Part Fifteen

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 Phil's P.O.V

I dropped off Dan's present for the finishing touches, I headed to Tesco. Clearing the boxes and tubes of Maltesers off the shelves the total came to £35.00. This is actually perfect because Lord of the rings was £35.00. The women at the checkout gave me such strange looks as i picked up the four reusable bags containing the thirty five boxes of Maltesers.  My phone started buzzing Phil, Can we meet earlier I am done and I miss you. xxx  This was so cute we had been away from each other for about an hour and he missed me just as much as I missed him. Sure Dan where are you? xxx I couldn't wait to see him and it wouldn't be long until I could. Outside Starbucks xxx  Of course, he was. I rushed to the escalator pushing through the people. I saw him stood facing the other way so I ran up behind him and travelled my arms around his waist. He didn't panic like I had expected , he turned so he was face to face with me . "Philly!!" he wrapped me in his arms and placed a peck on my lips. Giggling I replied "You are the cutest."  I smiled and broke away from the hug. I didn't think we could do stuff like this in public incase of fans but he was open enough about it. "I had just enough time, did you have enough?" I asked Staring at him knowing I needed to pick up his extra present. "Yeah I had enough time." He hyped looking smug. "Oh okay then." repeating my giggle again, which turned into laughter. "No I think you will find that you are the cutest," Dan spoke with a proud voice, I felt my cheeks heat so I looked down and started kicking the ground. 

********46 minutes later*************

"What about this for Pj?" I was holding up a jumper that was jet black with white shapes and lines on. "That's a good idea I might get him that Zelda t-shirt," Dan exclaimed pivoting on his right foot and pointing out of the window towards the game shop opposite. "He will love it!" I said whilst turning towards the counter. "£28.90" The man behind the counter spoke, He had Blonde hair, with bright green eyes. He had ray bans balanced on his dorsum. His hair was scruffy and curly pushed to the side. I dug into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. "Here you go." The man folded the Jumper and placed it in a bag. He passed the change receipt and bag over before smiling and saying "Thankyou."  "Come on we can go and get that t-shirt from game now." we walked out of the shop and wandered over to game. It wasn't long before Dan had payed for the  for the t-shirt and we left looking aimlessly at nothing.   "I think he will love it Dan!" I annouced as we struted left towards a seat. "Good, Is That It?"Dan questioned. He looked exhausted and warn out. "Yeah we have done our parents, eachothers, Chri's and Pj's." That was it I just had to make an excuse later to come back. "Good can we get lunch now?" I had forgotten all about food because I was so caught up in christmas. "Awh yes Dan should we go home or go into a cafe?"I was begging for home but I thought I would let him decide "Lets go home and just cook a pizza or something." Pancakes was the first thing that came into my head "Yeah come on then Danosaur" I clutched all the bags I had in my hands and we waltzed our way along the strerets. 

"Dan can we walk, it is just all the bags will be crushed on the tube." I changed my neck so I was facing him. "Yeah, that is a good idea, Phil." So we proceeding ahead filling the walk with small chatter. The thing I love about this relationship is that we haven't changed we just both are a lot calmer, I suppose any one would feel calmer when they don't have to hide their emotions anymore. When they can just let them be. Just one aspect still made me weary. We still had to hide from our fans. There is no way we would tell them anytime soon. Dan's confidence seemed high but I don't think he wouldn't want to either and they would blow it all out of proportion. 

We finally reached our apartment and Dan unlocked it and toed his shoes off as he entered. I scampered into my bedroom and placed all the bags next to my bed, I slid my shoes off. "Daniel Should we make pancakes??"  my voice echoed the apartment. "Yes, we should!" A very energetic Dan came skipping into my bedroom. "Okay, lets go." I jumped onto his back and he carried me into the kitchen. I bit my lip as I rested on the tiled floor. "We don't have any flour," Dan whined as he opened the cupboard. I felt a light flash in my head. "I will go get some Danny, I won't be long I ran to my bedroom and put my shoes back on, I hid the presents just incase and ran back to the kitchen. "I will back before you know it!" I kissed Dan's cheek and ran out of the apartment slamming the door behind me.

Keeping at a constant pace I was on my way to pick up the final touches of his present. 

***23 minutes later***

"Hello, that will be £1.30 please." I handed over the money and picked up the flour.  I felt my pocket to make sure nothing had fallen, I started jogging back the apartment.

Dan's P.O.V

I sat scrolling through my dash. Okay, what I was really doing was holding the arrows down my mind was wondering off into its own little world. I decided I would go get into my pyjamas, we were not planning on going anywhere and skinny jeans are so uncomfortable after hours. I scampered into my bedroom and slid into my burgundy track suit bottoms. Leaving my hello kitty socks and woolly jumper on. I heard Phil stumble into the apartment and I felt a smile creep onto my lips "Daniel I Am Home!" He cheered from the kitchen. I hopped through the hallway to come face to face with Phil. I sealed my arms around his waist, "Philip time for pancakes!" I chanted. I felt my face light up. "I will be right back." He burst out of the hug and skittered into his bedroom. Why was he being so secretive all of a sudden? I just shrugged it off and wandered into the kitchen hoping that baking would brighten Phil up.

Phil's P.O.V

After Shutting the door and hearing it clink into the frame I unzipped my pocket and opened the top draw this was full of paper etc so I knew Dan wouldn't go in there. I buried his final gift under a stack of paper and I stuck a fluorescent yellow sticky not on top so I wouldn't forget which one it was under. I slipped on my black tracksuit bottoms and ran into the kitchen. I was really hungry and Dan's pancakes are the best, so I couldn't wait!

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