Part Nine

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Pj's P.O.V

What have I done? I have lost everything, It is all my fault, Why do I always hurt others. I grabbed it from the under the soap bottle that no one touched and was about to dig it into my exposed arm when a loud banging echoed from the front door. I froze... Maybe they will think I have gone out. I got closer and closer to my arm as I heard the door swing open and a brunette boy was stood his eyes widened and his jaw dropped, his hand now shielded it. His eyes sparkled with fresh tears and stood behind him was an ebony boy that duplicated his actions. "PEEJ STOP!" By this time they had levelled with me, Dan had embraced me into a hug on my left with Phil on my right. Dan grabbed hold of my right wrist causing me to drop it. Clinking on the tiles as hit the floor. I just sat and wept into Dan's shoulder knowing I couldn't get too close to Phil, I couldn't upset Dan not again. 

Dan's P.O.V

Phil jumped up and strolled out the bathroom, I could hear the Kettle grumbling in the kitchen. I just knelt next to Peej holding him. I glanced at his arms and realised the scars running up both arms. Why had he done this to himself? He always seemed the happiest. I Pulled the sleeves of his woollen jumper over his paled arms and grabbed his hand pulling him up. I led him through and sat him gently on the corner of the couch. A gentle knock rang through the apartment Phil slowly managed his way through to the living room juggling 4 cups of tea. and then jogged over to the door and returned with a chicken brunette behind him. 

Chris's P.O.V

 I picked up the phone to be greeted by an upset Phil, then by the words I never wanted to hear "Chris get here now we are at Pj's, we found him holding a blade to his wrist HURRY!" The thought about what happened last night was pushed out of my head and the thought was now on Peej, I knew he was safe with Dan and Phil but I needed to see him for myself. I rushed just grabbing my keys, wallet and sliding my shoes on. I found my self-darting to Pj's flat pretty proud I was actually running again! I found myself knocking on the door within 10 minutes panting to get my breath back. It was reassuring when Phil answered the door but he was not who I wanted to see. I walked cautiously behind Phil as all the memories of last night came flooding into my head. It was obvious Phil had been crying because he pale skin was contrasted with bright red bags under his eyes. Dan had been crying to his eyes were bloodshot. Pj turned around he looks a state he as crying he wasn't dressed, it looked like he hadn't slept and red blotches were leaking on his jumper sleeve. "Didn't you stop him!" realising how loud I was when Dan and Phil scowled at me. "Of course we did why did yo....." he glanced at Peej's arm and sprinted towards the kitchen and was back with a wet cloth within 32 seconds. he gently rolled up Pj's sleeves and applied the wet cloth with pressure Pj winced at the pain but Dan was gripping his hand with his free hand. "Phil, how does he know so much about this I wouldn't have a clue." Phil looked just as confused as me "I don't know" he breathed back. Dan had bandaged and cleaned Pj's arm. and kissed his forehead. Phil jerked his head down, I grabbed his wrist signalling for him to stay strong. 

Phil P.O.V

I can't believe Pj does that and he hasn't told one of us, Dan and him were on the sofa and I and Chris were over by the door still. I had jerked my head down, was it stupid I couldn't stand to look at Dan even touch another person without feeling jealous? Wandering over his pulled a sad smile at me before placing the cloth in the black bag by my feet. "Pj phone me if you need anything at all, me and Phil will leave you two to talk," Dan stated before grabbing my hand and leading us out of the apartment, leaving them alone.

Chris's P.O.V

I paced over to were Peej was curled up on the sofa and sat next to him. Still, in shock, the only thing I managed to say was "Why?!" Glancing at me I realised how terrible the man before looked hos perfect hair was a mess, his perfect smile was not showing, his perfect shimmer in his eyes had cracked and faded. "Chris, I can't do it, I just can't Yesterday I did feel something but I am not sure what, I was sure I loved Phil but when that happened I doubted it, but I ruined it and I upset you and I upset Dan and Phil and I couldn't take it I am so sorry please forgive me I don't know what I would do without you guys!" I pulled him into my chest "Pj don't worry we are the fantastic foursome, we will stand together." He looked up and the sparkle had returned to his eyes making me grin "Good." He replied before once again closing the gap between us and bringing our lips together. I hesitantly pulled away "Pj, what are you doing, yesterday you said it was a mistake and today you kiss me again are you toying with my emotions please I need to know how you feel!" I couldn't take it anymore I needed to know. "Chris when we kiss, the sparklers go off in my stomach, wow that sounds cheesy." He wiped his cheeks dry and giggled to himself. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, Finally, i could be happy. "Really...??" I asked still in trauma. "Yes, you idiot!" He jumped on me pushing my back to the sofa and travelled his arms around neck, finally fate was my friend.

Pj's P.O.V

Finally I wasn't confused anymore I knew my true feelings even if I wasn't 100% about them I was more than 70 and I could learn to love him it isn't like I could have Phil so I can stop loving Phil and love Chris, everyone is happy that way and I should be too.

Dan's P.O.V

I enjoyed the silent walk home, Phil looked like he was holding something back but I didn't want to ask him anything in public, in case it was private. From behind a faint voice shouted the word "FAGS!" I just tightened my grip on Phil's hand until the word was shouted again "FAGS!" I turned Phil spinning next to me. "I am sorry but if you have a problem keep it to yourself, I am allowed to love whoever I want to if it is a man or a woman it doesn't matter stop being so crude!" I turned and carried my stroll along the pathway proudly holding Phil's hand. we reached our apartment building and jumped in the lift. I started to get concerned Phil hadn't said a word since we left Pj's flat. "Phil, you ok sweetie?" worry filling my words. "Huh, yeah...... Dan?" "Yeah, Philly." "How did you do all that and stay so calm, how did you not get upset, how did you know how to treat it, how....." I interrupted him I couldn't handle so many questions."Phil... Why so many questions? I stayed calm because it needed cleaning, I was upset so upset but I was concentrating. ok?" "So how did you know it all Dan?" What I thought I made it obvious I hated the subject the fact that I had been through it personally made me feel sick. I tightened my grip on Phil's hand squeezing letting him know this was hard for me. "Phil I will tell you-you do deserve to know you are my boyfriend...Years ago when I was 18 I used to self-harm that was when I first liked you I found myself disgusting for liking you, I couldn't believe it when we became close I stopped when we became closer because I didn't want you finding it out, I threw out my blades every time I felt like I need to I drew on myself it let out some pain but not all, we moved in together and I didn't feel any more pain because I felt safe knowing you were there in the exact same place as me all the time, when I found out you felt the same I was overjoyed, I am so sorry you didn't find out sooner, I love you so much, Please don't be mad." 

Phil's P.O.V

Wow, that was a lot of information to obtain in a matter of minutes the elevator doors slid open and Dan was cowering in the corner. I brushed his hair out of his eyes. "I couldn't be mad at Daniel Howell." I smiled and the shrunken man rose and smiled. He clutched onto my back and we went into the apartment. Dan kept over to the couch and cuddled into the corner with his laptop."I take it you don't want to go back out then Danny." I started chuckling. He shocks his head like a kid and carried on gazing into his laptop screen his fingers typing furiously at the keyboard, "Take it easy dan-bear, do you want some hot chocolate?" His face lit up, "Yes please Philly." I just smiled and went to make it." Pour the mil the powder and in the microwave. "It's in Daniel." no answer came "Danny"......."Dan?" I went around the corner to see Dan with tears spilling out his eyes. I grabbed his laptop before it plummets to the floor and glance at the screen, those girls. "They replied huh?" he nodded unable to speak through the tears. "What did they say is it that bad?" I asked unsure what answer awaited me, He just pointed at the laptop that was sat on the coffee table in front of him. I scrolled through the chat, and I understood why Dan was crying I wanted to cry but I had to stay strong for Dan. I pulled him by the string on his hide and cuddled him until his crying stopped and turned to whimpers. A crackly voice spoke from his perfect little lips "Thank you, Phil, I love you." "I love you too Danny." I disentangled my arms and disappeared into the kitchen I pulled the two cups containing a chocolaty dream out and stirred the two cups before carrying them in. Dan thanked me for it as he sipped away. 

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