Part Two

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[     ]-Internial Monologue

Dan P.O.V

As we ordered our drinks (takeaway) I kept on glancing at the gentle hands that sat by my thigh, thinking how much I just wanted to hold them and never let go. STOP!! Dan that is wrong he isn't even gay, is he? As we left we started to wander towards the tube as we pushed our way through the crowds trying not to spill the drinks we finally got to a bench before the train came into the station. All of this was done in silence with maybe one or two-word exchanges toward each other or a slight giggle but no more. I had to break the silence somehow it was too awkward without talking; so I said this "What a...." I was interrupted by a screaming fan. "AGGGHHH Oh my god it's Dan and Phil, Hi!" I glanced at Phil who was scratching his head awkwardly " Dan?" He turned to me "Hi" I said smiling. "Please can I have a picture?" the hope in her eyes only someone without a heart could have said no so we both stood up wrapped one arm around the small brunette girl with dazzling green eyes and smiled, with that she left. That's when we clambered onto the tube becoming like sardines in a can.


26 minutes later

Phil P.O.V

We were almost at the station where we had to get off all I could see was Dan being crushed in between other people that were barging and pushing him as they moved. I could feel my face heat up which meant my cheeks were going red. Pushing through the crowd I grabbed Dan's arm and pulled him off the train.[I saw him struggling] We started our way to the zoo I could tell it was going to be an amazing day. [I was also so happy that it was just going to be me and dan.]

Dan's P.OV

As we approached the entrance I tripped and in desperation to stop myself falling I latched onto Phil's pale arm, asking if I was ok he steadied me. Shaking it off  I promptly let go of his arm and gently nodded. We stood still for an awkward moment before proceeding to the entrance. Quickly paying for the tickets we collected the maps and tickets, we rushed through the barriers and started off in the direction of the llamas, glancing at the other animals as we strolled past. Spending around twenty-five minutes at the llama enclosure before heading on to look at the lions. After a while, we left the enclosure thinking we could grab a bite to eat at the cafe opposite.

As we entered the cafe we read the menu board. The cafe had a few scattered customers but was mostly quiet, this made it easy to find the perfect table. The table was circular and in a little alcove with a large window. [we could see the llama's!] After a few mouthful's Phil looked up  "Do you want to go to see the Flamingo's after this?" he said staring at me with his piercing topaz eyes, "Urmm yeah that would be great." I replied smiling. After finishing we disposed of our rubbish and exited the cafe, ready to see the flamingoes.

The Love Between A Danosaur And A Philion (A Phan Story)Where stories live. Discover now