Part Eight

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Pj's P.O.V

Wh..what? Did he just say that? "Chris.. you what?" I wasn't sure if this was a dream or if this was real. "Urmm. never mind." He turned around with his head hanging low. I felt guilty for my next action. I grabbed his wrist and spun him around and placed my lips on his. Why did I do that? Was I that stupid? Yes.... Yes, I was. This must have killed his insides but I did feel something I am not sure what, but I was still 'in love' with Phil and I don't think Chris could change that! I pulled away placing my hand over my mouth. He started turning a shade of pink he only occasionally turned. I regretted it straight away. "This was a mistake, Chris, sorry.." Breaking the silence that covered the room. "I...I understand I should go I have stuff to.." He didn't finish the sentence he just left, without another word escaping his lips.

Chris's P.O.V

I couldn't stay there any longer I felt my cheeks get hot and tears welling in my eyes as he said those words 'This was a mistake, Chris.' Now I knew he wasn't straight but I didn't know if he was gay. I ran and ran until I ended up at Dan and Phil's flat again I really needed someone to talk to and this time Pj was not the answer. Dan answered the door "Chris...what's up." he looked surprised but I just leapt on him wrapping my arms around his kneck I only wanting comforting.

Phil's P.O.V

I didn't know who was at the door but I knew Dan was in a hurry to answer it, I thought he was ill what is going on? By the time I got to the door Dan had his arms snaked round Chris who's face was red and swollen, his eyes were bloodshot and he looked a mess. "Dan whats wrong with him." I whispered hoping  Chris didn't hear me... "i don't know." Dan lipped back. I walked up and rested my hand on Chris's shoulder. "Want to sit down and talk?" I asked. I couldnt take the silence any longer it was over whelming. Chris unravelled himself from Dan and dropped on to the floor. His breathing was heavy, maybe he ran here, why was he crying. I looked at Dan and grabbed his hand before sinking to Chris's height. Chris glanced at our hands and burst into tears. They were dripping down his his sore red cheeks and onto his jeans, it didnt looked like he cared. Dan withdrew his hand from mine leaving mine to sag to the floor. I was a little hurt by his actions but I understood. "Chris want to talk to us, what happened?" Dan spoke calmly and slowly to make sure that Chris heard and understood every word. "'s Pj," wailing Chris finally spoke. I noticed Dan seemed to scowl at 'Pj' was that why he was acting weird? I had to ask him but we had to sort out Chris first. "what about him?" I pushed in. It probably sounded rude but my head was full of different things all mixing together like a brownie mix. "I let him know how i feel." By this point he had stopped crying but it was more like a wimper than a voice. "He kissed me, it gave me hope, alot of it I thought maybe just maybe he liked me back. But he said it was a mistake." One more tear escaped his eye until he continued "I just want to be able to hug him, to kiss him, to have a perfect relationship with him, like... well like you and Dan." This made me smile I couldnt help it he thought we were a perfect couple. "But he doesnt like me, he likes you Phil I know it the way he looks at you like he needs you to bring happiness to his life, his eyes they shine more when you are near him, why can't they do that when he is with me? Am I that Inperfect?" Dan had frozen all emotion had slid from his perfect little face and for once I couldn't read what he was thinking. I was shocked, Peej 'liked' me No he couldn't it didn't matter I loved Dan more than anyone more than my mother infact, I wouldn't ever want to change that. 

Dan's P.O.V            

WHAT?! No I only thought it but now i knew Pj 'liked' Phil, my Phil. I could feel my heart being ripped in my chest. What if Phil left me for him, I couldn't live without Phil, I wouldn't be able to survive,not even a week. I knew this because when he went round Europe for those three days I was upset, to upset to even leave the house, and the day he came home I waited up until five am just to see his beautiful blue eyes, his straight black hair... just to see him! I knew I couldn't do it with out him I couldn't continue living. As all these thoughts were being whirled around in my head I must have let some tears drip because my cheeks had started to become soggy I felt Phil place his soft pale  hand on mine. "NO CHRIS." I screamed making all three of us jump. "w...what?" He asked mumbling still "You are not imperfect and if Pj doesn't realise how amazing you truly are then he is the stupid one not you." I tried to act strong to show Chris to be strong but it was to hard and tears were still dripping down my face. "I think you need to talk to him though Chris, it might be  a different reason." Phil interjected, he gave Chris a weak smile and started tracing circles on my dorsum. ///AN A dorsum is the bit of your hand that isn't your palm( according to google)///   "Your right Phil, I will but tomorrow it is almost 11, I should go, thanks guys i will see you tomorrow." "Bye Chris." we both replied. Silence stalked the room. Phil yanked at my wrist. but i sank in the carpet more, I couldn't help it I didn't feel like moving.  "Dan what is is, come on I want to go to bed!" "Then go." I whispered back to him. Shock,sadness and dissapointment were slapped on his face and I instantly felt bad but I continued my gaze on the floor. "Dan, I want you to come with me." he whined whilst kneeling infront of me and letting my wrist float to the floor. "I can't phil." I leant against the wall the shock and the pain were ripping up my insides and tossing them around like paper balls, and my cheeks started dampening again, telling me I was crying,he placedhis hands on my cheeks using his thumbs to wipe away my tears. "Danny don't cry, please tell me what is up, and i know you arent ill!" he pulled me into a hug and i whimpered onto his shoulder for a couple of minutes before sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Danny?" he nagged again. "Phil...promise me something, promise you will never leave,Not for Pj not for no one!"

Phil's P.O.V

Was he that much of an idiot? I would never want to leave him. "Dan, I wouldn't want to get out of your bed in the morning if I couldn't see your face, I will never leave you I promise." A grin was smacked onto his watery face, "I love you, Philip." He notified before pouncing on me tackling me to the floor. "This takes me back,"I exclaimed giggling referring to the 'Phil is not on fire' video He giggled which showed he obviously knew what I meant. "Dan, I love you and all but please can we go to bed now?" I pouted hoping it would help him make his mind towards yes. "I guess so..." he lifted himself off me and strolled into the kitchen. I scuttled into my bedroom and slid on my superman pyjamas. Dan poked his head round the door as I was tugging a loose t-shirt over my head, "Oh sorry." He gasped pulling away blushing. "Awh don't be the sweetie." He started to turn out the door so I blurted out "can you stay in here tonight please?" The next thing I knew I was lying with my head on Dan's chest just listening to his faint heart beat in my ear. I gently fell into a sleep filled night.

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