Part Seventeen

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Phil's P.O.V

The heat that was radiating off of Dan's being was gone, and the smell of waffles flooded my nostrils. "Daniel." I jumped out of my bed and sprinted down the hallway, whilst tugging a jumper over my head. "Hey, Phil." I was greeted by a bright flashing tree and a smiley man with a plate full of waffles. "What A great thing to see in the morning." I giggled. "Come on before they get cold." He grabbed my wrist and pushed to the sofa and placed the waffles between me and him. 

"Are you excited for Christmas tomorrow Phil?" My heart started racing and my head started spinning. If Christmas was tomorrow that means... Oh god. "Yeah," I replied with a shaking voice. "Are you okay?" He asked confusion filling his voice. "Yeah" I try to say this in a more confident voice. "Okay, I am going to shower." He doesn't sound convinced but doesn't say anything more. 

As soon as the bathroom door locked I sprinted to my bedroom and sat next to the box.  Panick was filling my being and a pain was throbbing in my head. Curling into a ball I dug my nails into my legs trying to relieve some of the pain to replace it with this. My eyes started to fill and I felt a hesitant tear drip down my sore cheek and onto my jumper sleeve. I propped myself against the wall and clenched my knees into my chest. 


"Phil, where are you, sweetie?"  Dan called from the living room. I shot up from the floor and headed towards the door. "I was in my room" I announce looping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his shoulder. "Oh Were You Filming? Did I Disturb You?" "No Dan-bear, I was just thinking." He swivelled so our noses were touching. "What About?" Planting a kiss on my lips and then staring into my eyes. "You were on my mind a lot," I exclaimed in a soothing voice. His light-hearted brown eyes crinkle at the corners sending a sweet glimmer to them. His gaze meets a level of understanding not one other person can seem to achieve. His soft hazel eyes hold more than just laughter, but understanding, and love and it was a huge accomplishment that it was me making his smile in this way.

Dan's P.O.V

 Phil was concentrating so hard. My eyes were bound to him. His sapphire eyes were locked onto the screen. The little pixel character reflected in them. HIs eyebrows narrowed as the game over launched its way across the screen. "Ugh." Phil checked the controller onto the table "I give up" he says turning to face me. My cheeks heat and this means I have started flushing. "Do you want a go?" He questioned pointing at the controller."Nah I am okay thanks, Philly." The corners of his mouth creased and joy spread onto his face. I copied his facial actions. "What do you want to do Philly?" Excitement flickered through his piercing eyes. "Can we make a fort?" "Yes Of Course." I giggled. He was so childish but I wouldn't want him any other way. "I will go get the stuff for it." He skipped off. "Do you want help?" "No Dan-bear  I am fine sweetie." He plodded back in swallowed by pillows and blankets. He plonked them on the sofa."You Ready Danny?" He asked pulling at my arm. "Yes," I ask willingly getting up.


"It looks pretty perfect to me Philip." Proud Of our effort. "Yes, but we need to go get snacks now" he replied slipping off to get changed. 

Phil's P.O.V

I pulled on some jeans and sprinted into Dan's room. "Danny are you ready?" I questioned whilst jumping on his back. we both toppled over but lay on the floor completely happy and in fits of laughter. "We need to go before shops shut." He exclaimed jumping up and holding his hands out to help me up. "Thank you," I mumbled joining him on my feet. 


"What food do you want Phil?" Dan asked grabbing a trolley. "Sweeties" My voice went quite high causing us both to giggle again. We shoved Popcorn, Chocolate, Haribo, jelly babies, wine gums, love hearts, flying saucers, skittles, cookies and fudge. We put the stuff for the dinner tomorrow in there as well and we were ready. The women behind the till looked fed up, But it was understandable I would be miserable if I had to work on Christmas eve. "£28.96" She stated in the dullest voice. "Here." Dan handed over the money which made me feel so guilty but I shrugged it off. I picked up the bags leaving two for Dan and we made our way home. 


"Let's watch a film, Danny!"  I grabbed the handset and tossed into the fort and bought all the candy we bought earlier. "Are You Ready Daniel" I echoed through the apartment. "Yeah sweetie." He replied slipping in next to me. 

Dan's P.O.V

As the film progressed the more food was disappearing, and the closer me and Phil got. My arm was draped over his shoulders and his arm was around my waist. "I love You Dan-Bear." A faint whisper rung in my ears. "I love you too Philly." His sopping dark hair bore a striking contrast with his startling cobalt eyes. I was comatose in this deep stare. "I could stay here forever." He whispered sending shivers down my spine. "I could to sweetheart."A slight smile crept onto his lips as his eyelashes flattered shut covering his mesmerising eyes. nuzzling his head into my chest he murmured "Get a good night sleep sweet-heart, good night." I planted a kiss on top of his head and whispered: "Night Philly, I can't wait to wake up because even if I dream of you the sweetest dream will never do." Before covering him in my arms and pulling the blanket over his shoulder's. 

The Love Between A Danosaur And A Philion (A Phan Story)Where stories live. Discover now