's. I can't put into words how amazing you are Mills, I love you stay safe" he said, I just squeezed him tight as I humanly could "love you too Jakey, I always am" I replied before leaving.

I made the short journey back to La Push going straight to my dad's grave "hey daddy, I miss you so much. Harry's growing up fast now he's been such a little fighter must take after you I wish he could have met you and grown up with you. There was so much you could teach him just like you did with me. I love you dad, even though I said it every day to you I don't think I told you enough, things are hard without you. You was the one I always turned to, I don't know what to do anymore I think I might need to get away for a bit when everything has calmed down here. You'd be so proud of Leah and Seth, they protect the tribe but right now they are protecting the Cullen's even if they are the 'enemy' they aren't the real enemy they are like us they have feelings they care for human life they want to protect it just like the wolves daddy. I'm going to go back home, mom isn't home so I can just sit in your chair with your checked jacket on watching all our home movies, you're always in my heart dad and I know you are with me every step of the way. I miss you" I stood back up crying, I really did miss my dad he was everything to me I was a real daddy's girl.

Instead of going straight home I decided to go and see Billy, I know he had Rachel but I missed him and wanted to check that he was ok, getting in my car I turned the engine on driving to the Black's house which was a very familiar route. I shorty arrived at the little red house that I had spent a lot of my childhood and teenage years in, climbing out the car I made my way towards to front door knocking on it before entering "Billy, its Mia" I shouted, "come in Mia, I'm just watching TV" he shouted back. Entering the living room I found Billy in his usual place, he muted to TV "what's brought you here Mia?" Billy asked me, "I went visiting dad and wanted to see you, how've you been?" I replied "I've not been too bad Mia, I've kind of been seeing someone please don't tell Jake or Rachel, I don't want them to get upset but she's been looking after me a lot since Rachel moved in with Paul" I told me, "Billy that's great that you've got someone, as long as you are happy and being looked after that is all that should matter, it's been over 10 years they can't expect you to be alone. They know that you won't forget Sarah, no one could she was an amazing woman, but I know she would want you to be happy, Billy" I supported him as long as he was happy, "Thank you, Mia that means a lot I know you looked up to Sarah and you've turned out to be a great young woman just like her" he replied making me smile when he compared me to his late wife, she really was one of my role models growing up.

"I best get back to Jake before he starts worrying, he told me to stay safe earlier all I was doing was going home for a bit, but he has finally admitted to himself that he won't be with Bella. I just hope he can imprint so he can move on and be happy like you Billy, if you ever need me you know I'm just a phone call away. Jake will be home soon, Carlisle thinks she will give birth within the next couple days, I'll see you soon Billy" I said whilst standing up and walking back towards my car "see you soon Mia, thank you for looking after Jake, he really needed you and you were always there for him" Billy said in the doorway, "I'll always be there for him Billy, I love him, he's my best friend" I replied before getting in the car waving as I drove off.


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