Part Sixteen

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Dan's P.O.V

"Jesus Christ!" wrapping presents is harder than I thought. Phil was wrapping his in his room. "Danny you okay sweetie?" He called through the wall. "Yeah." I chuckled at how thin our walls actually are. Mine and Phil's parents were coming down tomorrow, we planned to tell them. Phil seemed excited about it and it was exciting I was just worried about what my dad would think about it.  But we were meeting Pj and Chris later, so I will calm down. 

***27 minutes later***

Finally. I had wrapped, bagged and labelled everything.

Phil's P.O.V

I had wrapped everyone else's presents I just had Dan's left. I knew it would take me a while when I decided to wrap all the boxes individualy. A knock came from the door, I bounced off the ground and to the door. I peered my head around it, "What's up Dan." "Are you done wrapping presents I thought we could watch an episode of bake off before we met Peej and Chris." I turned back into my bedroom. "I have 7 more presents to wrap, I will be down in a minute. I pecked his cheek and he dissapered. 

Just one more I pulled it out of my coat pocket and covered it in paper. I buried it at the bottom of the masssive cardboard box containing all the maltesers and wrapped the massive box up aswell. 

Dan's P.O.V

I heard plodding coming from the hallway and I felt smile pasted onto my face. "Dan we should get ready we have to leave in twenty minutes, But we can watch tv when we get back." Phil leant forward and breathed down my neck. "Okay, it's fine." I jumped up on the couch and went into my room to get changed.

Phil ran into my room. "Are you ready?" He questioned. "Yeah Philly." He was wearing a white hoodie with red and black patterns along the top, with black skinny jeans. He was clutching two gift bags in his hands and his eyes sparkled in the usual breath-taking way. I stood up and placed my hand on his cheek. "You Know something Phil," I paused letting confusion flood his facial features "What is it Dan." He asked hurryingly. "Your eyes, They are remarkable, I could stare into them for a lifetime and want to continue." I finished by planting a kiss on his lips. When I pulled away his cheeks had rouged. I grabbed Chris and Pj's gifts of my bed and followed Phil through the appartment and the fake lit streets of London. until we were knocking on Pj's door. 

Pj's P.O.V

"Hey Guys." I chimed as I greeted them at the door. I stood the side and spread my arm out welcoming them inside. They toed of their shoes and tugged their jackets off their shoulders. We proceeded into the living room, were Chris was sat. He had laid out four cups of tea. Now for the bit I hated exchanging gifts. I handed Phil his first and the Dan. Typically me not being wrapped. They handed me and Chris two bags each. "Thankyou guys so much!" Chris blurted out as he embraced them both in an awkward three way hug. "Yeah thank you guys!" I mimicked joining the hug. 

Chris's P.O.V

Dan and Phil were nuzzeled into eachother one end of the sofa and me and Pj the other. The fact that we were all so happy at last made my cheeks heat and a smile spread across my face. Quiet mumbling was occupying one end whilst sleep filled noises were the other. Pj had fallen asleep in my arms and I had my eyes closed. "We should go." Phil whispered. Heaving his body out of Dan's arms. "Yeah, I am so happy for them too." Dan replied. Another smiled krept onto my face. There was no more talking in the appartment just Pj's whimpers in his sleep. I heard the door click as it shut. 

Phil's P.O.V

My head was dancing around. Tommorow we had to tell  our parents, Dan seemed calm but I knew inside he was worrying alot more than he seemed to be. "Dan what are we going to say tomorrow?" I stopped him in mid sentence which made him turn and look at me and he facial expression dropped from the happy to worried with in a few seconds. "I really don't know, My dad is going to hate me and I don't know how we are even going to...." I grabbed his arm and pulled him into mine  "It will be fine, I promise you sweetie."  I let him go and grabbed his hand. "It's not to late but it's okay to walk like this right?" I questioned. "Yeah." He smiled and we proceeded down the pavement.

***23 MInutes later****

We were in the elavator with our fingers still weaved together. "Phil can we go straight to bed, we have to clean the appartment before our parents come." My mouth dropped open Dan actually wanted to clean "Are you feeling ill?" I asked completely puzzeled. "No Why?" "Because you want to clean." I giggled to myself as I realised what I was saying. He giggled along with me. 

Dan's P.O.V

Phil started giggling and his tounge slipped out the side of his mouth, he is to cute but he is right I don't clean the appartment. "Yeah but it is only because the appartment is so untidy and our parents are coming." I paused and stared into his serene cyan eyes. They trully are beautiful I thought as i pulled him out of the elavator and into our flat. We were greeted by two males and two females. My heart rate increased and i quickly released Phil's hand. I started to overheat and it felt like the walls were closing in on me. I glanced at Phil, His piercing blue eyes gazed into my own and I felt myself drowing in those great sapphire lakes and a feeling of calm swept over me. "We can do this" I whispered just loud enough for Phil to hear. "Phillip sweetie how are you?" A strong northern accent spoke whilst embracing Phil in a large hug. A smile set on my lips at what Phil's mum called him. "You alright son." I looked over to the other people happily sat on our couch. "Hi Mum, Dad." I called as i walked further into the room.  I was clasped onto by my mum. "Hi" I repeated trying to wriggle free. "We will be right back." Phil announced and left the room with me following hiim by a few inches. "We will tell them after we give them their presents." He said quietly so they didn't hear him. I ran into my bedroom and grabbed two of the three bags left in the corner. "Are you ready?" I asked as I met Phil in the hallway. "Yes" He replied with confidence threading it's way into his voice. I pivited and started strolling down the hallway. "Here you go." I mummbled as I handed my parents their gifts. Phil did the same and we both sat on the floor by the tree and unwrapped ours. "Thank you guys." I chirped As I placed it down next to me and smiled at them. "No Problem Daniel." "Dad it's Dan!" I blurted. I placed my hand on top of Phil's as he thanked his parents. 

Phil's P.O.V

"So why have you guys come tonight?" I questioned trying to keep calm. "Oh Well Your Auntie is coming down tomorrow so I phoned Dan's mother and we decided tonight, but you weren't here when we arrived so I let us in with the key you gave me." My mum answered with a smile on her face. "Well we have something to tell you." Dan uttered. "Oh what is it son?" Dan's dad asked. both our parents turned their full attention on us. I heard Dan swallow and I mimicked him. Dan went to speak but a little wail came out and he covered his mouth. "Me And Dan are a couple!" I burst out. I came to relisation of what I said and I clasped on to Dan's hand. I could feel his pulse from his wrist, his heart rate had increased so fast. "You What!" Dan's dad bellowed whilst his mum clung onto his shoulder. "I think it is great." My parents said in unison. "Dan it was lovely to see you and Phil we will phone you soon dear." Dan's mum said as both his parents stood off the couch and walked out of the appartment. "What wwas that about?" My mum questioned looking puzzeled at the now empty doorway. "Don't worry about them Dan sweetie." My mum said walking over and embracing us both. I knew they wouldn't mind at all i was just nervous about Dan's parents. 

*****2 hours later******

Dan's P.O.V

"Bye Mr and Mrs Lester." I was pulled into a hug. "Bye Daniel." They both said in unison again. "Well that could have gone worse." I exclaimed looking straight into the soulful peacock blue pools that were always so alluring and bright. My hips were grabbed and he smashed his lips onto mine. "I guess, I still think your dad over reacted." Phil whispered as he pulled away leaving his forehead resting on mine. "I knew he would It is nothing new, he will be fine. Just needs time to think." I replied Placing my lips on his again. I pulled away and grabbed Phil's hand. "Come on I am shattered can we go to bed?" I had enough of being awake and wanted to escape into my dreams for a while. "Yeah come on." Phil pulled me into his room and chucked a pair of pajamas at me. "Here you go sweetie." I didn't reply I just smiled and put them on whilst Phil put a pair on. We clambered into bed and I nuzzeled into Phil's chest and fell into a deep trance as his heartbeat sang in my ears.

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