Part Five

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Dan's P.O.V

The fireworks went off again, did he just say that he loved me and then kiss me again. We parted leaving our foreheads leaning against each other. He was smiling like a hyena and I was too. I pulled away as a growl came from my stomach, blushing I said: "oh whats for dinner Phil?" Phil giggled quietly and went to the kitchen, with me following him by three inches, "Dan you don't have to stand so close to me you know I am not going anywhere special, anyway, we can have Mexican?" "Fajita's?" I asked excitedly. "Yes Dan, but will you get some soy sauce we ran out?" he pouted. [adorable like normal] "I guess so I will be right back done we need anything else?" scrambling to put my shoes on I looked up to find Phil standing directly over me. "No baby, but can I ask you something and you can think about it on the way to the shop?" he asked smiling nervously. "Sure what?" "Will you. um will you be my boyfriend." he seemed to twitch at the word 'boyfriend' and then I thought back to when we were getting to know each other.... he said that people used to punch and bully him it must have something to do with this. With that, I kissed his forehead and I left. 

Phil's P.O.V

He just left, I am worried what if he says no, he won't will he, no Phil calm down start to cook the food he will be back.

Dan's P.O.V

This is the happiest I had been in ages, I looked down at my hand to see the shaky writing of Roisin and Alice they were sweet I will follow them when I get home. After purchasing the soy sauce I started my Journey back to the flat. I know I would say yes, I had been wanting this for a long time so I didn't need to think I just wanted to make him wait. At that moment it started to rain pretty hard so I started running as fast as I could back to our apartment. 

I got in drenched it turns out it was getting a lot heavier as I carried on. My hair was dripping and started to curl. "Phil?" I called out as I couldn't hear anything. I started to move my soggy body further into the apartment when all of a sudden a slim ebony haired man slid around the corner looking more scared than ever until he saw my hair which made him smile [it was very adorable] "It's not funny!" I said whilst squelching closer to him, "No it isn't funny it is cute soo?" "Phil, really you have to ask, oh dear, Of course, I will you idiot I love you Philip Lester." wrapping my arms around him to reveal my soaked body. "Dan.," he whined putting his arms around my waist. Then something happened. 

Phil's P.O.V

I put my hands around Dan's waist, well I needed to get him back so pressed a pressure point on his back making him crumble to the floor, sitting on his belly I started to tickle his sides. He let out little girly shrieks and gasps "Philly, please.... stop.." he let out in between giggles. "Ok, but only because the chicken might burn." I exclaimed kissing him on the head. "go get changed and can you grab me a new shirt this one is wet now." "ok and Yeah." I heard the door shut behind him and  I let out a sigh of relief happy that he said yes. 

The food was ready and after we changed, we just snuggled close under a blanket and watched High School Musical [again] Dan was dancing like an idiot to most of the songs whilst I just sang along. [i am terrible at singing but I didn't care anymore] Suddenly Dan jumped up said: "oh I need my laptop be right back." "Dannnn, really can you not wait, I just got comfy." "Sorry Philip, but no, do you want yours?" "I guess" I was quite annoyed that he did go but I spouse I hadn't been on it for about 3 days. About 4 minutes later he popped back holding 1 laptop under each arm, on clean the other decorated with stickers. [My one] He handed it to me with a cute little grin "thankyou hunny." I said as I reached and up and took it out of his hands. 

Dan's P.O.V

I cuddled back under the blanket and went into my browsing position I checked my twitter remembering to follow Roisin and Alice as I did I also direct messaged them I got a little worried about one of them. I got bored after reblogging some pictures on Tumblr. Placing my laptop on the coffee table I pushed my head onto Phil's chest, I could hear his heartbeat and it was soothing. "Oh, now you want to do you?" A voice above me spoke. I looked  and blushed, "we don't have to if you are too busy." I replied whilst twiddling my thumbs. "Awh don't be stupid," he places his laptop down and opened his arms and I landed in between them without hesitation. "Phil those girls earlier..." "Dan they will be fine, don't worry, why are you thinking of them so much any way you never really talk about fans we meet so what is so special about these ones?" he questioned, I hugged him tighter. "Phil, her arms they were covered in them I didn't notice at first but when I did I couldn't get them out my mind those two look close really close, and I need to talk to one about the other, I don't think she meant for anyone to see because she started to pull her sleeves over her hands, it was boiling Phil that is why she was wearing a jumper." "Dan I bet lots of people do it lots of our fans." "Phil you don't understand these ones are different I don't know why yet but they are." "Okk. Dan I will support you I love you sweet but I am shattered I am going to bed." "I love you too and I think I will go to bed too, night sweet," I exclaimed I kissed his cheek and carried on walking to my bedroom.

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